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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10945992 No.10945992 [Reply] [Original]

We Have To Go Back Edition

Welp, it was nice while it lasted.

Icebreaker: What’s on the plate this week guys?

>> No.10946140

please no....

>> No.10946330

There's only two of us in our department and I hate my coworker so god damn much

>> No.10946345

It never ends. My boss rang me at 9pm (ausfag) when I was in the gym to ask about work questions. Hope I get hit by a bus on my way to work tomorrow.

>> No.10946356

I've quit, so fuck them.

Starting new cucking in 3 months.

>> No.10946363


>> No.10946366

i asked my gf to punch me in the face once and i told i was robbed by muslims on my way to work.
got 1 week off.
best time of my life

>> No.10946395
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I work from 12 to 7pm
The shop I manage is empty 80% of my working time
Customers are bro-tier (I sell bikes)
I browse /biz/ and /pol/
Paycheck is ridiculously low but I own 9 btc

>> No.10946437
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> Icebreaker: What’s on the plate this week guys?
Thursday is all meetings, otherwise it should be a slow week. My primary tasks are to add some things in our AWS utilities, which may or may not be done by EOD. The rest of the week will probably be dicking around.

>> No.10946483

>whats on the plate this week.

Supposed to do spindle changes on the golf ball painting machines. But i came in today and was told we're not and to just help out my coworker who never wants help. So i'm in the back corner of the factory trying to stay awake and hidden by shitposting and listening to Rogan.

>> No.10946495

I have to spin something up for a potential client but the fucking engineers that run my company pushed out a shit product without documentation and it functions poorly. So now I need to reach out to someone to get it fixed and build the thing by EOD.

>> No.10946589

A bunch of laptops to join to a network, waiting on info from other vendors that are taking forever so I can do my part making me look bad, create a few user accounts and then sit around playing on my phone the rest of the week. Fresco/Mr.pepeburg, coffe Pepe and 30 yo boomer memes are the only things keeping me going. I let my powerlevel slip in front of my family over the weekend about how big of a sham marriage is in an autistic fit of rage and my sister who has become a goofy feminist flipped a shit Kek.

>> No.10946984

Have to review clinical data (as always), got in a small fight with some lazy son of a bitch because he wanted me to do the work he is fucking supposed to do.
I'm tired of this shit guys, I want to quit so badly but I know I won't find another job in months.

>> No.10947153

Who /poopingoncompanytime/ here?

>> No.10947156


Have a huge presentation in front the board and I don't know exactly when it's going to be either but probably some time this week. AAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.10947206

Called in sick today just got some chic fil a breakfast and about to smoke a doobie

>> No.10947211

Saved up enough money to go NEET mode for the next 5 months. I'm putting in my two weeks next Friday. Feels really good man.

>> No.10947238

Just did, for 10 minutes.
Feels good, men

>> No.10947314

I just spent the evening with a metre ruler scraping loose stock out from under aisles. Tomorrow I'll have to head in an hour early to sort through the salvageable stock from the caked on filthy packages.
This is all for stock take next week.

>> No.10947424

Trying to hit on a new MILF here in my company. She's already in the acting touchy stage. Looking good.

>> No.10947462

Good luck wagebro
Post pic for us autists if have any

>> No.10947613

Fired, good while it lasted. Firm lost their biggest client. Paralegals like me get cut first.

>> No.10947718

Got time and a half yesterday, and I start a paid five day vacashe a week from tomorrow. Could be worse!

>> No.10947855

Got 2.5x pay for the holiday, oh it's good to be a wagie

>> No.10948032

I feel jealous, man. Hope you enjoy your NEET months

>> No.10948055
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I just really want to own my own real estate without taking a mortgage

>> No.10948067

>shitting where you eat
I see you too like to live dangerously

>> No.10948377

What's the point of waging if you're going to be harassed by your work even in private? I've always been self employed so part of the appeal of going to a wagie job would be to separate life from work but if this is normal then what the fuck is the point.

>> No.10948420


>> No.10948475

spent 45 minutes playing pokémon on the john

>> No.10948588
File: 459 KB, 720x1280, IT'S PAYDAY BAYBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked for 3 months, saved for 1~2 years of being a NEET.
Looking for a job I would like.

>> No.10948610

Go get a job in a field you're interested in. If you like it, keep going. If you dont then quit.

>> No.10948693
File: 76 KB, 987x544, Office Space-00_46_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time you watched Office Space?

>> No.10948710

Thats what crypto is for. hodl until 2020 and you are set.

>> No.10948734

Oh, I am in the field I like already. My last job turned out to be a horrible corpo shit, that's why I quit.

>> No.10949191


>> No.10949199

Right after I delivered my Master's thesis. I really don't want to watch it now or else I'll cry.

>> No.10949256

i watch it every day of my life when i arrive to work in the morning

>> No.10949336

I'm a cashier at a supermarket. It's alright. Might work here for a year ish to save up some money for a computer, vidya and investing.

>> No.10949479

Gotta get around to doing that again

>> No.10950033

Did you ever try it actually you scared cuck?
Banging chicks in the workplace is worth every single time. The only regret is not plowing more.

>> No.10950162

what does this retarded shit even mean? you like entangling yourself in drama with people you have to see every day and possibly have a kid and stds with? absolute filth

>> No.10950287

You switch job and neet cycles ffs.
How is young cutie sucking you off in work a bad thing? You get confident and test is through the roof. Other girls sense it somehiw and you get into passive pussy income soon.
Drama is omnipresent it's your reaction that matters.

>> No.10950323

>being a wagecuck is great because pussy is there

its like you dont realize bitches are everywhere all the time and about the lowest value commodity on the planet

>> No.10950378

this is bitch shit, don't do this

>> No.10950384

I mostly agree but 18 yo fresh and tight girl has always been a high value.

>> No.10950637


Here. Literally shitposting ftw

>> No.10951138


>> No.10951178


>> No.10951575

mines not for another 11 days kms