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File: 839 KB, 1000x667, DA598B7D-1CDB-4215-B178-4382BAC2436F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10941590 No.10941590 [Reply] [Original]

>muh chainlink
>muh neos
>muh bitcoin
Hahahaha you pathetic faggots thought that you would become rich from those shitcoins. How sad...anyways don’t forget to buy my HOT bags at 50 cents see you in a year

>> No.10941758


Nah, Link will be fine - will use my Link gains to get more Holo though. Link will do a x100, so will Holo (minimum). Hoping Link goes up first.

>> No.10941781

> t. bought holochain literally today at ath

>> No.10941787

anon, holochain doesn't need oracles, it allows for pretty much any arbitrary data type to be validated because it's agent centric.
TL;DR: holochain agents have high performance oracle capability enabled by default

>> No.10941838

Holochain is decentralized hosting it has nothing to do with chainlink
TLDR you're a faggot

>> No.10942183
File: 222 KB, 562x423, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5m gigachad reporting in

>> No.10942215

Based. Other anon hasn't realized the market isn't a winner take all and that link and hot do totally different functions. Both are going to be so huge.

>> No.10942216

100k ultrachad here

>> No.10942331

HOT LINK ultimate chad portfolio

>> No.10942667
File: 69 KB, 720x405, fwwm269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo is about decentralized hosting, holochain is a framework for distributed apps and fucking DATA VALIDATION, since it's AGENT CENTRIC, it doesn't need global consensus or to validate every single operation, it's data agnostic meaning you can just as easily validate a oracle data feeds as you can any other transaction, on the holochain it's all data and it's validate on an agent level.
TL;DR: holo chain supports and infinite set of arbitrary data types, so it doesn't need specialized oracles.

>> No.10942685

>relying on people

>> No.10942783
File: 49 KB, 625x625, 8CCA0831-3792-4391-9433-50F4F2AC59B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think that people suck!

>> No.10942886

people do suck you fucking retard
>relying on people for a crypto technology to work
destined to fail

>> No.10942950

Guess we should have never relied on people for making the atomic bomb, internet, computers, guns or well you know pretty much everything. You are right.

>> No.10942957

Will I make it with 302k?

>> No.10942968

>writing a paragraph in attempt to seem like you know shit
You don't understand the purpose of a decentralized trustless oracle

>> No.10942979

How much to make it?

>> No.10943002

Please someone answer this. How many?

>> No.10943017


Im afraid you are unaware the supply is 847229561 GORILLION

>> No.10943076
File: 70 KB, 638x794, creep_koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm afraid you're a mongoloid

>> No.10943103

Those have nothing to do with a coin that relies on "agents" to work correctly.

>> No.10943145
File: 584 KB, 1200x750, elliot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize an agent can by a server right?
you can't possibly be such a fucking lead poisoned brainwormed boomer retard that you think there's a person down at the google office typing search results for you right?

>> No.10943720

>50 cents in one year

Nice FUD.

>> No.10943746
File: 332 KB, 1000x1000, Constellation_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck you Holocucks......Constellation (DAG) will slay you rats.

All Hail lord of the DAGs!

>> No.10943843

Coin that doesn’t move kek

>> No.10943870

760 k normie reporting in

>> No.10944415

Do you guys know at what time is the AMA today?