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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10956601 No.10956601 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what the fuck is happening around the world? Are we standing infront of a huge emerging market collapse or will these be the domino stones which extend into a global collapse? Current order of events:

> Venezuelan Peso
> Turkish Lira
> Argentinian Peso
> Indian Rupee
> Iranian Rial

(probably forgetting half a dozen).

All hitting record lows this year.

> Australian pound in sharp downtrend
> Canadian Dollar in sharp downtrend.
> British pound in sharp downtrend

Making it even stranger:

> Gold hitting lows
> Silver hitting lows

Currently the only strong currencies without a doom outlook are USD, CNY and EUR. USD is the weakest of the three. CNY FUD has it that PoC is manipulating rates. China boasting that CNY will replace USD as reserve currency. EUR will no doubt hit a low, if it wasn't for Germany it would already have.


> all currencies currently devaluating against BTC, causing it to go up.

Any Forex fag wanna step in and explain what the fuck is happening?

>> No.10956663


>> No.10956665


>> No.10956681

>Australian pound
More like Australian pound your momma

It's the Australian dollar you fgt

>> No.10956685

Don't expect much from biz ATM anon there's like 30 people who come here now.
Did you see the OECD blockchains conference? Currently in its final day. Bullish on blockchains right now without worrying about cashing out

>> No.10956850

Everytjing is bowing to usd

Trump will swing big usa penis

>> No.10956851

faggot all the US thinktanks asleep now
>repost in the morning

>> No.10956868

> Did you see the OECD blockchains conference?

I did not, gonna read up on it.


Been thinking the same, but USD has been in some loomy waters for a while, don't think it will last. Trumps presence will only have a temporary effect over decades of bad debt. And obviously CNY is aiming for the crown.

>> No.10956875

Read about interest rates and capital flows. US raised interest rates a couple of times which means that US investors are repatriating their money. If the majority of people want out of emerging markets currency and into the dollar it causes those currencies to lose value vs the dollar. Also all the countries you listed have macroeconomic problems which means that investors don't have confidence that they would be able to make money in the future and this is another reason to GET THE MONEY OUT NOW.

>> No.10956883

The link prophecy is coming true by way of worldwide fiat crashes.
> $1000 EOY referred to $1000 of near-worthless canuckbucks/aussiedollaries

>> No.10956886

>Fiat goes down
>Crypto goes up
Soon, lads. Soon..

>> No.10956896

It's beginning.

>> No.10956908

Last time the Venezuel Peso and Indian Rupee were in freefall, BTC went to 20k in 5 months. Good times ahead for crypto, bad times ahead for a lot of other people

>> No.10956910
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Diversify. Hedge with crypto.

>> No.10956911
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We know this OP, and we are prepared.

>> No.10956914
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Also two more things:

> 1) As soon Lira started crashing Turkey became one of the largest Crypto buyers the week after.

> 2) see pic. Same shift happening in Iran last two weeks.

Argentina is a important outlier here because it has very close ties to Europe in terms of capital in and outflow. It will be very interesting to see what a collapse on their end will cause and how Crypto will play a role.

>> No.10956915

fiat is a bigger scam than TRON or dogecoin.

>> No.10956918


>Australian pound

>> No.10956927


Australia is still a British colony as far I am concerned desu.

>> No.10956947

You guys can't even imagine what's about to happen.
I'm sad ... this board is going to get flooded with newfags.
I'll miss these comfy breads that stay up for hours, and the wild west feeling we have here.
Good luck frens... I give it a few months tops...

>> No.10956949


If the usd collapses the entire world will be a fucking hell


>> No.10956963

Weren't you here in Dec. 2017? It was normie city. Just accumulate as much as possible, because the normie hoardes finna get dumped on

>> No.10956964

It's already planned.

>> No.10956971
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I work on EM desk. Here is the main reason:

>USD rates were super low, asset managers needed to go to EM to look for yield
>QE pumps tonnes of dollar into the market, so you borrow in USD, invest in EM and get pretty nice yield
>here comes Trump
>FED ends QE, rates go up, dollar shortages everywhere (even Governor of Indian CB openly asked FED no end QE slower as they can't execute their policy)
>majority of EM countries have current account deficit - i.e. they need to sell their currency and buy dollars to cover it
>dollar shortage on the markets accelerates the currency decline as everyone competes for dollar
>countries with a lot of dollar-denominated debt are suddenly under greater burden
>investors start to pull out of the EM bonds and currencies and retreat to save haven - US bonds as the yield finally looks promising
>this accelerates the sell-off
>in Indonesia, Turkey etc the above basically accelerated each other and made the currency collapse
>Venezuela was a socialist shithole so no suprise
>Argentina was "stabilizing" their economy by handouts for years, what we see is basically karma returning and it returned at the worst time possible
>Iranian Rial is not really tradable, like idk who trades it

Can't say much about PBoC and CNY/CNH currency, don't cover it and shit is super complicated there

>> No.10956980

I barely browsed /biz/ during the last bubble. I've been around crypto for a long time though.
I'm not dumping on anyone ... can't you see whats happening?

Crypto is the new money.
Just don't hodl shitcoins.

>> No.10956984

US dollars were subsidizing the whole world at the expense of the american citizen

>> No.10956991

All it takes is one yuge false flag to send the USA to war and everyone will be deepthroating the dollar again.
Look at history:
>10 trillion unaccounted dollars missing from Pentagon budget
>next day Lucky Larry Silverstein collects insurance on some new york property

>> No.10957002

You missed out on Mooncoin, anon.
Good times...

>> No.10957005

Forgot to add, this is not the first EM crash in the past years, sth like 3 years ago as oil prices hit the local minium countries such as Nigeria or Azerbaijan saw their currency shit the bed.

Also ZAR is now on sell-off, as they're oficially in recession. People on the street know about the white farmers and a lot of EM bankers are white South Africans that moved to other large cities and these guys usually shit on current govt.

>> No.10957016

Shit, I'm hodling a ton of shitcoins...

>> No.10957024

whats gonna happen

>> No.10957025

>Just don't hodl shitcoins
Agreed, with the exception of Funfair, unironically

>> No.10957034

Kek I'll stick around and lurk during the next bubble, maybe there will be some new memes

well they might go up at some point, i cant predict the market, but sooner or later everyone will rush into whichever crypto gets chosen as the worldwide standard.

interesting story about ZAR

>> No.10957044

the mother of all bubbles.

>> No.10957046

is there anywhere you can gamble with it yet?


>> No.10957048


>> No.10957052

I've still got 1 mil MOON tucked away for the 2050 bull run kek

>> No.10957087

you never know anon

>> No.10957111
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If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be. Baby, just let it be. If it's meant to be, it'll be, it'll be. Baby, just let it be.

>> No.10957155
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So c’mon ride with me, ride with me See where this thing goes So c’mon ride with me, ride with me See where this thing goes.

(Maybe we do) (Maybe we don’t) (Maybe we will) (Maybe we won’t)

>> No.10957171


>> No.10957178

buy land in poor countries

>> No.10957328

How the fuck do you even buy crypto

I wanted to grab some back when buttcoins were $200 but I didn't trust all the shady exchanges not to steal my money so I dropped it in favor of some silver

>> No.10957783

>t. Brainlet questions

Of course the PoC manipulate their currency - they're communists remember? Centrally planned economy? Their other markets as well. It's not "manipulation" when it's an official policy of a nation that is politically opposed to having a free market. Their idea of business is simply that they allow friends & party members to profit off of state support, so long as kickbacks are received & the wheels are greased and the business doesn't threaten the State. But that doesn't make them capitalist in the Western sense at all.

And no, the CNY won't be adopted as the reserve. That requires trust, and nobody with the slightest intelligence trusts China. They've demonstrated time and again that they have no interest in acting as a responsible world leader, and are solely interested in their own affairs.

>> No.10957797

I feel comfy with my money in dogecoin

>> No.10957800

>Australian pound
are you mentally crippled

>> No.10957856

I unironically cant imagine what did you meant by that...

>> No.10957891


Like every just dont hold shitcoins.
The world economie dont need all this countries.
We cant feed all this humans anyway

>> No.10958087


Hes right you know. God I wish I was murican. Must feel good raping the entire world. But no im a little eurocuck. Pls trump crush the euro. Crash fcking everthing

>> No.10958109


Australia still is a British colony to me.


40/40 BTC/XMR

And a 20% stack on 6x Margin MEX. liq at 5.8.
I think I'll be fine.

>> No.10958115

so thats a yes

>> No.10958116


Actually we can feed everyone. We can scale society 1000x. We can't do it with these parasitic governments. They won't do it. Free market might.

>> No.10958194

thank you!

>> No.10958213
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>Australian pound

>> No.10958220

ej Trimpismo mai neggers

>> No.10958330

to hell with them.

>> No.10958345

retard. FunFair? Really, how retarded are you?

>> No.10958367


with a better infrastructure yes, otherwise no way.

>> No.10959207

the colapse is here

>> No.10959252


>> No.10959277



>> No.10959278

It's not that everything went down, USD went up. It's like when BTC moons and alts crash.

>> No.10959290

Soon, brother.

>> No.10959321

>he still thinks (((they))) will allow (((usd))) to collapse

>> No.10959329

US inherited Aus as part of the UK's 1956 will.

>> No.10959345

Daddy trump is making usd great

>> No.10959369

>being surprised that shithole currencies are losing to the USD
We just keep winning!

>> No.10959380

Since when does the ruining economies of shitholes cause a financial crisis? Was there a financial crisis when zimbabwe and botswana and whatever african shithole's currency became more useless than toilet paper?

>> No.10959384


>> No.10959408

world currencies are hyperinflating against the new store of value, bitcoin

the best performing fiat is going down about 98-99%, the rest even more in the next few years

>> No.10959434
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>canadian dollars
You mean Canadian Rubbles, right?

>> No.10959448


Read this https://www.baka.com.au/business/the-economy/free-money-is-going-away-global-debt-soars-along-with-fears-of-crisis-ahead-20180904-p501ju.html

>> No.10959468

only europe, korea and the japanese will have the power to brace themselves i think; The rest is about to get clubbed by american shorts

>> No.10959487


western banks have significant investments in at least 2nd world countries like turkey. Epsecially euros

>> No.10959501

But is it big enough to actually cause problems at home? To me, these expansions in those countries seem like a new business venture after already being financially sound. I mean sure, they could lose some money if they fail, but it sure won't leave to bankruptcy aka financial crisis.

>> No.10959546

The presiding sentiment in the Market is that the dollar is strong...the only reason is everything else is weak...Euro zone in turmoil, no one trusts the chinks, Rus. currency has been down for a bit....the USD is the 'safest' at the moment, it is still in the top 3 largest economies of the world, don't forget it is still the world reserve currency!

>> No.10959550

We could totally feed everyone, just not on a steak a day diet. It just that feeding cows 1 billion tons of grain has a better return then feeding poor people 1 billion tons of grain.

>> No.10959591

>Bitcoin down 75% from its high in six months
>Bitfags still keep shilling their libertarian monopoly money.

Honestly its looking like the whole market is looking at a massive downward correction.

>> No.10959623

>>Bitcoin down 75% from its high in six months

Venezuelan Peso has been down about 20x that in the same time period.

>> No.10960300
