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10928041 No.10928041 [Reply] [Original]

Hi fellow anons. i use astrology and divination to trade on long-term trends. there is another thread about this topic already, but i wanted to start my own thread as to not take away from the other anon that started the other thread. see this post for reference >>10927568

>> No.10928057

Bitcoin is going to be $2k in February and $36k the following January.

>> No.10928066

thanks anon. can you refer to what you said about symbol of saturn, look to the stars for this particular opportunity?

>> No.10928075

that was me who said that not him goofball. learn to read id tags

>> No.10928079

what coins do you hold astroloanon?

>> No.10928099

that was the other anon. even though i do not agree with his assessment of LINK, i agree with the symbol of saturn reference he made. saturn is the archetype that rules our reality. all major religions are really worshipping/praying to saturn. its symbol is the cube. therefore, if the other anon sees the symbolism of saturn correlating with LINK, then i would agree there could be money to be made based on this alone. with that said, i do not hold any LINK and, full disclosure, i think it is a meme.

>> No.10928120

i will not give specific coins, although i only hold P2P crypto currencies for the reasons i stated in these three posts >>10923975 >>10926439 >>10927800

>> No.10928138

thanks for your insight anon. also wondering when the US equities markets will crash or correct? seems to be like you may believe it will happen by march 2019? since the equities markets are related to the "old financial system:"

>> No.10928168

legit would pay for a consultancy about life

>> No.10928188

i think that is when it will begin to be obvious to those in the know. uranus in taurus will begin the shift and uranus will be in taurus until 2027 and pluto in capricorn until 2023. so, 2019-2023 we'll see some serious shit. smart money is already exiting the market and has been since January.

>> No.10928208

i could never charge for this, as it is intuitive to me after over a decade of study and i continue to learn more everyday. i can give you general info as it pertains to relating to others if you like. with that said, if there are more posts relating to financial/investing matters, i will respond to those first.

>> No.10928227

just post an image of your birth chart. you would need to know your time of birth within 2hours. if you do not know it, that's ok. just tell me that when you post. also, what'd you like to know

>> No.10928235

probably tangentially to investing, are more people going to invest in art pieces? as i’m an artist and id like to know if the market for art expands

aqua sun, gemini asc, scorpio moon

>> No.10928277
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this is me >>10928235

>> No.10928286

i have not looked into this. my focus has been more concerned with cryptocurrencies vs the traditional markets. however, quality art is always regarded highly and the means of acquiring it may change, but this fact, i hope will not. i hope this helps.

>> No.10928305

how do you determine the effect of a planet being in a sign (i.e. uranus in taurus), is it a combination of the characteristics of each or is it based on historical events?

>> No.10928372

just briefly: you would do well to do life differently than most, without concern for approval. avoiding others' expectations and projections upon you is important and will help you be your best. being authentic for its own sake may be uncomfortable, but you know it's right for you. at times, sharing yourself (your art) can come across as showy or self-centered, but if you do it with a warm hart and genuine nature it will be accepted well.

i tried to relate this to art since you mentioned it.

>> No.10928381

a little of both. astrology is always observation and correlation. it is as much, if not more, science as art.

>> No.10928457

What books do you recommend reading to learn more about astrology?

>> No.10928540

alan oken's "complete astrology" is great and will provide a good foundation. it is a compilation of his first 3 books - i highly recommend it. robert hand's "planets in youth" and "planets in transit" are great as well, but are more of a "cookbook" style. then, after you have the basics, i would recommend schoolofevolutionaryastrology.com to learn Jeffrey wolf green's work. it has aided me tremendously in personal growth and relating to others; however, if i had to pick one it would be alan oken's work. it will give you the archetype information that will aid the most.

>> No.10928659

Thanks anon, god bless

>> No.10928670

you're welcome, bro. god bless and good fortune for you and yours.

for those interested. this is now a general advice thread.
relating to others
developing willpower
becoming the best you can be

i have lived a crazy life and have learned a lot, i feel like i can help a lot of anons and all my friends and family say i give great advice. so, i'm here to help if you want.

i apologize for the long-windedness of my posts, but i have mercury in pisces and condensing my thoughts into words is an arduous task.

>> No.10928868

hey anon

super lost so how do start

i am an aries

whats next

>> No.10928908

aries is the best (i'm one as well). good times are coming to us. the last 7 years have been intense, to say the least, with uranus transiting our sign and pluto in capricorn squaring our sign. Uranus will reenter Aries in Nov until March 2019 and then move into Taurus until 2027. after that, you'll probably feel more comfortable. is there anything specifically you're lost about?

>> No.10928952

thank you anon, i relate to this a lot; i’m a bit of a neet in my art field, don’t wanna compromise and shit. i feel a lot the showy thing, i’m afraid of coming off as egocentric but my isolation made me weird in an autist way uncommon to my field which has more, say, thots and junkies

>> No.10929020

you're welcome, bro. be yourself, it may seem weird because you want to cater to what will sell; but by being yourself you'll better than you can ever imagine.

>> No.10929081

So are you a fan of XMR or any privacy coins?

>> No.10929141

you made me feel good


short story about me

sad boomer rent is too expensive I have no choice to leave I have 0 friends outside of my childhood town, family is poor and they need more help than anything. I skipped credit card and auto payments in order to save up for myself and crypto.


my bags are close to $1k thats all I could earn this year for crypto . I missed the last bull run , im in several projects, to name a few



zer (privacy is the future $100 eoy)



no bs crypto








> my plan is to come across someone I could help in anyway possible in exchange for 10x or 100x


astrology seems feasible if you understand it
thats why I'm curious how it currently affects my investments

thanks again for my bdate reading

I am now inclined to learn more

>> No.10929223

XMR will do well as it is a P2P currency coin that threatens the status quo. that is all i will say about that.
>you made me feel good thx
you're welcome, bro.
i'm not sure i understood the rest of your post.

>> No.10929295


You are a strongly perceptive person with a keen interest in taboo things, the paranormal, secrets, conspiracy theories etc. This is why you spend your time in a place like biz/4chan, because you enjoy "secretive", "underground", "politically incorrect" sources of information and dialogue. You are naturally attracted to the redpill. In fact I am not surprised that you are interested in astrology and posted in this thread, this is logical considering that your chart inclines you to be interested or at least openminded to the occult/paranormal.

The themes of regeneration, rebirth, resiliency, determination, indomitable will really appeal to you. You are a tough and dark individual, in your own way. This should make sense to you

Foreign cultures, religion, spirituality and philosophy are areas which really interest you as well, its a primary focus and direction of your life. That being said, Im guessing you are an atheist, or at least fairly skeptical of conventional organized religion like christianity etc. I wouldnt be surprised if you have had at least one epiphany (or major realization) with regards to foreign culture, religion, spirituality, philosophy in your life before. Either way, a recurring theme in your life is that of metaphorical death and rebirth (in a different form) of various ideas and ways of thinking.

You have a tendency to attract very masculine/aggressive types of people, both as friends but also as enemies. Perhaps sometimes the lines between these two things can become blurred as well. Im guessing that you probably have already realized this, and if you're sufficiently mature then you probably go through the effort to avoid conflict as much as possible since you are already aware than you sometimes tend to attract it

>> No.10929307

When it comes to your finances, I think that you generally have pretty good luck in that part of life. Things seem to flow smoothly for you and opportunities to make money/generate income are probably quite plentiful. That being said, your luck in this area of life is not exactly perfect, sometimes you do experience quite dramatic setbacks, but the general theme is one of good financial luck. I do want to add that for this part of your chart, I am not entirely confident in my interpretation of it because you have a somewhat unique and contradictory testimony when it comes to your finances, therefore I would really like to pick your brain and try to better understand how this placement plays out in your life

When it comes to romance, you have a complicated dynamic. I think generally speaking, you probably feel as though you experience lots of setbacks and bittersweet situations with regards to romance. That being said, its not all bad, things should improve once you get into your 30s. Just curious, do you find yourself attracted to older partners? Also do you find yourself attracted to alternative type partners as well? As in people that have a "dark" edge to them in some way

In astrology art and romance are both ruled by venus, so to a degree, the same themes that are present in your romantic life should also be reflected in the kind of art that you are involved in. I don't know a whole lot about art, but judging from the condition and placement of your venus, I would imagine that your art would also reflect somber, dark themes as well.

>> No.10929308
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OP hit me up ! any thing cool ?

>> No.10929318

This has been quite an eventful year for you so far, Im inclined to believe that you have had some significant developments with regards to career and income matters, but there will (has already been?) some issues pertaining to your home or parents. Perhaps you moved somewhere else or something like that

In the last week or so of september, and the first half of october something quite significant will happen regarding art or romance. Pay special attention to the time period of about seven days before and after the date october 6th.

I have more to tell you if you are interested of course, and I would be happy to answer any questions that you have. Feel free to drop me an email:


>> No.10929320
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11/26/1994 4:10 PM EST

>> No.10929332

Imagine being this deluded

>> No.10929339

Do you pull your divinations from uranus?

>> No.10929342
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better res

>> No.10929345

>scorpio energy
this anon gets it

>> No.10929369

>Do you pull your divinations from uranus?
mostly, yes. kek. i know you were being sarcastic, but uranus is the archetype of insight and innovation. this is what i love about this stuff, even when someone is being funny, the universe can still illuminate truth if you have the eyes to see. thanks bro.

>> No.10929386

wow, n. node on the descendant, exactly! you would do well to be more in tune with others and it may be uncomfortable but it will grant you the most pleasure in life. take a step back and realize the world is not all about you, and you will be blessed more than you can ever imagine. good luck, bro.

>> No.10929403


What APIs exist to make this bottable? Any good software libraries for it? I'm aware that lunar cycles at least have some scientific backing on stock influence (among other things), willing to give astrology as shot.

>> No.10929434

what do you think of
that seems the most astrological hippe coin in the entire game

>> No.10929440


Most of the art market is money laundering for the mob or similar rich bastards that need to hide wealth. Get in tight with a gallery owner that's extremely successful as they'll be connected. There's a whole crazy redpill on the art world I've seen dropped before either here or /pol/ have a look around.

>> No.10929461

>t.not investing in sorcerous memecoins
>not gonna make it.

I've now officially done a x10 on it (including swing trading) so....I think it's good.

>> No.10929479
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thanks anon, makes sense. what about my future relationships? i'm kinda in a weird spot, as in i'm surrounded by hookup culture, and what I really want is a stable fufilling relationship, but at the same time i'm so lonely, so i'm left yearning for something that seems impossible with the rise of online dating/tinder. I have a lot of self image issues and don't find myself attractive, despite everyone else thinking the opposite (i got bullied a lot when i was younger)

>> No.10929504
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>unironically believing this drivel

>> No.10929548
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Astrology lead me to Conventment before anyone ever mentioned it on /biz/


>> No.10929611
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I’ll bite. Can ya do me OP?

>> No.10929647

hey i asked to other anon about Saturn but didn't got a response but i hope you do. What is your interpretation about the proximity of Saturn on the past 27th June(the closest to our planet in a while as far I know)? that day we had the dump and pump Bitcoin within hours and also we had full moon. Do you think that, that day was the bottom for Bitcoin (or "spring" as wyckoff said in his accumulation phases)?

>> No.10929655

no idea, bro. sorry i do not daytrade
sorry pajeets, no idea
hey bro, you do you. good luck to you in your investments.
ok, bro. give me a few minutes to look at your chart again. got another thread going and coming back and forth between the two.
checked. see my above reply. i promise i will answer. hang with me.

>> No.10929664
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pic related

see the black cube in the picture on his desk? this pic is still on NASA's website

>> No.10929670

Much appreciated OP. Never had any reading done before, always been curious

>> No.10929739

ok, so you have Pluto in the 7th in scorpio, sun in the 8th (scorpio energy) and jupiter and mercury in the 7th in scorpio. the 7th house represents personal relationships and with Scorpio being there and your sun in the 8th. you have strong scorpio energy. scorpio is all about depth, in everything; especially in relationships. my advice to is find someone you respect and with whom you have common values; then you will feel the deep emotional connection you desire. scorpio energy is some of the most powerful, as long as you can control it you will do well. don't worry about hookup culture and all the rest. do what you do well and makes you feel proud and you will attract plenty of admirers. scorpio is the strongest attractive energy in the zodiac.

>> No.10929754

don't forget about me OP

>> No.10929761

thanks makes a lot of sense. the reason why i dont go for thots (even if they're easy) is because i have zero respect for them and would basically hate them anytime i interact with them. my past relationship which lasted about 2-3 years was with someone who shared a lot of similar values. however, she was older than me (we started dating when i was 15/16 and she was 21)

>> No.10929836

i got you bro. typing your reply now.

>> No.10929842

hey faggot, acknowledge the truth bomb i dropped in this thread

>> No.10929843

you're welcome bro. i'm glad it resonated.

>> No.10929860

please clarify. saturn is the archetype that rules this reality. NASA definitely has a part to play in that. expand on your post and i will go from there.

>> No.10929872

explain how Saturn rules this reality

the picture I posted shows a BLACK CUBE on a planetary surface (probably Saturn). look at the image on the man's desk - zoom in.

so NASA either discovered it as part of esoteric tradition, or they put it there

>> No.10929876
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>> No.10929895

you would do well to set realistic goals for yourself and then achieve them. you know you can do what you set your mind to, but your emotional nature is probably holding you back along with some family karmic issues. this is mostly in your head. you are loved and respected more than you know and people can see your powerful and serious nature. you just have to set some achievable goals, achieve them and then set some more. once you know you can do what you set your mind to your power will increase and you will be able to achieve whatever you desire - just remember to keep the emotions in check and you'll be all good.

>> No.10929918

yes, saturn has a hexagram on its pole. the hexagram is a sideways cube. hex is a spell and a spell controls one's perception
>so NASA either discovered it as part of esoteric tradition, or they put it there
i'll let you decide on this.

>> No.10929932
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Hey OP, I'd really appreciate your input !
I'm currently in a phase of transition in my life, anything to help me see more clearly ?

>> No.10929942

that's not a hexagram, it's literally a black cube sitting on some planet (or moon's) surface. it's probably not on Saturn as Saturn is a gaseous planet.

Also you didn't answer the question, you're just being a cryptic faggot

>> No.10929952

wow so this whole thread was just leading up to shitty chainlink fud?

>> No.10929953

i probably know all the angles from which you could possible be asking this question. so, please clarify. there are a lot of onlookers on this forum and i am being a cryptic faggot on purpose.

>> No.10929959

fuck man this is pretty spot on for me at the moment. could you elaborate on family karmic issues?
anything to say about a professional future? currently stuck between pursuing a PhD or starting a career following my masters.

>> No.10929961

no, the other guy is trying to derail the thread and i'm being as nice as i can about.

>> No.10929984

what planet do you suspect that picture of the black cube is on?

and why does Saturn "rule" as you previously stated?

>i'll let you decide on this.
I don't want to decide it, I want to hear your opinion

>> No.10929988

in short, you're coming into your first saturn return. this is a momentus part of everyone's life. the fact that you are aware of this now, is a good sign. if you go along with it, you will find the happiness you desire. i will reply in more detail again, hang with me bro. there are some LINKanons trying to derail the thread

>> No.10930014

your family karmic issues have to do with your south node being in cancer, the home and family. they may not be bad, but you feel pulled back towards your family be it through obligation or necessity. you would do well to go it on your own and achieve the goals you want to achieve, not what your family says or wants. does that make sense?

>> No.10930020
File: 63 KB, 636x416, saturn-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see chainl*nk? this has literally nothing to do with it. do you even know what the fuck we're talking about?

I'm not derailing the thread at all - you're talking about esoteric. Saturn worship is part of the esoteric and the elites beliefs.

>> No.10930057

yes, what would you like to know about saturn worship? i made it clear in earlier posts about all major religions are saturn worship. not sure what else you want me to say.
your north node is in capricorn like this anons >>10929611 see my reply to him for general info >>10929895

>> No.10930069

>not sure what else you want me to say.
what planet do you suspect that picture of the black cube is on?

and why does Saturn "rule" as you previously stated?

>i'll let you decide on this.
I don't want to decide it, I want to hear your opinion

>> No.10930103

>what planet do you suspect that picture of the black cube is on?
ok, i looked at the NASA picture again, more closely, and i cannot tell where there is a cube. i do see a cube shaped satellite on the moon on the laptop in the back. is that what you were referring to?

>> No.10930116

thanks anon, it makes sense

>> No.10930119

i think so. i'm fortunate enough to have them support whatever decision i make, but i feel guilty for what i put them through over the years and that i'm so far away now. i do feel pulled back but not wanting to return at the same time desu. anything about future family/love? currently in a long term relationship

>> No.10930120
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stop playing dumb

>> No.10930123

>and why does Saturn "rule" as you previously stated?
saturn is the 6th planet. there are 7 notes in an octave. the 7th being the closing note and the beginning of the next octave. therefore, saturn is the "top" note in this reality, uranus close this reality and begins the next reality, in the context of octaves.

>> No.10930139

i'm not playing dumb. i have no idea what that picture is.

>> No.10930153

it's the black cube on a planet

either NASA put it there or NASA discovered it

>> No.10930156

you're welcome, bro. good luck with your future endeavors.

>> No.10930165

ok, cool. this is the first i've seen it. the implications, either way, are huge. which do you think it is?

>> No.10930183

Astrology says buy BCH, pleb. Open your eyes the stars are aligning for BCH.

>> No.10930241
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>> No.10930375

So no ETH?


>> No.10930441

no sir, bro. it doesn't mean money can be made with it; however, it is not a threat to traditional power structures. i personally feel it will die, but that is my opinion and because astrology is an art as well as science, sometimes our opinions can get in the way. i feel like i'm looking at the situation clearly, but that is not always the case and this could certainly be one of them. take that as you will. good luck to you anon.

>> No.10930544

thank you anons, for a great thread. i wish the best to all of you. to the onlookers, if you know who i am and want to work with me, present yourself, just please be nice about it. i am everyone and i am no one. life is a game and we're all here to do what we're all here to do.
if this thread is still active when i awaken, i will reply. good night, all and be well.