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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10951327 No.10951327 [Reply] [Original]

didn't everyone agree to stop fudding beginning september 1st and switch to shill mode?

>> No.10951354

No. Some people are, can you believe it, fucking stupid.

>> No.10951398

I can't fucking stop Anon. I want too but every time I see something positive about Link I post some retarded FUD and get a small rush out of it. I don't know what to do?!

>> No.10951429

>Selling link on september
>literally the month that everyone is speculating big news for link

Only retards.

>> No.10951431

i mean people in the certain circles agreed to stop but some retards just wont ever stop fudding i think

>> No.10951441


>> No.10951446

Literally every month “something big is expected.” How have you not fucking noticed this yet you retard?

>> No.10951450
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Just let them, all the more fun when the big news drops.

>> No.10951461


this is what worries me. i fear that the fudding has become so pathologized that marines will continue to fud en masse well beyond the point at which it'd be in their best interest to begin shilling. you guys get too much of a kick out of it.

>> No.10951483

This is the most unnatural selling I've ever seen. Obvious shakeout. Something big is coming soon.

>> No.10951489

we don't need normie money for this to pump. Normie hype is actually not healthy or ethical. Fuck off

>> No.10951509

The best part is when I see my copy pastas. Then I create new ones. I really can't fucking stop FUDing link is given my life meaning. I am on /biz/ 6-12 hours a day.

I hate being a NEET and finding these things pleasurable.

>> No.10951518
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Puzzle larper said 15th September. So we could still be 11 days in this downtrend. Just have to stay strong.

>> No.10951564

There's actually a pretty serious problem facing the two groups of LINK holders on /biz/, and that is the fact that their short to medium term goals are the complete opposite of each other.
For the people that just plan on selling LINK once it reaches X price, their interest is in shilling. Tell as many people about it as quickly as possible so that new money comes in, so that they hit their price point and can sell.
But for people who plan on operating nodes, shilling is a huge negative for them for a couple of reasons. The first is that by increasing awareness about the project they are onboarding more potential node operators which means a smaller piece of the already small node profit at launch. A situation where there are 1k nodes is a lot preferable to a situation where there are 50k nodes, especially in the first few months when the amount of money raked in by node operators may not be huge. On top of that, as node operators are paid in LINK, a lower token price means that a node operator gets paid more LINK tokens per successful job. If your plan is to hold long term anyway, this is preferable to earning fewer LINK with each LINK earned more. People who plan on operating nodes at launch have a direct incentive for fewer nodes, and a lower token price.

Given the relative ease of setting up a node, and the continued relative lack of awareness about this project, I would ask anyone who wants to shill Chainlink to consider whether a short term price rise is worth the cost to you as a potential node operator.

>> No.10951599

No. Once mainnet launches. Are fucking dumb

>> No.10951634

Well I think most people plan to do both, especially those with 10k or more. I plan to sell half and leave half for a node.
Don't think that Biz has that much influence though.