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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10958018 No.10958018 [Reply] [Original]

I'm out. Fuck ya'll. Shilling 24/7 now all you disappear leaving me with the bag. Double fuck ya'll.

>> No.10958111
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it will be back, relax

>> No.10958128

One more for the giggles

>> No.10958135

These pump and dump shills are getting better.

Before, they would just shill shill still and try to get you to buy the top. Then disappear.

Now they hang around a.bit and try to tell you that you did good by buying their bags. Wow.

I hold a small amount of hot and just got a bit of bonus money from work that I've been wanting to put into it, but not when we're going vertical. I learned from buying BCH from insiders before the coinbase listing- buying the pump just ends in tears.

>> No.10958138


>> No.10958141

There were 9 threads today...

>> No.10958145

you legit will stay poor

>> No.10958153

Are you blind? There are shill threads. Just not fifteen or twenty of them at a time since the price isn't up 50% today.

>> No.10958158

Unironically pajeet tier English. Kys streetshitter

>> No.10958159

Jfc this is some low IQ shit, don't buy, go post in whatever pajeet coin you likes own thread

>> No.10958166

I have 6M Hot.

If holochain sees eth's level of success during the last bullrun, this stack should be worth $3-4M.

I got a suicide insurance stack. Would I like it to be a little bigger? Sure. Am I gonna risk buying more during a crazy pump? Fuck no.

>> No.10958181

Wow, more paid shilling.

You really hate that I won't buy into your organized pumps.

Pro-tip guys:
Pump and dumps are going to have more success targeting a coin with real potential, like hot and link, than by targeting shit scams like bbn.

>> No.10958211

>Pro-tip guys:
>Pump and dumps are going to have more success targeting a coin with real potential, like hot and link, than by targeting shit scams like bbn.
This means that you should still be suspicious when price goes up 25-100% in a couple days and you still see half a dozen threads telling you to BUY NOW or STAY POOR. Or that this is your LAST CHANCE!!!!!!

It's classic marketing. You make something into a limited time offer or make it seem like it is available only for a limited time, and then people will be way more likely to buy.

Why wasn't there mass posting telling you to BUY NOW BUY BUY BUY a week or two ago when this coin was half the price?

>> No.10958223

>Why wasn't there mass posting telling you to BUY NOW BUY BUY BUY a week or two ago when this coin was half the price?
are you retarded or do you not understand how human psychology works? It's just euphoric poor people.

>> No.10958856


>> No.10959180

nice literally just bought 100k
am i gonna make it?

>> No.10959427

Probably not. That’s like $10 isn’t it? Best not to use your lunch money for crypto.

>> No.10959464

/biz/raelis have been shilling HOT on here for at least a month.

>> No.10959482

try since april

>> No.10959489

can you blame us? I live in fucking mumbai with my mother father and four brothers we have to share a room, I work as a suppoer representative at Tmobile and I get paid minimum wage here which is about .29 cents in US dollars. You dont know how bad I have it here and these few hundred dollars that I made from this pump will buy insulin for my mother since for a whole year. Anyways enough with the sad story take care anons

>> No.10959498

yeah even I thought it was a joke at .0000017
>the shilling not the price..

>> No.10959592

Same situation and philosophy. Finally some light in this shit show

>> No.10959620
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Anons still underestimating the effort people will go to to scam.
Nigga, some of these projects collected a HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS, you think it isn't worth it to make a hardware wallet, or organise a hackathon or a conference or whatever stupid meme shit is happening around them?

>> No.10959679

Didn't Tmobile move all their call centres to Newcastle and Ireland because so many people were complaining about Indians?

>> No.10960083


Have you seen the charts today brainlet? We just did a x2 in 3 days in the middle of a total JUSTing, so most of /biz/ that got in this early are now at a x5 or x10. That's fine for now, it'll continue. Stop being a bitch.

>> No.10960150
File: 286 KB, 620x832, 1534293993398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh look, Reddit spacing, what a surprise! I really fucking wish we had flags on - there's no paid shills you unmitigated retard, the team are literally a bunch of fucking hippies that barely comprehend money (seriously, that's actually a potential problem). Don't buy. I want you to stay poor and rage the same way I did about Ethereum.

>muh pajeets
>muh shills

If you can't tell the difference between Rajeesh and his smelly street-shitting cousins, and regular /biz/raeli celebrating getting in on a good thing you don't belong here. Kys.

>> No.10960219


Nobody was even telling you to buy more now, Holy fucking delusion.


April was when I first saw it. I got lucky, bought the day it hit IDEX (expecting a quick p&d). Then I read the whitepaper, downloaded the alpha and realised it was amazing, and so did a bunch of other /biz/ anons.

>> No.10961151

Will be back to 9 sats this weekend

>> No.10961394

its pumping again faggot ....

>> No.10961454

this shit just isn't tied to btc anymore, pumping again

>> No.10961470

we'll see niggas

>> No.10961506

you will get rekt if you sell this gem i guarantee it

>> No.10961505

LMAO it is

Anyone who didn't sell is retarded...you're supposed to buy the bottom

>> No.10961513

Feels pretty good that I picked up just over 8mil at ICO price just for buying a fucking holoport.

>> No.10961535

This guy wants you to buy his bags btw

It's not going past 25 sats I promise you look at the chart faggots

>> No.10961563

aren't you the brainlet that told me to look at the chart claiming it would never go past 6 sats?

>> No.10961584

daaaaaaamn that led tv is hugeeee. that's our ico funds. but yeh good to see these guys are f*# serious about their project. ALL THESE ETH SHITCOIN ICOS are dumping their ETH. Mark my words, Ethereum will be in the double digits and stay there after this. IT CANNOT SCALE and it can never run DAPPS properly. ICO market is dead.

>> No.10961587

No I bought in at 7 and sold at 22

I mean just holding it is good this coin is going places long-term, but you're supposed to increase your stack is all I'm saying

>> No.10961634

the dynamics of the low sat coin is well known to experienced Coiners

0-10: is this shit going to take off?
11-20: hm, i'll buy a little. 25%!? I'm taking profit
20-30: damn it's going up again going to buy a little. holeeshit 12.5%, must take my profits
30-40: whoa this soon again, whoo hoo 6%
40-50: looks like serious project going to hold a little stake.. oh no a pullback, sell and take a loss
50-60: definitely putting this in my portfolio

>> No.10961658


lol... im screencapping this

>> No.10961689

Screencap this too >>10961587

>> No.10961750


lol its not going to 7