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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10924658 No.10924658 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone utterly blackpilled with waging and lost all motivation?

I feel physically sick after a week of slaving away to enrich owners and shareholders, while being given a wage which does not compensate for the value I produce.

I am surrounded by bluepills or fresh grads who still think it is worth trying to prove yourself, constant politics and throwing eachother under the bus in hopes that Mr Shekelberg will increase their stipends. It is pathetic.

I know the work I produce is utterly meaningless. I know my bosses get to raise invoices to clients many multiples of what I am paid for producing the work being invoiced for. I know the board employs carrot on the stick bullshit to pit fellow wagies against eachother and produce more work.

Not sure how much longer I can handle this bullshit.

>> No.10924695

Every single DROP of expendable goat has to go into a SMART crypto investment or this will be eternity.

t. literally on break at work right now

>> No.10924710

Happened to me last year.

>be 34
>work for company 11 years
>apply for promotion
>don't get it because the woman who did had "better communication skills"
>woman had no experience
>used to work in a completely different department

So i says to hell with it, cut back my hours to part-time, started day trading stocks to make up the difference. It has worked out well so far. Much to my surprise i'm halfway decent at trading. At current rate i think i may be able to switch to trading full-time in 2-3 years.

>> No.10925327

More like I am more motivated than ever to make it out of wagecuckery withouth becoming a frugal little neet for life

>> No.10925346

great job anon

hope you can leave that shitty place as soon as possible

>> No.10925348

Here’s an idea you fucking retard - put some money aside and invest it into stocks so others are working for you as a shareholder. Try not blowing it on pizza rolls for a while

>> No.10925351

We cope by going all in crypto

>> No.10925354
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learn 2 day trade you fucking pussy

stop complaining and start learning

>> No.10925361

How much are you paid? In most developed countries the cost to the firm is double your salary. So if you're paid $30k, are you generating $60k for the firm? Most firms have a margin of just a few percent. There's a decent chance that you're actually costing the firm more than you're earning the firm, and even if you are its only a few hundred dollars a month they're earning. And remember, unlike you, shareholders are at risk of losing all their money if your employer fails for some reason. You get your paycheck even if the shareholders are losing their shirt, then when you get laid off you get unemployment she the shareholders lose anything.

Basically you're a weak maggot who isn't brave or smart enough to invest and thinks your superiors are your equals.

>> No.10925362

Anyone can make money trading stocks dude the american economy is in the midst of the largest bull run ever. Hope you got a plan B when the stocks start sinking

>> No.10925363

>while being given a wage which does not compensate for the value I produce.

You don't create as much value as you think

>> No.10925365

yeah that bitch probably just sucked some dick and got the promotion
god damn I fucking hate this crap

anyways I wish you good luck anon

>> No.10925370

Sleep in your car and keep working for a higher salary. Save and invest everything possible.

>> No.10926018

What have you invested in so far?

>> No.10926052

when u assume something it makes an "ass" out of "u" and "me"

>> No.10926061

dude fucking relax man. stop hanging out on biz talking to a bunch of autists. literally find a hobby in your off time before you lose it.

save up some cash and go traveling... if you're young you can easily find a job afterwards. go get a new perspective and fuck off with blackpilled redpilled bluepilled nerd lingo bullshit. just go enjoy your life you can make it.