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File: 111 KB, 760x400, xmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10933412 No.10933412 [Reply] [Original]

Sirs, how many Monero to make it?

>> No.10933419

all of them kek

>> No.10933422


>> No.10933442
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>> No.10933517


>> No.10933686

21 unironically.

>> No.10933718

Fuck off you piece of shit. Go to /monero general/ are you fucking braindead?

I am getting real tired of pieces of shit not listening to my rules. My rules are there for the benefit of everyone so everyone should listen to me or be pieces of shit.

>> No.10934151

This shit will be in the dumpster within a month. Their devs are incompetent buffoons, led by the prince of all troglodytes and sjw's. They have proven themselves outdated by scurrying desperately around to copy code of utter shitcoins like fucking pathetic little rats in order to seem relevant.

>> No.10934416

just say no to this reddit tier sjw cuck coin

>> No.10934447

>sjw cuck coin
>used by drug distribution enterprises
pick one you retard

>> No.10934463
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>This shit will be in the dumpster within a month

>> No.10934497
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If you only hold 2 coins it should be BTC and XMR.

>> No.10934506

winner winner chicken dinner

>> No.10934592

kys nomero

>> No.10934636

You obviously haven't been keeping up with the latest developments.

>> No.10934669
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As many as you can afford

>> No.10934675


Lol found the bcashie

>> No.10934680
File: 28 KB, 640x406, 1E7334A0-B1DF-4C90-8132-0BB9FEA7A824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One coin for the light, and one coin for the dark.

>> No.10934698

btc because it's the only viable store of value in crypto
xmr because its the only viable privacy preserving payment coin (currently), and other than privacy theres no reason to use any of the other useless payment coins like nano
and i would throw in eth because eth represents the whole smart contract market, and if smart contracts become a serious thing eth will have to be leading the way, and is already at that point where it's gained critital mass compared to all other platforms.

long term i wouldnt want to hold onto xmr too long though because if privacy is that important btc will have to add it, even if it's just a closed-loop privacy sidechain/layer on top, it still serves the same level of privacy provided you stay within the coin, just like leaving the monero network exposes you in the same way.

>> No.10934701

The success of all future crypto will be devs that actually invest profits back into their projects. Not fat fucks that buy half million dollar watches. Monero is shit

>> No.10934707

A bit salty that Bitmain got fucked?

>> No.10934721
File: 1.01 MB, 1058x1058, ChirstmasMonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10934738

unless monero has a serious privacy breaking vulnerability i dont see any reason for users to move until bitcoin has a viable 1:1 token/layer/protocol improvement that offers similar mathematical privacy as monero, but without the risk of holding monero long term.

none of the other "privacy" coins have any relevance, zk-snarks/starks/zero knowledge in general looked good, but the implementation was botched, and other than that there's no other privacy methods out there other than basic mixing, which is the foundation for monero anyway

>> No.10934746

> there's no reason to use nano.

Well that's where you are wrong.

I'm a XMR accumulator, but I introduced 3 friends who previously never had crypto, to crypto. with NANO

let the dumwiths ( yes they aren't too bright ) download the mobile wallet and seconds later I had sent them one NANO. it was fast, it was easy, it was what I would use when I am out on a festival. Not xmr, it's slow and time consuming and expensive. yes its more secure yes its probably a better store of value

but nano > xmr

in terms of ease of use and speed.

I wouldn't have even considered introducing those three friends into crypto if I had to do it with BTC or XMR.

>> No.10934796
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>> No.10934824

you don't seem to understand the economics of these coins. the problem with nano is there's no incentive to use it over some other alt that takes a DAG and manages to do it better. these alts need time to accumulate users, and nano is just too little of an improvement way too late into the "payments" game to be of any consequence. no alt coming out these days has a real shot at sticking around if all they offer is just a prospect of a "better bitcoin" or "better ethereum". we're too late for small time ideas like that, and too early in any real adoption (not price/speculation) for nano to get any users before it gets obsoleted itself.

and fundamentally no, nano is not a better "store of value", you're confusing store of value and medium of exchange. in fact, it's incredibly poor distribution from the outset invalidates any attempt at it being a store of value. alts are a dime a dozen, and therefore just don't hold value long term.

>> No.10934907

i never said nano was a better store of value.
I'm saying its easier to use on the field as currency than xmr is and you can't refute this.

also the distribution is more fair than any ICO or project with a Team holding certain amounts of coins as "development fund" check out how REQ if you wantto see a bad distibution. or Constellation.

Anyone who collected those free nano from faucets has sold at $1 $10 or $50.

NANO distribution is fine.
XLM and XRP is what you could call shit distribution.

Also, not to shit on XMR , but I'm paying for weed with NANO already. Anywhere one of my friends is at whatever festival or party. I can buy or sell them shit for nano cause its fast and easy.

XMR wont be the crypto currency used, at best a good store of value ( offshore bank tier store of value )

which is perfectly fine.

but NANO > XMR in user exp until now.

>> No.10934931
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What price will Bitcoin be when Monero hits $20k?

>> No.10934965
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>> No.10934971

how the fuck does someone put XMR logo on 22 years old 100 viewers twitch streamer by name Sanxyra?

>> No.10934977
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An unknown amount

>> No.10934978

What is making it anon? Unironically it will be $1500+ next bull run with crashes less severe than bitcoin. Similar to owning at least 0.1 BTC, you should have 10 XMR also. Then you can go play in alts. That $18k price target from the report in 2028 seems low honestly. Monero will have an equal market cap to Bitcoin by then. Should be equal after this next hard fork and Bulletproofs are implemented.

>> No.10935039
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I’d imagine the 200K vicinity

>> No.10935050

Uh oh it's a Dero shill! Hurry everyone hide behind their massive bags!

>> No.10935068
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>> No.10935077

brainlet LOL.

>> No.10935132

t. I haven't even ever used any wallets or send friends crypto.

fucking neet fatso.

>> No.10935157
File: 314 KB, 1080x1080, Best Monero Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping my Monero folder

>> No.10935245

>I'm saying its easier to use on the field as currency than xmr is and you can't refute this.
because it has nothing to offer other than being marginally faster than BTC in practice

>> No.10935280

so ?

> marginally faster

lol. fastest time a btc transfer can complete : 10 minutes
fastest time a nano transfer can complete : 5 seconds.

>> No.10935315

you think I got time to wait for 10 minutes when El chapo buys 10 grams of weed of me at the festival? fuck no, instant transaction confirmation is what I fucking need,

waiting 10 minutes could get me fucking robbed.

>> No.10935394

What are you talking about lol

>> No.10935496

Roughly 30 XMR is whats needed to make it within a 5 year spread.

>> No.10935565

you dont need to wait 10 minutes you just need to wait 1-2 minutes for at least 1 confirmation and then you're good to go. if el chapo can see how much money you have then he's prob gonna rob your ass

>> No.10935687

i collect the money in nano then I convert it to xmr when I get home from work obviously.

>> No.10935814

only? That would imply that Monero reaches atleast 15k...I mean I wouldn't complain but I see a more reasonable 2 or 3 thousand per XMR

>> No.10936057
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i like you guys

>> No.10936098
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>> No.10936114

monero is trash. it scales like shit because you have to check every fucking block with your spend key.

zcash and sapling >*

>> No.10936172


enjoy 20% founders tax
enjoy 90% non transparent transactions
enjoy nobody using your coin

>> No.10936477

>le centralized shitcoin

>> No.10936845
File: 121 KB, 1159x867, Monero in top 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero's back in the top 10, baby! IMO it is a top 5 coin easily.

>> No.10936880

$1 billion USD in Bitcoin is currently on the move from the Silk Road's cold wallets into Binance and Bitfinex. You can be assured that some of this will move into Monero...

Explains the pump?

Check r Bitcoin and r Cryptocurrency if you want source.

>> No.10937043
File: 221 KB, 1392x620, kmdbuysignal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking it also moving into KMD. both KMD and XMR have privacy features and look at this buy wall I spotted earlier: