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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10973953 No.10973953 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any worst type of wage cuck than landscapers they are always shitting up gas stations and traffic and just a eyesore in general

I fucking hate them so dam much

>> No.10973965

same OP. I fucking hate seeing them. scumbags, the whole lot of them

>> No.10974054
File: 100 KB, 278x181, 552343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate construction niggers more than anything

>> No.10974063



>> No.10974064

You're just a racist.
*sips tea as Paco, Pedro, and Pablo trim my hedges*
Aaaah, yes, the comforts of being Californian.

>> No.10974086
File: 2.85 MB, 2400x1350, 3453453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and semis too fuck those guys hogging the freeway and shit

>> No.10974107

Road closures on roads and causing shitloads of traffic over fixing miniscule shit that no one cares about. I want to do this at every construction nigger's work site


>> No.10974474


>> No.10974493

soon my self driving mower will render these serfs obsolete

>> No.10974540

Construction engineer here.

You are the fagggiest brainlet I’ve ever seen

>> No.10974568

this i fucking hate semi niggers

>> No.10974577
File: 280 KB, 775x528, 289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Construction engineer degree just to fix a stupid pothole

Kill yourself you useless sack of shit

>> No.10974616

Lmao so go fuck yourself useless piece of shit..you guys ALWAYS fuck something up ALWAYS..contruction engineer lmfao more like 7 year old lego builder nigga gets paid to point fingers and draw lines lmao nigga contruction engineer hahahahahh nigga wears a hard hat but never lifts a finger hahahahhah literally all you guys do is fuck shit up nigga

>> No.10974643
File: 60 KB, 430x215, 4344312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmfao more like 7 year old lego builder nigga gets paid to point fingers and draw lines lmao nigga

omg my sides

>> No.10974654

holy shit i didnt know there are so many manchildren that blame traffic jams to construction workers

>> No.10974662

Super jej

>> No.10974683

Look bitch. You sound either underage or ignorant. At least you know nothing about how the world you live in works.

1. The city council or whatever passes for it in your shithole country plans the entire job, includibg dates and location. They they (usually) accept the lowest bidder. Since you’re living in a developing country your crappy city can probably only afford niggers.

2. The water in your shed of a house and the electricity which powers your windows 95 computer requires a working infrastructure. This infrastructure is all in the ground.

3. I make $8k a month, after 35% tax.

>> No.10974730
File: 61 KB, 227x222, 4543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>triggered lego builder justifying his meme degree

>> No.10974746

27 year old, highly paid lego builder. Holding 200k Link.

I fucking love my life

>> No.10974749

>uneducated slob detected

>> No.10974755

>3. I make $8k a month, after 35% tax.
no you dont lol

>> No.10974770

>nobody gets the reference

>> No.10974811
File: 67 KB, 224x225, 324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holding 200k link

Holy shit so I guess it's true. Lego builders are REALLY that dumb

>mfw this retard is the one in charge of "fixing shit that doesn't need fixing"

>> No.10974817

Engineer with project manager salary in Norway is around 700-800.000 NOK at start, increasing with age/experience. This is around 95k USD/year. I get 15% addition for working away from home 2-3 days/week.

Look it up if you doubt me, I’m a little underpaid actually

>> No.10974857

>lowest bidder
>$8k a month, after 35% tax.
Good thing you are the major's nephew and it doesn't apply to you. Must be nice to use your meme degree while the rest of your class wait tables.

>> No.10974873

>I’m a little underpaid actually

More like unemployed

>> No.10974903

Why so hostile? Just hold link and we’ll all be mayors together.

Petroleum engineers in my country make 120k/year fresh from school. It’s all about supply/demand & country wealth. Also the jews aren’t really in charge here

>> No.10974925

Who's holding the camera in that pic?

>> No.10974936

that's $5900/month after 35% tax

>> No.10974943


>Brags about how much he's getting paid than bragging about how much he's done to fix the roads

Civil engineers proving once again how utterly useless they are.

>> No.10974988
File: 385 KB, 600x603, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means he's only making 70k a year
HOLY SHIT how pathetic.

>> No.10974989

If you’re gonna wage cuck as a young man without any experience, definitely do landscaping.

>get shredded
>drive a big ass truck
>chicks think you’re hot as fuck
>clean the earth
>smoke herb

It was by far the best job I’ve had. I’m a teacher now, but I miss being out in nature, trimming bushes in a warm sun, checking out babes with my buddies, laughing at niggers, peeling through the city in our trucks and smoking herb. Fuck you yuppie faggots

>> No.10975022

4 years experience, ~+3%/year, +15%, which is 7500. Sry I overestimated

>> No.10975065

>Sry I overestimated
>I actually don't have a job im still in school studying for my useless degree xDDD

>> No.10975066

This is 100% accurate. We rent strippers for them when they’ve done a good job

>> No.10975117

Crackers literally doing beaner work...KEK. Let’s be honest, I have never met a girl who thought a lifted truck was attractive whatsoever.

>> No.10975210

Maybe if she's a crackhead

>> No.10975275

>spaghetti armed faggots in denial

If you looked half as manly as I do and we’re liftng hundreds of pounds over your head, you bet your gf is getting wet watching me

>> No.10975290

t. Very smart but just lazy

>> No.10975357

>Still a virgin

>> No.10975515

Holy FUCK. No wonder /biz/ loses money, you are all such fucking brainlets. Construction is literally top tier unskilled labor. You get to be out and about like nature intended, get swole, shoot the shit with your bros, and ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE to society with concrete (literally) results that last for generations. And pay is not that bad. I would do it myself but I'm a skinny beaner.

>> No.10975860

>but I'm a skinny beaner.

Opinion discarded

>> No.10975910

Sales people and lawyers are the scum of the earth.