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10930744 No.10930744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last chance to strap in lads

>> No.10930768
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Die slow

>> No.10930844
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Die poor

>> No.10930962
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This "coin" has one of the worst charts I've ever seen. God.

This is a scam

>> No.10931095

It's been stable as fuck if you actually looked at the chart (you haven't.) The bull is prepped faggot.

>> No.10931104

Shoo shoo ranjeesh

>> No.10931132
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>> No.10931344
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>> No.10931405

Get in now or remain poor as fuck.

>> No.10931424

1,750 checking in, still mining about 6-7 per day. Can’t wait for $10 soon lol gay ass negro kike

>> No.10931429

This shit is gonna make me so rich

>> No.10931445

The worst chart since garlicoin.

>> No.10931447

I don't know what your native currency is, OP, whether it's rupees, Zimbabwean dollars, or Vietnamese Dong, but here in America $64,000 in daily trading volume is horseshit. Especially considering the bot wash trading.

> itt OP doesn't understand that any shit coin needs volume in order to profit from any pump and will probably end up holding his coins down to $0.

Even if this saw a 1000% pump in price you might only be able to sell $10 at that price because the order book is so thin.

>> No.10931470

You sound like you bought garlicoin.
This poster doesn’t understand buy low sell high. This poster buys coins that have already mooned hoping for a 2x in a year. He doesn’t understand “buy low sell high”. He has never tasted that sweet 100x gentleman feeling so he doesn’t know where to find it. Just like the pothead can score in any city in the world, those that know the high know where to find it. This poster will forever be poor because he has only ever tasted pain.

>> No.10931551

Alright you are obviously clueless so let me school you using real-world, live, at this moment in time data.

You would crash the price to ~$0.50 if you wanted to sell 1 ETH worth of 0xBTC right now.

Likewise, if you wanted to sell for any more ETH, then you will have to hit the buy wall at $0.47.

You, alone, would crash the price of 0xBTC down 20% just by selling for 2 ETH ($580).

How does this seem like a good investment to you?

>> No.10931560

>he thinks the mercatox orderbook IS the market.

If you want to crash the price the way you say I invite you to try.

>> No.10931565


>> No.10931576

in your pea sized brain.

>> No.10931586

Oh please, you are justifying pumps based on CMC, which is highly impacted by Mercatox since that reflects +95% of the volume. I seriously can't understand how someone could be THIS stupid.

Let me guess, you have massive OTC trades on your Discord? Well, I don't know what imaginary market land you are referring to, but things are different here in the real world.

>> No.10931590

Today's trade volume was $300k.


>> No.10931597

>what is true now will be true forever.

You know what speculation is right? What are you going to do? Wait until it’s already pumped and the volume is high before buying in?

>> No.10931644

No, I have analyzed the market for well established coins that pull in at LEAST $1M daily volume. There was literally a huge discount on the whole market in the past couple weeks while you were busy fucking around with this bullshit. I literally made a little short of $10K from this past dip while your shit coin has been playing peek-a-boo with the $0.50 mark.

>> No.10931651

You’re clearly a trader not a speculator. Welcome to crypto by the way. See you at $20.

>> No.10931659

Can't wait to see the order books at $20. I feel like we may witness the first -90% from a single trade of 3 ETH.

>> No.10931673
File: 79 KB, 408x660, DA3AFC1E-28CA-4C98-9254-2C47A21A2F3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one gives me 2012 BTC/2017 Antshares vibes

Anyone else? I’ve already mined 500 of them with my MacBook Pro

>> No.10931678

You have a lot to learn. Enjoy losing money trying to time the market. Instead of investing in guaranteed moon missions.

>> No.10931719

>You would crash the price to ~$0.50 if you wanted to sell 1 ETH worth of 0xBTC right now.

Have you fuckers even bothered watching the buy/sells? You're just talking shit, stupid shit at that.

>> No.10931725

Low market cap does not guarantee moon. You know what, I'll do you a solid and pick a coin that will moon harder than this shit.

I've never even looked this low (700's) on CMC but there is a coin ORS that is 10 ranks lower than 0xBTC in terms of market cap. I don't know shit about the coin but it is racking $3 million dollars in 24H supply and is listed on a big exchange.

It's currently at $0.03. Screencap this.

>> No.10931743

Go shill your shitcoin somewhere else, faggot. This is a 0xbtx fudder btfo thread, bitch. I swear the brainlets fudding this coin are the biggest Krugers I've ever witnessed. When the 'pajeet scam' fud failed, you go to another worthless talking point of no volume. It was once true, but you're about 2 months behind. Kys

>> No.10931756


Motherfucker, do you fucking understand. Selling 2 ETH will cause -20% loss in price.

This is a HUGE talking point. If no one is willing to buy your shitcoin your shitcoin is LITERALLY WORTHLESS.

>> No.10931769

It's been gaining volume for the past month retard. Again kys

>> No.10931783

Not when TODAY at a random fucking time I check and selling 2 ETH equates to -20%. And price has been dropping in the past month, so what kind of "volume" does that suggest, the good kind or bad kind, retard?

>> No.10931788

It does have comparitively low volume. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t buy it to make a speculation.

Low volume is only a bad thing if ou’re some kind of euphoric newfag daytrader. But they usually gas themselves out of the game in a few months. Eternally butthurt.

BTC has low volume at one point. People even used to complain about ETH volume and the fact that it was only available on poloniex(an exchange that had at that point recently been hacked)

These things change. That’s what newfags fail to grasp. Speculation is about anticipating changing market conditions. Trading is about losing money gradually until you have none left. I’m not a trader I’m a speculator so I buy things that may look crappy right now but I believe have huge potential gains. I’ve made a lot of money this way in the past and it’s what I intend to carry on doing.

>> No.10931826

No. If you want to speculate, I just made a call out of my ass on a coin, ORS, that is in the same position as 0xBTC in market value, but is pulling in 3 million dollars. I don't play this speculation game because I have real money invested, but in 5 minutes I feel like I picked a harder moon coin than yours and I may put a hundy on it just because of this convo. Thanks.

>> No.10931883

You do know that low price + low volume = moon soon and low price + high volume = dead shitcoin, right?

>> No.10931888
File: 31 KB, 470x470, 1535396752635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$300k volume
>rank 750
>listed since early June
>max $600k volume
>he doesn't know it's already lost in a sea of shitcoins

>> No.10931900

think you got that backwards m8

>> No.10931920

Almost got me haha. It's hard to differentiate between the trolls and 0xBTC shills.

>> No.10931925

>$10k volume only a couple of months ago
>new exchange listing coming up
Not really, think about it - if it has a low price and no volume, then that means no one is willing to sell it ar that price. If it has a low price and high volume, then that means holders are dumping it. There's a 16k buy order on Merca right now a little below current price, if it was a dead shitcoin, then that order would've been filled a long time ago.

>> No.10931931

trips and green id. kek agrees. OP fuck off with this garbage coin

>> No.10931939

Oh.. you're serious. Yeah, you really don't understand how things work.

>> No.10931943

0xMarines, fall in.

1,480 0xBTC all present and accounted for.

>> No.10931953

Wait a minute.. all this effort over less than $1000. hahahaha I mean I should have expected this but wow. Talk about different ballparks.

>> No.10931954


This article is the fuse that starts the next 0xBTC moon mission. Mark my words, $1 in one week or less.

>> No.10931960

Yeah you will really have life changing money with $1480. lmao

>> No.10931962

In 5 years you'll be desperate to suck my dick for even .2 0xBTC. Unfortunately for you I'm not a faggot

>> No.10931966

I feel sorry for the newfags that actually believe the likes of you and miss out on legit projects to buy some chink scams. Pick up an economics book and you'll see I'm right, when the volume begins dropping at a low price, then that means the bottom is in and a reversal is soon to come.

>> No.10931967

You're right, you are a poor faggot.

>> No.10931978

I actually picked a shit coin within this thread which I am personally rooting for that will overtake your shit coin, shortly.

>> No.10931982

You outed yourself as a nigger. You can't think long term can you?

>> No.10931996

As I've stated earlier in this thread, I do not make nigger decisions and am only vested in less volatile projects. You're the one hyping a sub 100, no--sub 200, no--sub 700 market cap coin. I did join you in your nig train of thought though, LET'S GO ORS!!!

>> No.10932008

UPDATE: Within the duration of this thread, ORS has bypassed 0xBTC in market cap ranking (initially under 10 ranks)!!!

>> No.10932045

Go and buy it. There’s hundreds of coins which fit your ridiculous “investment requirements” why don’t you buy all of them and see what happens.

>> No.10932072

The only requirement I had when choosing that was ~700 marketcap that had over 1 million dollars in volume. Not a common requirement at all. Bonus that it is trading on Okex. I threw $100 at it.

>> No.10932082

Fuck. This actually is a pretty good strat before the bull run.

>> No.10932194

>ITT strapped in 0xBTC holders get BTFO

>> No.10932225
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Pic related
Enjoy your bags.

>> No.10932262

Shit, I keep forgetting that $100 is a lot of money to **you people**

>> No.10932265
File: 39 KB, 734x141, B076AAB7-94F9-4F92-BA65-2564FBA22CEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm so it’s daily volume is double it’s market cap...nothing fishy going on there at all.

Hmmm.... in short, kys

>> No.10932274

Like I said, enjoy your chink ICO bags. Let me ask you this: how much money have you EVER made from crypto?

>> No.10932276

Ah, that makes sense. I'm dealing with edgy teenagers

>> No.10932289

So far? I'm up 60K

>> No.10932299

Wow a whole 60 thousand US dollars what’s that about £40 grand. Why should I listen to you when I’ve cashed out over £300k in to my actual bank account over the last 4 years?

>> No.10932307

>he’s never actually cashed out
>he’s still bagholding some chink ICO
>he’ll hold all the way to the bottom or buy high sell low until zero.

>> No.10932325

Well I'd call bullshit because if you were invested 4 years ago you would have made more than 300K, unless you are a moron, which really hits home that NO ONE should take investment advice from you. lmao

>> No.10932330

What we’re dealing with here is a rancid little latecomer with the foresight of a female chinese motorist.

>> No.10932331

I put $100 in a chink coin to prove a point in this thread. If you are toting around $300K, $100 should also be meaningless to you, but you refer to this as "bags." I'm confused?

>> No.10932339

Nice descriptive adjectives, did you learn those in English 101?

>> No.10932345

You can call bullshit all you want my friend. Fact is, I made £300k cash in my bank (I invested £0 since I earned my bitcoins through my business) while you are “up £40k” I assume after spending your hard earned cash last year.

If you give me that £40 grand i’ll Life coach you maybe then you’ll have a clue.

>> No.10932348

Yet $100 is a "bag" to you. This shit is dust to me, son.

>> No.10932353

Is it true you get paid with toilet paper for every shill thread u make?

>> No.10932363

It may astound you to find out I donate my valuable time and experience to a community I have been a part of for many years for free and because I enjoy arguing with retards like you.

>> No.10932379

>deflects all questions in thread
>literally said the following statement"a rancid little latecomer with the foresight of a female chinese motorist."
>says we are the retards

>> No.10932393

You’re the only person in this thread talking about £65 mate. If you invest it in 0xBTC you might actually make a worthwhile profit for once in your miserable life. But I’d rather you didn’t because we are better off without failures like yourself in our community.

>> No.10932410

cool LARP bro

>> No.10932418

But you ARE a rancid little latecomer. You said you are “up 60k” when I asked you how much “money you made” from crypto which means you’ve made no money at all.

And you are attempting to criticise my use of the English language when i’m Born and bred in England and I’ll use it any way I want and you’ll have to deal with it.

>> No.10932433

>he thinks making £300grand from crypto is an unbelievable LARP
>he thinks this doesn’t mark him out as an obvious latefag dumb-money zoomer.

>> No.10932468

Your community? Are you talking about biz? We all hate you faggots on here.

And nah I'm good, it looks like you skipped the part where I said I only invest in less volatile coins, and then you must also completely missed the part where I found a token with the lower marketcap than your shitcoin and put $100 on it. You probably also missed the beginning part where I did the math and you can sell your coins for 2 ETH and crash the price -20% due to low volume. But yeah your arguments where you tell other people to kill themselves are great for the crypto community. When your balls drop you'll understand how much of a faggot you look like.

Up 60K means I've made a net gain of 60K in American-speak.

I think he means that 300K is a very low\ ROI for being in crypto for 4 years.

>> No.10932476

You’re “up $60k” I asked you how much actual spending money has landed in your bank account. Since you’ve not told me i’ll Go ahead and assume it’s $0.

>> No.10932483

Sure, because that's important.

>> No.10932493

How is 300k a low ROI for an investment of near £0? We’ll i’ll Go ahead and tell you I started out with 30BTC someone paid me for a job I did in 2012 that was worth about £200.

So I turned £200 in to £300k cash in my bank with crypto left over. And you’re telling me that’s a bad ROI. Your posts reek of your life and how much it sucks.

>> No.10932525

very strange argument against 0xbtc

>> No.10932535

If you haven’t realised yet i’m arguing FOR 0xBTC

>> No.10932548

So let me get this straight.
You only made your 300K because you inadvertently received Bitcoin 6 years ago (not 4) and you are trying to say this makes you a knowledgeable investor? I have to agree with anon, nice LARP.

Unless are you trying to have penis-swinging contest with me of whose bank account is bigger? lmao please, your buddy who stopped posting is struggling with his 1480 0xBTC

>> No.10932551

if you have not realized yet, i clicked the wrong ID

>> No.10932555

Thank you! I'm not sure what he's getting at.

>> No.10932580

these threads are always shit. fuck you op for bypassing filters. im pretty sure thats against the rules

>> No.10932583

Oh yeah six years how time flies, well I only started making serious money when I invested in the ETH ICO. Anyway. Maybe you should learn from me where you should be investing your money instead of pathetically arguing to keep yourself in poverty.
You’re confused that person is not on your side in this discussion.

>> No.10932592

Maybe instead of shitposting you bought 0xBTC you might enjoy life

>> No.10932597

Oh so you made a total of 300K from the Bitcoin investment, but now you made a LOT more money from the ETH ICO (which you didn't disclose in the 300K figure).

Poor faggot, you can't even LARP good. Like I've said earlier, enjoy crashing the price of this shit coin anytime you want more than 2 ETH.

>> No.10932640
File: 136 KB, 902x286, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik describes lava wallet verbatim. No-0x'ers are about to get wrecked so hard.

>> No.10932708

>This happened.
Oh yeah, except for the fact that Plebbit does not allow for spaces in usernames because it uses basic bitch markup.

Your community is great. LARPers, high schoolers, retards, and fake news memers.

>> No.10932715

You have a very poor reading comprehension. I said I CASHED OUT £300k over the last 4 years and I only started making “serious money” when I invested in ETH at ICO. To anyone browsing this thread you look like an idiot. Keep digging retard, you’re only emphasising how inferior you are to me with each post.

>> No.10932716

What does "Page Not Found" mean?
https://www.reddit.com/user/Ethereum Fan/

>> No.10932723

Point out the space. Not only can you not read, it appears you are blind and stupid too.

>> No.10932727


You fucking idiot. I blacked out the users name for privacy. Ethereum Fan is the flair

>> No.10932733

You talk like a poor faggot though and you are associated with a poor faggot project. I don't give a fuck what number value you throw at me, it's too fucking you are a poor faggot. Especially since you are STILL bringing this shit up. Like seriously, validation much?

>> No.10932746
File: 99 KB, 1024x828, 3D85C205-F852-4261-9F29-3F5E7C50EC19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a flair moron, not his username

>> No.10932751

I don't use that fucking site, Plebbit faggots. Why can't I Google search the text of the post? Is it hidden on a secret Reddit gold page?

>> No.10932768

>ITT I find out that 0xBTC is bringing the Reddit faggot scourge to 4chan.

>> No.10932769

Imagine the panic foam when ETH bag holders realize 0xBTC will be the store of value on Ethereum. Even sub 1k 0xBTC Marines will make it

>> No.10932771
File: 701 KB, 931x525, BC1329DA-B858-425B-8EF2-3B0E4EB084F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not my fault you live in a third world country and can’t read. Stop being butthurt and buy 0xBTC. I’m not the one claiming 300k is an especially large amount of money, but it seems like it definitely beats your “up 45k”. It’s ok luckily for you, there’s people like me in the world to show you what a good investment looks like. This is your lucky day. Don’t waste this. Go and buy 0xBTC

>> No.10932775

Answer me, faggot.

Why can't I Google search the text of the post? Is it hidden on a secret Reddit gold page?

>> No.10932789

It's pretty clear that you did not make 300K. Sit down, son.

>> No.10932797

Not only do you not know how websites work, you don’t even know how google works. Maybe this whole investing in technology thing really isn’t up your shitting street. No worries, maybe they’ll let you have your old job at the gutter-oil reprocessing plant back.

>> No.10932800

Could you chill the fuck out? Here: http://reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/9ch5ls/the_collapse_of_eth_is_inevitable_techcrunch_can/e5av470

By the way you could have looked at Vitalik's reddit history or his Twitter history to find the link. Neither his reddit username nor his Twitter handle are particularly hard to find....

>> No.10932804

Alright then, post the fucking link.

>> No.10932814

Why do you think I didn’t cash out 300k (incidentally in American dollars that’s actually closer to 400k and probably a better rate in those pre-Brexit days)? Is it because you’re a newfag?

>> No.10932820

I don’t know what link. I’m not the one who posted the screenshot and i’m Not the one trying to find the link. Someone else posted a screenshot, and (You) are trying to find the link. I know this is confusing to you but you being a retard is not my fault.

>> No.10932821

No because when I make money I don't have to justify it to random people online. Just comes with being financially stable.

>> No.10932830

You were the one person claiming to be a shithot trader bro I was just putting you in your place by telling you your “up 60k” is no justification for giving anyone else advice about picking coins.

>> No.10932836

>when I make money

When have you ever made money?

>> No.10932840


Holy fuck, I was only teaching you retards about how volume plays into supply and demand.

>> No.10932869

You have nothing to teach us. Your observation that 0xBTC currently has “low volume” is useless information because we’re speculators not traders.

I have no intention of selling 0xBTC until I make 100X profit at the very lease so I don’t give a rats ass how thin the orderbook is bro. Blow it out your ass

>> No.10932874

I'll say once again:

Imagine the panic foam when ETH bag holders realize 0xBTC will be the store of value on Ethereum.

Think of the massive transfer of wealth from Ethereum bag holders to 0xBTC Marines. Imagine the pink wojacks from ICO buyers and whales. Holy fuck, I can't wait to witness it but it will be horrifying

>> No.10932885

-20% for selling 2 ETH.
-20% for selling 2 ETH.
-20% for selling 2 ETH.

>> No.10932899

ETH will eventually become number 1 coin. You can already start to see this happening in the venture capital industry, more and more people buy ETH directly for cash now OTC because you can’t put bitcoin in to a smart contract or a decent programmable multisig for corporate governance. The only people who care about BTC are muh guns trump hat wearing middle Americans and boomers who got in last year next to chinese rice farmers.

My prediction is, when ETH gets close to BTC market cap that is when 0xBTC will moon. And it will moon hard. In the short term though I expect it to semi- Moon to $20 or so. I intend to buy my tickets for this ride at under $1 and I hope my brothers on /biz/ can join me.

>> No.10932908

It’s + 20% for 2 ETH as well knobcheese

>> No.10932915

How the fuck is this a good thing?

>> No.10932923

"Yeah, I see the price on CMC but I would like to pay 20% more, thank you."

>> No.10932938

I’m not claiming it’s a good or a bad thing. I’m saying current volume is utterly irrelevant from a speculation standpoint.

I’m speculating on 0xBTC increasing in popularity and adoption. In less than a year or so, I predict the volume will be large enough to allow me to unload my modest bag at over 100X profit. I expect i’ll Be selling them to a trader such as yourself who will be glad of the dip in price I created. I hope you remember this thread when you see your buy order got filled.

>> No.10932940

When do you see the flipping happening 2019/2020ish?

>> No.10932948

Nothing stopping you putting an order in bro you can put a buy order in now if you want. I’m sure someone will be coming along any day now to dump 2 ETH worth.

>> No.10932963

Nah, good luck posting on here everyday to fight getting lost in the sea of shit coins with no volume. I'll stay #comfy with coins that do not need to be shilled on biz every fucking day for months on end.

>> No.10932970

Late 2019. The market is irrationally skewed towards bitcoin. The only “utility” bitcoin has is it’s liquidity with fiat and the fact that it is number 1. Once ETH gains more places to directly cash out cash in, then it is only a matter of time before demand outstrips supply and it takes off. Then, when ETH looks like it’s going to flip BTC the money will rush out of BTC because it’s about to lose its number 1 spot. Once btc loses number 1 spot it is dead forever. At that point crypto will essentially move in to an Ethereum era and the fourth industrial revolution will begin. That is the point at which people will be looking for a deflationary store of value on the Ethereum blockchain and it will be 0xBTC

>> No.10932972

Like seriously, you posting here is not helping your shit coin at all, but keep up the effort.

>> No.10932977

>Buys my bags at $100 next year

>> No.10932979

You all are both in the same Discord, why can't you talk there?

>> No.10932985

>s-s-stop BT-ing me the FO

No bitch. Buy my bags next year at $100

>> No.10932995

I'm beginning to think you're a shill in disguise. You've shown remarkable persistence posting comments with no substance. Are you sure you're not here to bump this thread, friend?

>> No.10932999

*echo chamber*

You know this is good. Shows that I'm the only one on biz responding to your thread. That will stop shortly when I readjust the filters.

>> No.10933003

No worries, I'll stop responding so these threads will consist of you two circle jerking each other.

>> No.10933010

You have no idea who you’re dealing with here. I’m on /biz/ day in day out since the day it was created. I made this place what it is today. If I want to shill to you-you will get shilled to filter or no filter. Like I said, you can either buy now or buy my bags next year for $100/0xBTC. What’s it going to be, make a choice, time stands still for no man

>> No.10933017

>i’ll stop responding
>written as a response.

What a spoon

>> No.10933114

0xBitcoin is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10933205

It’s definitely a better investment than the real bitcoin

>> No.10933790

holy shit i just saw the news about vitalik basically saying that lava wallet and the relayers is the only thing that can save ETH.
im literally diamonds right now this is huge af