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File: 360 KB, 1364x746, Screen Shot 2018-09-02 at 11.17.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10930745 No.10930745 [Reply] [Original]

Constellation MOBI Consortium Partnership

In conjunction to building our own channels and funnels for adoption, Constellation will be selectively
working with several consortiums that will enable us to expand our network, build trust within
established conversations around DLT and enterprise adoption, flush out industry-specific use cases, and
allow us to become thought leaders in various industries.
The first consortium we have been accepted into is an exclusive group in the San Francisco Bay Area,
called MOBI. MOBI is a nonprofit organization working with forward-thinking companies, governments,
and NGOs to make mobility services more efficient, affordable, greener, safer, and less congested by
promoting standards and accelerating adoption of Blockchain, distributed ledger, and related

>> No.10930772

Dont fomo me in wtf, i found out about Constellation from the reddit shills just yesterday and they already scored a big partnership? Neeets! Time to fill my bags for real this time

>> No.10930776

Holy shit

>> No.10930779



>> No.10930785

shoo shoo pajeet.

>> No.10930788

They are making a lot more progress than I expected. This is great news for it's future and for crypto/blockchain in general. Adoption is key always. I've been keeping an eye out for this one for a while but I wasn't sure. I'm glad its not a shit coin and they are putting legitimate work in to their project. I think if they keep developing like this... its future is bright. Time to stock some up and get involved on their TG to see what's what.

>> No.10930823


>> No.10930839

Well, that is a nice surprise, been buying the dips for the past few weeks. VET saw a big pump when they partnered with MOBI a while back.

>> No.10930848
File: 105 KB, 502x922, 4b907b9a-3fef-446f-89a3-33d68de9d465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW!! Fudders get rekt, this aint no gook scam coin

>> No.10930870

Wow. I was sooooo close to picking up a bag a week ago but chickened out because of scam fud. Turns out I'm a fucking idiot asshole ... Got me a mere 50k now. Now moonnnn

>> No.10930900

CEO of hello kitty is an advisor (""We had one of our key advisors, Rehito (Ray) Hatoyama, present for us on innovation, globalization of a multi-billion dollar brand, and governance. Ray was the past CEO of Sanrio (holding company of Hello Kitty) and was responsible for taking them from $300m market cap to $6.5b. Ray is playing a vital role on how we approach our go to market strategy for the next year."
this advisors credibility is on the line. Do you think he would be affiliated with a scam? All the people saying this is a scam are deluded or haven't done any research.

The fud that is going around is that the supply is held mostly by the team, which is true, but they are thinking about doing a token burn and the tokens are vested.

Another fud that is going around is that the code review done by andre cronje was viewed as "decent" when I know for a fact that he is paid off by teams to rate good.

More fud is that the team abandoned their last project Rakugo, they were trying to build it but ran into ethereums scalability issues and decided to make their own solution. All ETH for rakugo was refunded or the investors were given the option to invest in constellation

>> No.10931128

This article is form june lol.

>> No.10931149


Ya nice try, lol. Constellation's new whitepaper got released an hour ago in it, they reveal the MOBI partnership. Doesn't matter when that article is from, all it's doing is describing who MOBI is. lol

>> No.10931150

Yea, it shows what mobi does, they just announced the partnership today. I linked it for relevancy.

>> No.10931166


>> No.10931275


Lets hope they will burn enough tokens so Distribution isnt as bad as it is now

>> No.10931346

Dag FTW \m/
All my money in DAG!

>> No.10931425

9 million MKT cap and they're already landing partnerships with one of the same groups as VEN. Literally about to go all in on this

>> No.10931426
File: 665 KB, 795x1250, DAG_Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cozy in DAG

>> No.10931488

Taking this dagpepe. All in on DAG rn

>> No.10931934

I am all in on this mother fucking token yo.. DAG gonna make me some cash money

>> No.10932053

>Cozy in DAG
kek dags are scams. especially are dag literally named DAG

>> No.10932224

how do you not own any hot rn?

>> No.10932266


>> No.10932931

You are worried about the distribution when the marketcap sits around 8m? They just landed a partnership that mooned vechain 30% and iota 20%, when they were worth many times more than Constellation currently is

>> No.10932952

Without DAGS IoT can't be decentralized, Blockchain isn't fast enough. If you read into DAG technology then you would know that the tech is actually quite genius

>> No.10933148

DAG is obviously the future, not a larger

>> No.10933669

Got mine loaded up, this is one of the best tech advancements I've seen in recent times

>> No.10933708
File: 99 KB, 798x798, 1241514123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a scam. lol people are idiots.

over 60% of all tokens are in team and advisor wallets.