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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10953701 No.10953701 [Reply] [Original]

elon musk says the thai pedo had arranged a marriage with a 12 year old thai girl and had been visiting the country 40 years for such reasons.

"“I suggest that you call people you know in Thailand, find out what’s actually going on and stop defending child rapists, you fucking asshole,” Musk wrote in the first message. “He’s an old, single white guy from England who’s been traveling to or living in Thailand for 30 to 40 years, mostly Pattaya Beach, until moving to Chiang Rai for a child bride who was about 12 years old at the time.”"


>> No.10953722

>buzzfeed link

>> No.10953746

she kinda cute desu

>> No.10953776

What an absolutely annoying, miserable person this is, and her parents for cultivating this

>> No.10953778
File: 59 KB, 640x427, 1511522970_000_OW8IH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone chop chainlink blocks in place of the money?

Maybe swap in Sergey's face.

Nice one.

>> No.10953799

thanks just bought 100k tesla model s

>> No.10953836

That is not even a whole car anon

>> No.10953883

why do you think analysts are now saying TSLA stock could drop 30%?

>> No.10953899

No he bought 100k of them

>> No.10953934

12 years old isn't pedo
Pedo is prepubescent

Musk btfo

>> No.10953938

this and checked

>> No.10953953

t. pedo

>> No.10953973

I fucking knew it! When he told that faggot journo "do your research and you'll see why I said what I said" it was obvious Elon knew what he was talking about.


>> No.10954013

I love how buzzfeed just spins it to be like “muh evil billionaire attacking citizens.”

The information isn’t even that hard to find. 4chan autists could probably dig it up and it’s obvious that this is true, or else pedo guy would’ve sued him.

>> No.10954065

c'mon, any white guy "traveling" to any 3rd world Asian country is only going for one reason.

Ask /biz/ for yourself

>> No.10954101

>fight a lone battle against child rapists
>news comes hard after you
what did society mean by defending pedos like this

>> No.10954107

oh my god what a fucking savage

>> No.10954119

I want to go there to shop desu

>> No.10954127

shopping alone are you?

>> No.10954141

No, I mean it's obvious and everything. Pedo Guy went and actually married a girl though. It goes beyond "oh he's probably a pedo" to "he's definitely a pedo by any and all western standards"

>> No.10954145

yeah I'm not a woman dude lol

>> No.10954147

how is the diver meant to sue? he isn't American, his reputation hasn't been damaged, if anything he has become famous as the guy who called out elon musk and got attacked for it
is the world court going to issue summons to musk over in the USA? fucking retard learn how the law works

>> No.10954151

Nice semantics pedofag. Fact remains that most of the world views anyone under 18 as a minor. Minors are children. Old pedo man wanted to embrace Islam and marry a 12 year old. Even 20 year old Thai girls look 15. Their 12 year olds probably look 7 as opposed to American girls who these days can look 17 at 10.

>> No.10954168

think about it. who is against elon? it's not society. hello

>> No.10954175


Doesn't he have a company or two to run? Must spending all his time on these retarded side projects probably explains why Tesla is constantly shitting blood.

>> No.10954182

I was being sarcastic.

>Be a dude
>Travels to poor country to "shop"

Yea, absolutely nothing to see here

>> No.10954194

kek. hes like trump 2.0. how you gonna troll on twitter when you’re worth billions

>> No.10954213

>My words were spoken in anger after Mr Unsworth said several untruths & suggested I engage in a sexual act with the mini-sub, which had been built as an act of kindness & according to specifications from the dive team leader.”

>He added: “Nonetheless, his actions against me do not justify my actions against him, and for that I apologize to Mr Unsworth and to the companies I represent as leader. The fault is mine and mine alone.”

What did he mean by this? Has he been SEETHING for weeks?

>> No.10954216

they sell tailored dress shirts for $20
you can eat off like three dollars a day
5 star hotels are like two hundred bucks a night

>> No.10954244

also musk can expend millions and millions if a law suit were to ever happen while the diver has very limited funds and anything donated to him would still be heavily outweighed by elon
he's a mentally ill billionaire whose empire is slowly crumbling around him. won't be long before government pulls his shit off life support. desperate man trying to stay relevant in the public eye after everyone has abandoned their retarded blind love and support for him.

>> No.10954718

There are actually relatively few places where the age of consent is 18

>> No.10954864

based musk
he's fucking right

>> No.10954885


Where is it you can legally buy and marry a 12 year old?

>> No.10954895

Age of consent where i live in the USA is 16

>> No.10954968

Hello American.

>> No.10954996

Is there anything this man can't do?!

>> No.10955073

This. How do I short pedo guy

>> No.10955502


>> No.10955522

because shitposting is the most fun thing to do. even billionaires love it. the only ones that don't like it are feesfags with no sense of humor.

>> No.10955542

Did anyone actually read this? Buzzfeed looked for proof of his claims. They would fucking love to be the first news site to break that story. They haven’t found anything. Until he supplies evidence, he’s full of shit.

>> No.10955599

>married at 12
>saved a life full of prostitution
what's the problem here? it's not like being a child in a 3rd world country is glamourous

>> No.10955607

>married to some rich dude from another country at age 12
>saved from a life of prostitution

pick one.

>> No.10955609

lol I live in bible-belt middle america and age of consent is 16.

>> No.10955615

Based elon

>> No.10955629

do you really think he has to pay her to keep her? i don't think you realize how real man handle relationships there, bud.

>> No.10955648

yeah, if he leaves her there, or moves there permanently. also "real men" don't have to fly to thailand to get laid.

>> No.10955664

>Elon Musk BTFOs pedo
i hate em now

>> No.10955707


If only he'd be able to run for president. I'd like him to fix America as well, but I'd honestly rather him hurry up with the Mars colony already. I wanna get off this damn planet.

>> No.10955739

Based elon btfo those pedos ps where can i get a thai bride

>> No.10955787
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>tfw no 12 year old child bride

>> No.10955836

Is this sub his Spruce Moose?

>> No.10955863

here is what Elon Musk do day to day:
Private investigations of pedo rapists
just sell all hes stocks

>> No.10955869

>“He may claim to know how to cave dive, but he wasn’t on the cave dive rescue team and most of the actual dive team refused to hang out with him,” Musk wrote in one email. In another email in which Musk wrote “on background” — BuzzFeed News again did not agree to these terms — the Tesla CEO said, “Never saw Unsworth at any point. Was told he was banned from the site.”
>A British diver on the rescue mission who had previously been in contact with Musk, Rick Stanton, denied those claims.
>“I've no idea what gave you those concerns about Vern,” Stanton wrote over Facebook Messenger. “They are completely unfounded. He was never kicked off site by anyone and worked continuously on the rescue for the full duration. He was pivotal to the entire operation.”
>Two Australian specialists who were brought in by the Thai government to aid the Thai cave rescue operation, Richard Harris and Craig Challen, also rejected Musk’s allegation.
>“Vern seemed like an excellent guy and absolutely vital to the mission,” said Harris, who, with Challen, helped in the sedation of the Thai boys before they were brought out of the cave by the British divers. “You must be confusing him with someone else.”
Musk has gone mad. Short TSLA.

>> No.10955890

elon has to be a closeted pedo with all of this projection he's doing.

>> No.10955951


>> No.10955982

>helped in sedation of the Thai boys
Ah so that's his expertise, date raping little boys

>> No.10955989

>imagine owning shares of a company that depends on government loans to survive
>imagine owning shares of a company were the ceo can crash the price at any time because he decides to get high and tweet
>imagine owning shares of a company were the ceso is more concerned about proving that some dude halfway across the world snorkeling is a pedo than making his company profitable
Can you imagine in it? Surely no one is dumb enough to own shares of such a company.

>> No.10956027

Could be worse. Could be on one of his space planes or Mars colony watching this go down and knowing you are going to die.

>> No.10956038

Youll get them by 2100

>> No.10956043
File: 97 KB, 500x490, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I go there for drugs and ladyboys. I've been to the shadiest Cambodian border towns, and I've yet to be solicited any underage poon, despite looking like I came straight from /r9k/.

>> No.10956059

Musk is retarded. Most sexpats in Pattaya just fuck regular aged girls and or girls with penises, not marrying kids.

>> No.10956513

White guy in Thailand = fucking whores and lady boys

>> No.10956530

- its 14-15 in most of the world
- thats not pedofilia

educate yourself americunt

>> No.10956720
File: 47 KB, 768x768, 39515334_2197575753587340_2859287933720985600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it's easy to find then why is he not providing the proof?
This is obvious damage control from Musk.
The guy even have a girlfriend and guess what : it's an adult.

>> No.10956823

Now it's an adult, but it was 12 when he diddled it first.

>> No.10956941

Pretty sure it's bullshit.
buzzfeednews asked the members of the cave rescue expedition and they all said that what Musk was alleging was a pure invention.

And anyway, why would someone who makes these kind of accusations but doesn't provide the proof? That's obviously because he has n proof, he just believed some kind of rumor someone told him, without checking.

>> No.10957280
File: 622 KB, 1268x1645, age of consent.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10957366

nice fan fiction
>rent free

>> No.10957384

mexico - 9 years old in some places. subhuman savages

>> No.10957449

>t. brainwarped by feminism

>> No.10957517

And? It seems he was faithful to her, more than could be said for muskrat.

>> No.10957528

This. Is everyone here illiterate?

>> No.10957533

lol any white man with an asian girlfriend of any kind is already a loser, wouldn't suprise me if they were a pedo too

>> No.10957564

Musk fanboys.
They will follow him until the end into his dead spiral.

>> No.10957935

Musk sounds like a pillhead desu. Something has clearly changed with him and he is not stable. Still wondering what will be the fallout of "funding secured."

>> No.10958041


>> No.10958064

When I was in Pattaya I remember seeing a fat old white guy holding a young boys hand and didn’t get a father son vibe about it.... Hard Rock hotel I believe.

>> No.10958152


>> No.10958773

Basedboy cuck faggot