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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10956326 No.10956326 [Reply] [Original]

I spent an HOUR (lmao) at a RBC branch yesterday trying to get my bank account "defrosted". They explained to me that large deposits and large withdrawals sets off flags (they didn't say money laundering but this is what the flags look for). The way that I was using my bank account was really throwing them off. What I did was actually pretty crazy. I was depositing large amounts into my chequing account from a savings account at another bank, then immediately withdrawing everything from chequing to savings so that I would collect interest (don't do this, their automated system actually can't differentiate between a chequing -> savings withdrawal from a regular withdrawal).

And then when I need to actually use the money to buy crypto, I would withdraw what I needed from my savings to chequing and send the e-transfer. If you get a big deposit, you're supposed to let that money sit for a few days. Or else it makes the bank detection system think you're laundering money.

I'm going to just deposit straight to my savings account from now on from the other bank and then lift from my savings to chequing on an as needed basis when I need to buy crypto (though I am buying $20,000+ worth of crypto a month). Hopefully that will not flag. If not, fuck this shit. lol. I should be allowed to spend my money however I want so as long as I'm buying something legal.

If you are wondering why I am making large regular deposits from one bank to another, it's because the bank I am withdrawing money from basically told me to fuck off for buying crypto. So I moved that money to another bank (in this case, RBC), hoping that they would be more willing to let me buy crypto.

>> No.10956332

The teller asked me what the deposits were. I said it was from my savings account at another bank. She told me to sign in to my online banking with them to prove that I deposited the money there. I did. She asked to see the name on the bank account where I was sending the funds from. I did.

She told me the freeze will lift after a few hours. 24 hours max. Now here is where shit gets crazy:
I call in after 6 hours trying to find out what is taking so long, put on hold for 22 mins, fucking RBC. The RBC advisor (it sounds like he's from India, unless he's Indo-Canadian. Evening and weekend support is often out-sourced) investigates what's going on and he told me that there is no directive to unfreeze my account, contrary to what I've been told by the branch teller.He said that there is a pending investigation on my account.

And that they haven't investigated my account yet. WTF.I point out "but the bank teller literally said that they would unfreeze after a few hours, 24 hours max." Guy on the phone said he doesn't think they'll unfreeze after 24 hours. I asked him if it makes a difference whether you go to your home branch or not. Because I went to another nearby branch that wasn't my home branch. And he said "Try going to your home branch tomorrow morning. That will hopefully expedite things."

Jesus Fucking Christ. I was not informed in-branch that my account was being "investigated". rofl.Either the phone support guy doesn't know what he's talking about. Or the branch is lying to me. Or maybe my file didn't get updated since my visit to the branch and they're taking forever to get around to unfreezing me.Because I was under the conclusion that no investigation was necessary after I answered a bunch of questions (I didn't admit to buying crypto. I said I was making purchases online. For personal use. Which is the truth. Investing in crypto is a personal use is it not?) Being in that branch for an hour.

>> No.10956338

I am going to visit my home branch later this afternoon to find out what the fuck is going on. Fuck this bullshit. I've been without access to $12,600+ since Sunday evening. And I have another $19k total in deposits coming from exchanges (Kraken and Quadriga) soon that will be frozen along with whatever I have in there. I have no problems with showing the source of those funds as well if they ask. I built up significant savings over the years. It's my right to invest my savings in crypto. $20,000+/month probably seems unusual to people on here. But if you have saved six figures over the years, it's not unusual to buy that much crypto. There are whales who do much larger volumes than me.

>> No.10956349
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>> No.10956394

What a shit country you live in.

>> No.10956399

Cool story bro.

>> No.10956442

>What a shit country you live in.
Fuck this country. I want to move to St. Kitts and Nevis or Costa Rica or some shit. Somewhere where the banks don't give any fucks and the government stays out of your way and lets you do what you want with your money.
Shit weather (too fucking cold in the winter, humid summers), high taxes, SJWs telling me to check my non-existent privilege, over-regulation up the ass, banks on my ass.