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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10934476 No.10934476 [Reply] [Original]

How do you sleep at night knowing that you will become billionaires?

How do you spend your days?
>i went to the lambo showroom to make up my mind on which model i will get also i already viewed 3 villas and a farmhouse

>> No.10934493


>> No.10934499

Wow someone over 18 on this board actually bought chainlink?

Good luck on your shitcoin faggot.

You think real millionaires are getting shitty pictures tatted on their arms?

The answer is now wagie, no get ready for tuesday.

>> No.10934508

This is hubris, hubris will get punished. 0.11 EOY

>> No.10934511
File: 174 KB, 1527x1080, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep already looking at villas and nice cars too. However we all need to buy this shit actually:


This the best hot tub money can buy. It's around 20K (chump change for us). Just imagine lying in this on a starry night, alone or together with your wife. Fucking amazing.
And why would you buy a lambo? Just a buy audi RS7 or something. You can actually use that car for everyday use and still have a beast of car.

>> No.10934519
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0.11 btc EOY

>> No.10934523

Oh i already am planning to spend 20k on my wife and her bull to send them on a cruise in Italy

>> No.10934525



>> No.10934529

Pretty fucking cozy I wont lie. Ill spend the rest of my days learning different instruments, making jewelry, hiking, and gardening. Creativity is an innate characteristic of humans, and its important to foster that ability.

>> No.10934553

why is the lettering so bad? just sold 100k

>> No.10934558


>> No.10934567

how many linkies do you guys have?

i have only 5k, hope it's enough

>> No.10934570


Just like what sergay is doing with all of your guy's money.

>> No.10934581


>> No.10934583

I'm looking into farm land. Apparently you need half an acre to feed yourself.

>> No.10934623

>Buying a spa
But I don't have any friends

>> No.10934650

how will you sleep at night when you've lost everything and become the laughing stock of crypto, like many alt holders before you were?

>> No.10934765
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>> No.10934788
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>> No.10934793

I've been looking into pool cleaners for my collection. I only have two at the moment, but when link takes off, I'm aiming to have around 20, each with varying degrees of suction.

>> No.10934797


>> No.10934839


You guys are covered in tinfoil.
Take this shit tier level of belief somewhere else.

You think Multi-billion $ companies are going to let some faggots that are still living at home get rich or run their network nodes for their "decentralized smart contracts"?

You think Multi-billion $ companies even want decentralization? The answer is no because the real world isn't some fucking utopia where everything can be decentralized and governed by itself.

>> No.10934874
File: 4 KB, 171x116, pepe gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. will never have qt3.14 asian gf to laugh at your small dick.

Why even go on?

>> No.10934929

It's a meme successfully implanted in poor dumbasses who think they are smart. They are so fucking dumb they honestly believed a larper who called himself assblaster.
It's enough to look at the screenshot. Current link shills ate it all up and really thought they are going to get rich.
What actually happened is that they became bagholders. These are the people that shill link.

It's enough to look at the total supply vs circulating to know that the only people getting rich are the founders.

Currently it's in a short lived pump and dump fueled by wash trading and partnership with an open source library.
It's relatively easy because token ownership is centralized to an absurd degree and a minuscule fraction of the supply is traded.

>> No.10935453

You think Multi-billion $ companies even want decentralization?

>> No.10935704

You think Multi-billion $ companies even give a fuck who will get rich off their usage of the network, when it saves them millions of dollars and grants them access to a whole new industrial standard?! Fucking brainlet.