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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10933929 No.10933929 [Reply] [Original]

Were the shills full of shit or is this coin ridiculously priced with a $2m market cap and only 102m tokens?

>> No.10933941

piss dich katofl

>> No.10934083

Soon the market cap will be between 10 and 100 million.
That will be the easiest gains ever.

>> No.10934102
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 78E1FD3E-E3CC-432F-8188-237412926D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inyaface biz

>> No.10934120

Die katze ist frei.

>> No.10934142

the app is terrible

>> No.10934186

Apple doesn't feature 'terrible' apps. You're just hatin'

>> No.10934193


Just try it Anon. It’s simply great. The first Apple approved crypto shopping App. It will moon like hell.

>> No.10934363

If you have not enough funds to invest then download the app and earn tokens

>> No.10934379
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you three

>> No.10934387

what happened to the android app?

>> No.10934426

Coming today apparently.

>> No.10934440

It's shit and I'm buying zel cash and oxbitcoin, even I know it's shit....

>> No.10934460

I want to see the 100K downloads. Also where is the Kardashian and instagram influencer marketing, only then mooon !!! But I will get my 100K of tokens just in case, I dont want to miss this moon mission.

>> No.10934487
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>> No.10934990

This won't moon, this will directly jump to Arkon through the hyperspace

>> No.10935198

We were full of shit.

That is why the app is now featured in the app store.

We've been trying to help you guys for a long time now, it's your turn to get on board and help us make alts great again.

>> No.10935737

How many of these do I need to make it brother?

>> No.10935761

>no android

>> No.10935815
File: 70 KB, 1087x727, yessirgoodphoneyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet poodroid owners btfo

>> No.10935845
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Whts wrong with it

>> No.10935961

With Android you can atleast use the hardware you purchased as you wish. Unlike apple where you can't do what you want and pay extra for it

>> No.10936023

If you think it can get to 100m marketcap, then it's at 1 dollar per.

At that point, 1 million WYS = 1 million USD.

How much money do you need, how high do you think it can go?

>> No.10936209

barely any volume on IDEX even after the big iOS release and wysker 2.0, this is a shitcoin just like the rest of them.

>> No.10936687
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My thoughts exactly. Dumped my bags 25k bags at 12.5k gwei after having bought them 50/50 at 11k and 13.8k. Didn't even calculate if I made it even. The reason that this isn't doing anything now since the app was the only thing going for them, I am out of this shitcoin. Too bad I fell for the shills kek.

>> No.10937454

this is a token where the developers seem competent, they have a working product, but it clearly isn't enough.
They need much more aggressive marketing. Not shilling of their token, but marketing for the app. It has to go viral, and make normies and insta-thots want to use it and post about it.
Somehow I doubt their German team is capable of accomplishing that.

>> No.10937473

Ich habe eine App

>> No.10937588
File: 1.78 MB, 750x1334, 6FE79AEA-BF3A-49F2-8B2E-2316E520A5F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hot