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File: 95 KB, 550x550, 550px-Latin_America_(orthographic_projection).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10936909 No.10936909 [Reply] [Original]

why do latrin americans love bitcoin so much

>> No.10936956

>globe earth


>> No.10936977

it is actually a torus i know

this image is just for thread purposes

>> No.10936992

A flat plain inside a torus field

>> No.10937148

The absolute state of biz

>> No.10937159

bitcoin is without borders and shitty communist governments can't fuck it up.

>> No.10937189

Best Americans know that once Worse America can't manipulate our currency, nothing will stop us.

>> No.10937216

How widespread is bitcoin in SA and is it growing exponentially? Very interested in this topic

>> No.10937227

Worse America is shitty because you spics keep coming here and shitting the place up.

>> No.10937229

no laws against crypto

>> No.10937265

stay mad white bitch

>> No.10937274

which is the worse america ?

>> No.10937326

Dude, everyone and their cat is on it, adoption is BOOMING after Maduro move, you can even find hookers that will take BTC. I said it once and I will say it again: Worse America and Europe will be the late adopters, only people that know what it is like to be really fucked by a centralized government will embrace the ideology necessary for a thriving crypto community.

Anglo-America, of course.
>a fucking leaf

>> No.10937327

have you seen what haooened to Venezuela? what is going on in mexico and argentina?
investing is made nearly impossible by corrupt governments so bitcoin can be used as a reserve of value AND a way to invest without having to suck the gov's cock

>> No.10937332

They have a 10-20% upper class of their population which is decently well educated and makes decent money and realize inflation is absolutely fucked in their countries.

If you think the buying power of the dollar has been cucked go research the buying power of south american currencies.

>> No.10937340

>latrine americans

>> No.10937341
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Because we hold 7 miss universe titles


BECAUSE SOUTH AMERICA has the lowest Crime of ALL THE AMERICAS ( let that sink in) South America is the continent with lowest Crime rate !!!!!!! Hahahahaha

If your up for the thrill visit Venezuela and buy a miss Universe for $20 she will leave her country. Taker her to Uruguay or Bolivia (lowest Crime rate in South America ) paradise

South America has Galapagos fk off desert burgers and cartel tacos

South Americas alone has over 6 different languages . Look it up

South America has adriana Lima and Tom Brady's wife

South America is the lowest cost for QUALITY OF LIFE LOOK IT UP !


South America has the best weather in the world

South America is paradise

>> No.10937373

I'm living in Uruguay (im uruguayan) after living in Venezuela for 6 years and I want to bitch slap people when they talk about insecurity
they have no fucking idea what they're talking about, fucking media...

>> No.10937382
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Forgot .....if your racist

South America has Argentina and Uruguay 99% blue eyes blonde girls who are clueless about online dating . They are old fashioned

South America has it all for your taste

Basic research will confirm this

They have it all

Food like this is $3 ......Japanese and Portuguese ......SOUTH AMERICA HAS IT ALL ....lol muh burgers are better

Pic related

>> No.10937385

the thread is about buttcoin

not actual butts

>> No.10937413

Explain ........de qué hablas ? Como está todo por allá ?

>> No.10937426

Enlighten me, what haooened in Venezuela?

>> No.10937444

The power of the dollar in South America is better than coke or acid

Better than Ayahuasca

You are literally a millionaire with less than $100k and it's very simple to find a safe place.

Central America and South America are the equivalent of Japan and South Korea. Yes both are great and look similar but look at history , women, all that good stuff. South America is everything you want

>> No.10937445
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You forgot we have the best bundas of the world.

>> No.10937446

what I'm trying to say is insecurity here is a joke, yeah obviously there is some violence but compared to the continent we're at we should be thankful about the security and things we take for granted, like our democracy

las cosas estan bien, ahora con lo de Argentina probablemente se ponga fea la economia pero bueno, ha seguir haciendo lo nuestro y esperar lo mejor

>> No.10937471

Sur America is un gran lugar y es triste por la corrupción que estén países hermanos en tan mala situación. Argentina y Venezuela......espero que con Bitcoin todo cambie .

Del la Petro moneda si no se . Birconneeeeeeeeect

>> No.10937479


What kind of taxes you got in Uruguay?

>> No.10937486

American university educated student here. Why did you leave a socialist paradise?

>> No.10937487

>Only has the lowest crime rate because the justice system is so shitty people don't even bother to file a complaint. Plus plenty of corruption and tampering with statistics, you can't be that stupid.

>The only languages worth shit in south america are spanish and portuguese.

>lowest cost of living but also highest chance of getting randomly mugged or killed by some 15 year old from the slums.

>cheapest place to mine bitcoins until you factor in cooling costs to not have the place burn down.

You're overselling it, but as a european I would definitely much rather live in south america than other americas.

>> No.10937488

>latrin americans
*Latrine Americans

>> No.10937524

People always complain about insecurity no matter what I noticed, I live in fucking Switzerland and hear people all the time complaining how dangerous it is.....

>> No.10937528

con que cambie la mentalidad de la gente ya es suficiente para mi, la tecnologia nos liberara

taxes are high but crypto is un-regulated and the president of the central bank has stated it's not a priority to regulate it...

lmao, it's a joke right? I left in 2009

>> No.10937539


>> No.10937545

Its not a joke. All my professors tell me that Venezuela is the most lied about country in the media.

>> No.10937556

Yes my fwen

You have the 3 most amazing countries for tall gorgeous Victorias secret candidates.




Beautiful body AND FACE for days........easy to find and if you look for a small town its frowned upon to have sex with blacks. Its a norm

Colombia Venezuela mostly. Small towns want their daughters to avoid blacks so they teach them at young age to respect color but not talk or get along with. Racism is nothing like America even with all these strange cultural habits. Blacks are respected and everyone gets along . But they have their limits (mom: I don't want you talking to those black kids at school they are less than us, BUT MAKE SURE YOU RESPECT BLACKS )

That's south America

All or mostly middle class

Except for inflation states

>> No.10937560

yeah, people in stable places get bored and start complaining about whatever the media wants to complain, so they can have someone elected into presidency

I wish we'd go back to having 9 presidents like and be called "the swiss of the south" :/

>> No.10937574

tell them to go there and take their head out of their asses
I also lived in Cuba for 5 years before going to Venezuela and I have to hear commied defending Venezuela and Cuba...
a doctor makes 20dollars per month, a fucking kilo of meat is 20bucks in cuba, enough said

>> No.10937594
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El problemo?

Stay mad cracker cuckk

>> No.10937645

Maybe people care more about helping their fellow humans than living life for profit? Cuba has the most doctors in the world.

>> No.10937714
File: 3.34 MB, 1440x1506, Screenshot_20180903-114515~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a small town.

Thanks for sharing YOUR EXPERIENCE but I lived in a small town population 300,000

Not overselling because all this is solved if you find a similar place. Dude if you visit Brazil and go the favelas that's Disgusting

Capital city of most country in South America may look bad. But please

I seriously mean this

Drive at least 50-100 miles from international airport and you will realize how much safer it becomes .


It's a night and day difference

I would never live in Bogotá.cali. Rio de Janeiro. Sao Paulo. Lima Perú. Laz bolivia. Buenos aires ......no sir......I always visit the cities near by 50+ mile drive

And I run into this type of gem . The water is so warm you have no idea

Pic related

If it was that dangerous I would not pull out my $3k laptop

The continent is the best here in the Americas that I'm glad we agree. Maga has all the nice artificial McDonald's every corner. Food is so important and USA CITIZENS TAKE IT for granted .


Life is great when you are a millionaire with $100k

That's my biggest point

You have it all if America is the land where you seek refuge


>> No.10937717

That one kneeling down in the middle. Holy fuck she's so fine. My perfect ideal woman

>> No.10937794


How do I get a woman like that? (one kneeling down in the middle). If I get rich, she's going to take all my money in court, isn't she?

>> No.10937827
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And they are dirt cheap.

Save up and buy link

You will make it and buy as many as you want. They love to talk and make it feel natural. They dont rush you and you can imagine with English they will beg you for babies . A slave if you will

Never forget they hold 7 miss Universe titles

No place in the world offers women with these looks at Rock bottom price. Unless slanted eyes are your thing but I like to think like Trump. .....MISS UNIVERSE ....TALL AND GORGEOUS.......the border town of Colombia and Venezuala, Cúcuta WOMENs looks Will make you realize how bad burgers have it admiring the ugly Kardashians

No comparison.

Visit if you ever have the desire. Just follow my post and remember small towns are key. Some have cameras for public safety

Inb4 big brother is WATCHING

I dont give 2 fks ......makes me and my American dollars feel safe

>Welcome to China

Those fuckers are polluting south America FYI

They are spreading !

>> No.10937903

also DASH and a fork called SUCR. Both are rolling out ATM's across SA.

>> No.10937951

based south american anon

>> No.10937968

yeah there's good things about it
obviously savage capitalism is no better
people have a really high level of culture in cuba, on the other hand they live on an island and cannot fish (or they'll face 10 years in prison), sell that fish (20years in prison) and if they go to a non-cuban beach they're kicked out by force by the police so...

the middle road is the way to go, in uruguay we'r enot socialist but we have free healthcare, education, legal same-sex marriage, legal abortions, regulated cannabis...

>> No.10937973

sounds nice anon, will visit some place when i make it.

>> No.10938003

Basic Spanish is very simple ........if you go alone......stay on the Colombian side of the border. They have many attractions just use Google and research prices . Once you arrive with basic Spanish make friends with someone and ask. Taxi driver will suffice ......doing this alone I would tell the taxi driver take me to nearby bar or club that's popular AND NOT FAR AWAY. (Un buen lugar para rumbiar) once he drops you off ask for his card or number and make sure you always get the taxi plates.GIVE HIM A DECENT TIP $5 I WOULD. wait 1-2 hours call him and say you want to get picked up. Now that your in his car again tell him you didn't like the bar or club and you need a friend (una amiga para la noche) ask him where is the popular whore house that's safe (un buen cabaret seguro) since you tipped him earlier and you have his contact info he has no choice. He will take you to the best place and expect you to too him. Kidnapping or assaulting you will never run through his mind because he is from a small town , you have card and plates , you cornered him if hurting you was his intention. In small towns you will always find courteous people and they all know each other's business, believe it or not this plays a big role. Small Town !

Feel the place out I never had any issues other than girls fighting who gets the D first.

Do not dress flashy

They always sit next to you at the tables and want to know about you. I would always say that I had a friend on the way ...............he would never arrive and girls. The bodies and faces are out of this world

I cannot stress how beautiful they look in comparison to maga or Central America


>> No.10938096

Cuba is the exception

Maybe Puerto Rico

Central America is very different I can't really judge BUT the difference is huge in my opinion. From crime to food , women they have a variety but it's very bad. Salvador Honduras Nicaragua ........food is terrible......crime is the highest......women all have the same faces. Tortillas is a central American staple food ......rice for South America .......rice is international !!! Tortillas are not they are Disgusting. Largest oil reserves in the world . Best weather in the world. And a huge population of Blondies with blue eyes if that's your thing.

Uruguay legalized weed

Ecuador allows you to posses up 1 gram of any drug . Including crystal meth

>> No.10938119
File: 110 KB, 1022x2560, Screenshot_20180830-111326~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Venezuala is the CHEAPEST place in the world to mine btc

If you can get away with it

>Muh Petro

>> No.10938140

It's more stable than runescape gold

>> No.10938149

>monkeys will adopt BTC
Kek! They're gonna get fucked up in the ass when BTC climbs up to a new ATH. By then a satoshi will be the equivalent of 2.5/3rds of their monthly salary

>> No.10938189

I always go to BTC/ADA 80% of my salary. Why?
Burgers simply print USD to fuck our savings. With Crypto my savings are OK, i hope our future governments switch to crypto in order to get free from the burger imperialism.

>> No.10938190

in countries other than venezuela most people haven't heard about it, even people going through college
most people (that heard about it) aren't willing to research and learn by themselves
it is common to see people asking about it in "earn money with bitcoin" facebook ads
the most relevant crypto exchange is ranked 46 by volume and has $22.537.653 volume
it is very common to use localbitcoins

>> No.10938209

Doctors and lawyers earn $2-4 per month. Welcome to Venezuela

If you don't know how to capitalize on such

You wont make it

I have the connections you have an idea ?


Does anyone what the laws are regarding importing 3d printed ar15 assault weapons so they can overthrown Maburro president ? I don't think the drone Will cut . This cancer requires a group of angry men

Is Lord of War possible ?

>> No.10938263


Because they are too poor for gold, too dumb for stocks and too lazy for work

So they get bitcoin dreaming of fast wealth

>> No.10938346

I bet you're fun at parties

>> No.10938378

I'm an american born mestizo(Ecuadorian/ Puerto Rican) myself who can barely speak spanish and had a great time the last time I went to Ecuador. Girls actually sort of looked at me and were kind of interested in me. It was fucking crazy. Even went to a few whore houses. My favorite was this tall blonde cuban. She was amazing. 9/10. I honestly have no business fucking women like that but money talks. Only problem is I can't speak fucking spanish and it sounds horrible when I do with ny tri state area accent. Oh well. I'm thinking about hitting up Chile next. Is that a good place to find a wife?

>> No.10938750
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Visit Chile I hear it's nice

The women uhhhhhhhh not sure . I haven't been only heard so expect 5s average ........Chile Argentina Uruguay I don't set the bar high. Brazil Colombia and Venezuala ......different story. Those 3 breed angels not sure whats in the food or water.

>> No.10938836

En Espanol por favor

>> No.10938949


>> No.10939242

bc they know that their own fiat is literally worthless and controlled by socialist govts who will rekt it at any moment.


>> No.10939259

I'm in that green but I just own tons of XRP.

>> No.10939309

because they're dumb and believe in easy money
just like this board

>> No.10939347

Another thing, you guys invest in these interplanetary currencies but your physical world is confined around a radius of 10km or less.

>> No.10939359

Enjoy losing everything you work for through inflation.
Fucking nocoiners

>> No.10939367

They're, they, them, those people, these people... Nigga you are poor.

>> No.10939529

Enjoy being scammed.
Fucking kids who think they're gonna become millionaires because 4chan told them so.

>> No.10939916


>> No.10939927

it's not our problem the mexicans keep mistaking your country for a giant toilet

>> No.10940325


There's a lot of people I despise for being insanely retarded on the Internet. Flat earth though takes the cake - it's literally only possible to believe by disregarding insane amounts of evidence, thinking anyone that's ever travelled in an aircraft or owned a telescope is lying to you and never leaving the tiny valley in the middle of burgerland you were born in (it's ALWAYS a burger that believes that shit), so you never see this "horizon" people keep telling you about.

>> No.10940463

>All Flatearthers are burgers


No matter what you say, your shithole country will always be irrelevant.

>> No.10940468

all or mostly middle class, just fucking lol

>> No.10940542

that being said I'm fluent in Spanish and I would move down there if I made enough money. I wouldn't mind living like a King in Uruguay

>> No.10941276

>like a King in Uruguay
try that idiot

>> No.10941312

economic freedom

>> No.10941350

I'm Australian and my uncle is a flat earther but he clings to lots of retarded conspiracies purely so he can start shit on social media

>> No.10942163
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this is a slide thread created by SB/MM/David Hogg's folks.
>flat earthers
Saged and hidden. Liberalism is a mental disorder, and the left can't meme. #neveragainNupepe

>> No.10942206

what's Tom Cruise doing there though

>> No.10942515

>SB/MM/David Hogg's folks

go take your pills

>> No.10942862
File: 35 KB, 1200x800, f50bd53e482b46b4241ba4922ebbca83_1280x800_crop_center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3d printed ar15 assault weapons

you wouldn't be able to skirt any firearms laws just because something is "3d printed". It's either considered a firearm or it's not.

The closest thing would be importing blank 80% lowers (legally not considered a firearm) and finishing them with a milling machine.

You would still need to buy all the parts to complete it though, but there aren't laws regarding gun parts as they are just parts, and the part that is considered the "gun" is the lower receiver.

>> No.10943190

>why do latin americans love bitcoin
because when our currency goes down and the dollar goes up, our gains are actually in double, because BTC follows the dollar

>> No.10943198

OG aussie bantmeister

>> No.10943241

Please use Latinx in the future. And by the way they don’t love bitcoin stop making generalizations about a diverse population.

>> No.10943456

>use Latinx
i am not using that

i already own a gtx1080ti and i dont need an upgrade

>> No.10943702

Volatility but goes up generally in crypto
Opposite in Latin American currencies

>> No.10943873

because their own currencies are complete shit and worthless. There's a reason Panama and El Salvador use the Dollar

>> No.10943883

yes please all you tacos buy bitcoin so us rich gringos in "worse america" can ride in lambos and bang your daughters when they grow up and decide to leave your shithole

>> No.10944195

yes yankee please stay out of cuba. its horrible there lol.

>> No.10944403

Where can I buy lower blanks

80% without any info should work

If it hits customs what can they say ?

>> No.10944424
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