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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10933529 No.10933529 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pulling a Brazilian move and opening my doors to become an armchair psychologist to all the neets of /biz/. This will be completely free of charge tell me your woes your pains and your feels. I ask for nothing and will sparingly give you my time and positive vibes and energy. Just remember you get what you pay for and you're paying for nothing so don't come in with any high expectations.

Ask about stock tips or investments, tell me how hard it is being a 30yo boomer at the age of 19, lets talk about yfw no gf.

Officially open for business Sirprinceo@live.com

>> No.10933568


Hi Serpico.

27/M here. I have a hard time feeling emotions lately, aside from anger. What the fuck is wrong with me?

>> No.10933588

ur a big babby whos never had to face consequences

>> No.10933606
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>> No.10933702

Hello im a 33 yr old dude living by myself make good money flipping other assets but i dont trust human beings. It kills relationships eventually. Any chance at believing in people?

>> No.10933730

Fuck off to /brazillian move and open doors general/ you piece of shit.

I am getting real tired of pieces of shit not listening to my rules. My rules are there for the benefit of everyone so everyone should listen to me or be pieces of shit.

>> No.10933732


>> No.10933761

what are the rules? thats a good question. how does someone determine what the rules are now that's where things get interesting. let's get into it let's be about it. why don't you send me an email.

>> No.10933801

Im sitting here in my office job and shitpost all day, max 1 hour of real work per day. Only reason im still here is the salary - i get paid more than all my former classmates (even 1 doctor and a few lawyers among them)

But its sooooo boring. Presented my project idea (social media datamining), manager liked it, but got declined by the level above.

Thinking about quitting and working somewhere else

>> No.10933978
