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File: 181 KB, 1515x1472, wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10936820 No.10936820 [Reply] [Original]

What will happen if crypto actually becomes a real threat to the established financial system?

>> No.10936839

It never will. It's rat poison squared.

>> No.10936841


>> No.10937006

Bitcorn goes to zero. The banks will never let it happen.

>> No.10937031

nice larp
cia/nsa have satoshi's private key they are waiting for btc pump to 1m and dump on us

>> No.10937039

it cant. The established system wants crypto to succeed.

>> No.10937049

Wagner dindu nuffin wrong. He was a good boi.

>> No.10937069

Bitcoin is there to push the cashless one world currency. It will thrive

>> No.10937081

Why would they let it succeed when it directly undermines the power of central banks and financial institutions?

>> No.10937088

Read The Sovereign Individual

>> No.10937097

Rheinmaiden cosplaywill be number one on pornhub

>> No.10937104

Satoshi has millions of btc, who do you think Satoshi is?

>> No.10937114

Jesus why does every single race have such a huge problem with whites the last couple of decades?

>> No.10937147

Not the banks and that is the problem.

>> No.10937172

got a link / pdf?

>> No.10937290

people really can't separate an artist from their work? sure he was a bigoted prick but his compositions are excellent.
also crypto will never be more than meme money.

>> No.10937325

>gee, I wonder why someone who wanted to murder jews is hated by them

>> No.10937350

>implying they can control the honey badger
damn, it must suck being a scared little bitch.

>> No.10937378
File: 1.98 MB, 1184x1196, 4DECF247-34E8-46B4-A19D-EC85C496D41A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another clueless retard that has no idea that the banks and the globalist jews are literally wanting crypto to succeed and are pumping hundreds of millions into its development for over 5 years now, it gives them a tool to make shekels even faster and you stupid fuck think they don‘t want it?
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.10937516
File: 194 KB, 425x453, 1535413239448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what will happen:

>> No.10937607

Make money in the short term maybe, then they will crash it. They have zero long term desire to keep around a currency that allows people to never use a bank or wiring service ever again.

>> No.10937788



Slightly different version of the book but has pretty much everything in it.

>> No.10937829

same thing with people boycotting Polanski's movies or graphic designers refusing to use Gill Sans because the creator might have had sex with his kids and dogs.
It's stupid, especially when it's not really reflected in their work.

Of course in the case of Wagner, since some claim the dwarfs in his operas are representations of jews, I can somewhat understand why Israel would react in that way.

>> No.10939003
File: 134 KB, 500x397, bernankenkrugman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse than trading freshly harvested adenachrome from goddamn baby brains

>> No.10939578
File: 38 KB, 518x333, hitler mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont like Wagner music but they still drive mercedes benz

who understands these jews?

>> No.10939741
File: 15 KB, 429x410, 1459245048103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inform the (((media))) that Hitler's favourite beverage was water
>jews boycott water

>> No.10940054


There isn't just 1. There's a whale war going on between governments and I think the first whale to realize they can use crypto to win will jump in, and consider making us all rich as acquisition costs. Right now it's a nice way to starve out retail investors so they have to pay less people, but the clock is ticking because the first few to get in will get so much more of the new global economy.

>> No.10940193

It could happen because some other rich people who aren't the richest, but rich enough will buy up cryptos at the bottom and do a huge campaign to promote it. They then dump when the big normie rush comes again.

>> No.10940219

>he doesn’t know
Wtf do you think last December was, brainiac?

>> No.10940240

Wrong, they just want to blockchain your every move, slave
the usury is 3sweet2forgo and they'd rather witness total annihilation than step aside peacefully

>> No.10940318

>People have no interest in crypto.
>It's the Jews fault!

>> No.10941200


The same reason why being a self hating white person has become socially fashionable the last couple of decades.

>> No.10941226


he was a vegetarian too and liked dogs

>> No.10941602

one of the first Bitcoin miners? lmao brainlet