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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10971291 No.10971291 [Reply] [Original]

tfw no one on /biz/ knows what theyre talking about in regards to anything /biz/ related

>> No.10971374

>trying to find a nugget of information in a waste treatment plant

>> No.10971388

All the smart money completely left in march

>> No.10971390

Honestly, can you name a better place for crypto discussion? It's not like crypto subreddits or bitcointalk are any more intelligent.

>> No.10971397

It feels like it. /biz/ feels like a wasteland now.

>> No.10971415

biz actually used to be a place for intelligent discussion of up and coming cryptos and market predictions. then the bullrun happened and this board got FLOODED with normies, niggers, and pajeets. when the dump happened everyone eventually moved on. now its just a handful of people like me left behind wondering where the hell the rest of the intelligent posters went.

>> No.10971440

The pajeets were always here

>> No.10971445

there's nothing to post about anymore, board is clogged by hyper autistic linkies and zero effort shills, there's no value

>> No.10971471

There are many brainlets here but there are also several VERY large whales. You sound like a new fag not knowing this.

>> No.10971507

pajeets were always here but they werent always constantly shilling their shit.
theres always a lull in the boards activity during a bear market.

Also I would like to add, in late 2016 when I started getting into crypto everyone seemed excited and in waiting for the bullrun, well now it happened and it seems like im the only asshole who didnt cash out.

>> No.10971539

yeah i was still fairly well capitulated from the 18 months of blood after gox, merely by chance returned just in time for 2017 to enjoy the nocoiners being BTFO

>> No.10971558
File: 23 KB, 474x460, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

f-fuck you

>> No.10971595

retarded. go buy any micro cap piece of shit if you want the same experience. i fomod in late after it already mooned to $1000 and ended up down 80% money with 0% hope of making it left. nobody fucking expected 2017, that was not the way it was supposed to happen.

>> No.10971623

I honestly think there needs to be an exclusive message board where u have to prove u own say 30btc to join
and can be kicked off permanently if you talk like a fucking pajeet.

>> No.10971632

>Everyone else is wrong and I am right, I will not present my own viewpoints to be countered but will merely attack everyone else for theirs.

Pretty C U C K mentality OP.

>> No.10971639

Pajeet shills these whale groups all the time, but most of the smart goys don't have 30BTC because they cashed out in December anyway, those big blockfolios left here a long time ago. I always wanted to know what happened to that absolute madman with millions in sia