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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 320x320, helium-einwegflasche-250-liter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10948735 No.10948735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>no friends
>no gf
>no money cause put every last penny in crypto in january
>bike just got stolen
>no job
>no life prospects cause dropout
>just received my order for pic related, gonna end it now

Roll trips & I'll live stream it

>> No.10948751


>> No.10948754

Did you all in LINK? If so you will be fine

>> No.10948762
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No one cares

>> No.10948765

You bought HOLO didn't you!

>> No.10948769

Post an update on how it went if you succeed

>> No.10948775

Must've bought Ark.

>> No.10948781
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>> No.10948793

What do you think?

>> No.10948795

stream naow

>> No.10948817

It !

>> No.10948826
File: 273 KB, 375x375, 5d0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously bruh I want to be your friend, where are you staying at ?

>> No.10948846


>> No.10948855


godspeed OP

make sure it's pure first

>> No.10948859

how old are you? >>10948735

>> No.10948868


>> No.10948876

don't do it

>> No.10948891

Don't be daft. Trips says things will be alright in the end.

>> No.10948895


>> No.10948910
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Tun Sie es, fegit

>> No.10948915


>> No.10948916

Try to loan as much money as you possibly can first and spend it on things they can't take back.

>> No.10948940

Even better he is german so he should pull of a rampage in the bundestag to atleast make the earth a better place

>> No.10948948



>> No.10948966

Even better: Op if you really go on a rampage like i suggested i will legit build you a statue. I will even try to set it up under the brandenburger tor and if that fails i will set it up in thailand they dont give a fuck

>> No.10948975
File: 89 KB, 1168x1013, 8516e5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up Anon get a normal job and work your way to a normal like again

Or do this >>10948916

>> No.10948989


>> No.10949031

Don’t do it

>> No.10949058

this, but unironically

>> No.10949086

> get psychadelics off deepweb
> start with ketamine (only 30min trip) then move onto shrooms/lsd
> read online how to do it right (set and setting)
> realise your identity and worldview is a meme built by the brain for survival
> formulate a new identity and worldview which doesn't make you want to die
> enjoy life again

if psychs go wrong you can fuck up your mind, but at this point you've got nothin to lose and if done safely the risk is minimal. also when your identity fades you won't fear death so it might help u kill urself if ur still sick of life

peace senpai

>> No.10949126
File: 1015 KB, 2560x1440, 20180105_142803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late done all that already

>> No.10949142


>> No.10949160


>> No.10949192

trips for OP staying alive

>> No.10949201


>> No.10949204

Are you from germany or austria ?
Welches Bundesland ?

>> No.10949217

They put oxygen in those tanks now sweetie.

>> No.10949273

Rolling for don’t do it

>> No.10949317

>identity fades
ex junkie friend of mine said that this "chaman scam" never happened despise has done the most retarded shit in the field of drugs ( smelling gasoline and glue

>> No.10949344

stay alive

>> No.10949474


Not if he bought industrial grade

>> No.10949532

I'ma save you OP

>> No.10949604

Yeah right just an hero the bottom. The biz way

>> No.10949622

Roll for bundestag rampage

>> No.10949664

Roll that head nowwww!

>> No.10949687

Near miss brother

>> No.10949708


>> No.10949757


I want to say goodbye to OP

>> No.10949778

For me anon.

>> No.10949782


>> No.10949790

Can we roll twice?

>> No.10949803

See OP you're not meant to die this night, calm the fuck down and smoke some weed.

>> No.10949810
File: 66 KB, 500x666, 1535097591668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP please don't do it.

You have the stuff to kys, better see through a few months. Maybe it will get better. Go into the outdoors, take a hike or do some exercise.

There is so much to life for.

>> No.10949832

OP, you do have some pennies left right? I would order a whore and get your dick sucked right now. You deserve it.
After that go nofap for a month and try and get your shit together during that time.
After that month get another whore to suck your dick.
Now do nofap for 2 months, and after those two months get another whore to suck your dick.
Now do 3 months.
Continue doing this until you get to about 12 months, and stop there. You should atleast get your dick sucked once a year, right?
From my experience nofap will give you the will to keep on going and make something out of yourself (if you somehow actually do succeed and you have enough money you can quit this stupid act and start fucking all the whores you want.) You might succeed, you might not succeed. All I can say is that if you follow this advice you will be better of in 2-3 years. No need to kill yourself OP.
Fuck bitches, get money OP.

>> No.10949857
File: 20 KB, 400x499, mertildiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy did it same. He said his father to need some helium because of school project and inhaled it with a mask. Lol maybe i can do it when i want to end too

>> No.10949871

I won

>> No.10949884

Crypto didn’t fall to zero, so how do you have no money?

>> No.10949931

>trading can take fees and widdle away your money.
>making bad trades in alts can reduce the number of bitcoins you have.

There is no guarantee to win in crypto. If there was I'd be doing it.

>> No.10949978


>> No.10950042

This is the only life you have and this is how you want to end it? It just goes dark and your legacy will be this? Your life has just begun and in a few weeks or months this will all be a distant memory ( I cringe at the shit I did when I was in my 20s), buy some balloons, go to the park and hand them to random people. Make them smile and I bet you'll feel good. Either way this is the dumbest shit you can do.

>> No.10950145

> waaaah there is risk

fucking pussy

>> No.10950156

also op you too are a fucking pussy

natural selection baby, fucking doit already

>> No.10950189

A few bad trades here and there is one thing, but to do it so consistently that it leaves you broke?

>> No.10950830
File: 17 KB, 118x97, If you are struggling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't do it, OP. if I have trips your hand is stopped and you must live.

>> No.10950856
File: 33 KB, 764x645, 1532442828837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips, that easy. Btw don't die plz.

>> No.10950900
File: 341 KB, 999x1079, muh onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends
>no gf
>no money cause put every last penny in chainlink
>niggers didnt steal my car
>no job
>life prospects cause chainlink
>just received my order for pic related, gonna cum in it now

>> No.10951041


>> No.10951132

rolling for dont do it

>> No.10951152

rolling but also send me money

>> No.10951170


>> No.10951232

Not worth it, OP. Things can get better.

>> No.10951400

Don't do it

>> No.10951409

Don’t do it anon, you’re going to make just like the rest of us. Go all in on LINK and you can join us at the yacht party

>> No.10951488
File: 341 KB, 556x854, 2-Figure1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for any of you retards who don't get it here's an illustration

>> No.10951521

Fly away on feelium my fren!

>> No.10951547

What I wouldn't give for a few days in your shoes. Up to my eyeballs with family and work stress. I just want to sit on my couch in silence for one measly day...one is all I ask.. grass isn't any greener on my side anon. You own all your time and time is more valuable than anything

>> No.10951710
File: 34 KB, 593x552, 1498027866039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no friends
same here but i dont give a fuck
>no gf
same here but idont give a fuck
>no money cause put every last penny in crypto in january
I invested in chainlink december 17 (and only a amount i can loose €10k)
>bike just got stolen
kek this fucking looser cant afford a car
>no job
>no life prospects cause dropout
>just received my order for pic related, gonna end it now
have fun

>> No.10951773

do it then

>> No.10951922

Op don't do it
Your past mistakes don't define you and there is still endless possibility for your life. Think of this as an opportunity to start fresh again. Get off the internet it will just pollute your outlook on life with bitterness, negativity, and jealousy. Go outside and enjoy all the things that life has waiting for you. There is no correct way to live, do not feel like you failed at life. This boards obbsession with money is unhealthy and most likely stems from insecurity and bitterness, realize that you don't have to fall for these arbitrary emotions.
God Bless you OP

>> No.10951975

You still have plenty of life left to succeed. Don't let previous mistakes dictate your outlook on life. The human mind is powerful and what you think about yourself dictates how you perceive reality. I believe in you

>> No.10952001


>> No.10952018

why are there a bunch of suicide/depression threads on /biz/ the last few days. What did I miss?

>> No.10952047

Come on OP, I get it if you're depressed, that's a physiologic issue that effects your disposition and perspective on the world.
That's rectifiable with some meds, healthy eating habits, and excercise. Hell, even go to some AA meetings or something if you have to have some social stimulation.

But if you have intellectually painted yourself into this corner, at least consider a solipsistic world view. It's logically sound, even if socially unacceptable.

Last but not least, choose a realist world view. Understand we all exist outside your own existence. Do something insane that makes the news. We need the entertainment.

>> No.10952195

I wonder if anybody killed themselves after the 2013 BTC bubble. Even those who bought in at the peak back then would have been up 20x by last december.

Thread is an obvious larp anyway, nobody is retarded enough to kill themselves just because of this bear market and before a bull run.

>> No.10952199


>> No.10952251

no your not gonna any of that things because your a narcissistic faggot who needs attention.

>> No.10952260

don"t do it, bear is here for eternal

>> No.10952329
File: 12 KB, 236x354, a65fd46e0d078e7a8366c6d95f3637c3--emma-watson-smile-emma-watson-makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't doo it sempai, you will make it.

>> No.10952370
File: 729 KB, 1280x1351, 1518369673586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember you can book her, then do it

>> No.10952376

Don't do it you buttfuck