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10962005 No.10962005 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, are we still early adopters or not?
Hard to believe we are when people like pic rel are in the game

>> No.10962012

Everyone can play the game faggot

>> No.10962058

when you are a faggot nigger bitch that will do anything for attention you go after the most edgy interesting things


those things have to be normie/looser relatable so the losers that watch them can relate to them ((erc20)) ((xrp)) ((gainz))

mclaren p1, gucci gang

in short yes

>> No.10962060

People buying after the bull run of 2017 are not early adopters, although these levels are not unattractive if you buy quality coins with actual use cases.

The thing is when lightning network approaches and Bitcoin crosses 10K, people will probably go crazy and we'll see another bull run. This time though, Bitcoin will be listed on Robinhood, and on the NASDAQ, so normies and institutions will be able to trade it. Don't underestimate the power of accessibility.

>> No.10962062
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yes but OP is asking if we are still early to the game, (your not) pic related.

>> No.10962077

If you bought 8 years ago you were an early adopter.

>> No.10962092
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meme more

>> No.10962106

I'm sure people who entered in 2015 felt that after the great bubble of 2014, they were not in fact early for anything

>> No.10962125

we are so early, most products don't even have half their features

>> No.10962136

that chart doesnt make your case bullish you fucking retard. it says that even if you are an early adopter, and this thing does indeed take of, we will never see those ATH highs again

>> No.10962157

Piece of shit nocoiners come out when the price drops, almost appears coordinated.
Go suck on your slave masters cocks some more, we aren't even past innovation. This is going to eat the world you unimaginative cockgobblers.

>> No.10962161


>> No.10962165

The total amount of USD dollars in circulation is 1.5T.
The amount on cryptocurrency is 2.4B.
that's almost 15% that means that NO, we are NOT early adopters.

>> No.10962169

If you buy link you can still be an early adopter

>> No.10962178

>past innovation
>pornhub literally accepts a shitcoin that doesnt even work properly and has been hacked several times, verge.

>> No.10962180

we might see then just after the commies win the house

>> No.10962192

>he thinks marketcap is all the money invested

>> No.10962236
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Can't hear you, maybe if you adjusted that fat cock in your mouth I could make out the half formed thoughts that have been implanted in your sad excuse for a brain. Pic related.

>> No.10962279

kek. funny how bagholder's only way to cope is to insult the person telling them everything is overvalued and that they are late adopters instead of actually providing a fundamental argument

>> No.10962319

What does the price dropping have anything to do with what I said? If you weren’t buying bitcoins for dirt cheap then you’re not an early adopter.
You’re right, they weren’t early for anything. Because they’re not early adopters either.

>> No.10962323
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the universal anime needs comedy desu

>> No.10962338

Most people from 2015 have 100x'd or 1000x'd their stack. That's early enough for me.

>> No.10962363

These guys are monetizing Bitcoin. I wouldnt be surprised if they were on TV the next bullrun. Normie allies.
Even if bitcone goes to shit, things will go well for them

>> No.10962410

I try not to acknowledge nocoiner fucktards. You seriously need me to point out how most products are in beta, if they are even released? You want me to spoon feed you what happens with the next evolution of exponential compute power? Want me to draw out fog computing abstractions and show you coins achieving them?
Fuck you I won't think for you and I'm not trying to sell you anything. When you miss out, it will be because a large filter is running over society, selecting the imaginative ones who can think independently. You will be on the other side, fighting for whatever scraps your slave masters will give you.
Fuck you both.

>> No.10962496

pic related made more money from the internet than you ever will
what makes you think you're not the one that signals late entry, poorfag?

>> No.10962562

>most products are in beta, if they are even released?
the only problem is, you fucking retard, the coins that got all of the money arent the ones with the best devs or the ones with the smartest teams. they are the ones who marketed the best. see;
do you seriously think these coins are going to "disrupt the future bro!". meanwhile, bitcoin got fucked in december, because despite 4 years discussion and debate on the topic, the retarded devs still couldnt scale and left users with $50 tx. fees.

the fact that you think your an early adopter when katy perry, kim kardashian, floyd mayweather, mike tyson, eminem and a bunch of other ecelebs are shilling crypto is fucking delusional. kys

>> No.10962627

Each of these coins is unique and has large dev teams. And yes, I think cryptoeconomics will 'disrupt the future'.
The crypto selector chooses many people. Some see it, and some just rage as they fail yet another test.

>> No.10962687

where did the niggers steal those semi-light eyes?

>> No.10962744

shill me your picks

>> No.10962759

>Each of these coins is unique and has large dev teams
your fucking delusional.
vechain - 101 privatised nodes. i think 2 have been disclosed lmfao. wut.jpg
has been hacked like 3 times because of retarded dev
oh my fuck. this is literally 10x worse than veshit. if i even have to explain this to you, your a brainlet
fork of eth. claims to have their own VM... is just the EVM... dpos but unironically even more centralised than eos because you have to ask tron for permission to even compete to become a BP
has 7 nodes that are validating transactions... despite this, still cant scale past something like 20tps and has had a crashed network multiple times during ico's
using utxo instead of account based model. literally why. eth uses account based model and completely redsigned the architecture because thats how smart contracts work the most efficiently
fucking hell. centralised as shit as well. also asked to see documentation on smart contracts. "devs" literally replied "what is documentation" (hint about this one; the guys that developed "the loop" were outsourced and left to work on another project. i think yggdrdash or something)

funny how you call me a nocoiner when i can almost guarantee i have been in this space 3x longer than you. "muh teams" are another centralised point of failure. the only coins that actually have 3rd party developers working on them are bitcoin, ethereum and eos.

the entire space is overvalued. you are a late adopter. deal with it.

>> No.10962787

>you are a late adopter
>describes beta product issues
Cool. Been here since 2011 but continue replying to yourself.

>> No.10962823

>>describes beta product issues
these are funamental protocol issues. they dont just "get fixed". the fact that you refer to the coins as "products" makes it fucking obvious that you clearly havent been here since 2011.

>> No.10962864
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Damn, these are some good points as well. I am enjoying this debate.

>> No.10962905

They are products and are finding product market fit, with market forces differentiating.
I don't need to prove shit to you.

>> No.10963727

Redpilled af
Shill me your bags anon