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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10938856 No.10938856 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel like they're done with 4chan?

>> No.10938872

now I truely know humans thoughts

4chan helped me get laid and shit

so no, it's a good place. last place

>> No.10938873

Yes. Go back to preddit fags

>> No.10938884
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Yes, a lot of people in fact.

>> No.10938894

...and that's a good thing!

>> No.10938910

It's because in old times every second thread was CP

>> No.10938944


YES TOO MUCH PORN. not a joke, fuck every one of you worthless, proud cucks with your treasured trophies of other people fucking. I wish we were all in one room, I'd barricade the door, turn around whip my dracos out of my signature angstcoat and mow you runts down

>> No.10938990

4chin belongs to the boomers now
It over fren
/pol/ and /b/ do you think zoomers are into that? No they report it. Almost every thread. They're good

>> No.10939018
File: 110 KB, 2256x702, Schermata 2018-09-03 alle 22.31.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.10939032


So have the media hit-jobs actually worked? lel

>> No.10939038

tfw Ive been here consistently since 2012

>> No.10939056

I don't know what you're getting at but zoomers are in fact slowly taking over the place. And why shouldn't they? I came here 8 years ago at age of 20, now I see same kids coming here.
Matter of the fact is that the 30 year olds have either moved on due to being more busy in life or out of bored, or killed themselves due to living as neets into their 30s.
It's just a waste of time, I only come to /biz/ due to being crypto. Sometimes /v/ when I'm EXTREMELY bored even though I don't play games. And no I'm not depressed just slowly but surely moving on from 4chan.
>you're here forever
Sure but you're not here as often as if when you started coming here.

>> No.10939057
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>> No.10939085

Think I am done with biz, there's too much shilling. Deep, holo, quant, etc. Its all trash

>> No.10939088

I remember that image, when /b/ wasnt 99% porn

>> No.10939091

yeah, where the fuck do i go?

>> No.10939093

Seriously I’m tired of the garbage shills

>> No.10939102

What imageboards do all of the youths hang out in?

>> No.10939144

*Tips fedora*

>> No.10939157

I expect it on CERTAIN BOARDS, but I have a stroke with unironic literal real homicidal ideation when you fags post that shit here. I've hidden threads at least 10000 not-ironic times now. nowadays I guess 4chan just ain't for me outside of /pol

>> No.10939165

That feeling comes in waves you're here forever

>> No.10939191

oh fuck yeah
biggest buncha retarded nigger pajeet virgin samefags if i ever did see one.

>> No.10939201

Yeah the fact that the mods have turned a blind eye to the 0xBTC scourge did it for me. They all literally brag about coming from Reddit.

Different times. Time to find a new swamp.

>> No.10939222

Yeah it's a bit like social media, you just keep scrolling trough worthless threads killing time whilst you could be doing something productive

>> No.10939280
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>> No.10939284

Like I'm doing right now

>> No.10939301

unironically discord is the new swamp
get in or stay ghey

>> No.10939316

Goddammit Bobo

>> No.10939335

shit. based trips are truth :(

>> No.10939346

>fewer normies is a bad thing
lmao, gtfo my board

>> No.10939350

Yeah, I'm glad I stopped coming to this shithole years ago.

>> No.10939380

They hang out on musicly. If your childhood didn't involve playing counterstrike source while blasting slipknot then you won't truly understand this place.

>> No.10939674

I wish I could be done with it. I wish I had gone in a better direction with my life and didn't need this place to fill the void of friends and entertainment discussion I have.

>> No.10939724

Even if you have that this place is still good to talk anon . Where else can you shitpost whatever you want and not be judged?

>> No.10939770

Leave and don't come back then.

>> No.10939778

You're right, and I do love this place. Just would like if it wasn't the only thing I have. I'm working on improving things.
4chan does seem much more toxic in a sense that it was before. Really sick of ironic humor.

>> No.10939814
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This place offers nothing serious. That makes me s-saad

>> No.10939841

I've been done for years now, but there's literally nowhere else to go.

>> No.10939871

Came back to /biz/ after a 4 month break because I gave up on crypto after being down 75% from top

Glad I see I'm not the only one who wants to leave this shithole