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10921853 No.10921853 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point? Like really? I am 24 years old, got a CS degree and working full time. Still living with parents because fuck the housing market. Paying 50% of my pay check on rent? So yeah that's it? You work like full time, have a weekend off and then have some fun? Retire at 70+ when all your health is gone and it is pointless to even pursue activities because your body can't cope? How can millions if not billions of people accept this kind of life? There must be more to it?

>> No.10921861

wagecuck for life or neet for life, you choose

>> No.10921877

Isn't it a cheque, not check? That degree really paid off bro

>> No.10921904

Neet life is comfy but dooms you to solitude and ennui.

>> No.10921905

So save your money and when you have enough retire and go live someplace cheaper.

>> No.10921912

only in enlightened countries

>> No.10921931

I used to be unemployed. It was so fucking boring it was unrealistic. What the HELL am I supposed to do for 170 hours a week? Netflix 16 hours a day, 4 days a week, followed by partying 16 hours a day, 3 days a week? Shit gets so fucking old, so fucking fast.

>> No.10921948

>a czech

>> No.10921965

Living with parents and paying 50% of your income in rent. Kek

>> No.10921967



>> No.10921971


Working on your own projects/hobbies? Of course that's difficult if you are brainlet.

>> No.10922005

Atleast u have ur shit together. Some of us dont even have that

>> No.10922045

working remotely, even full time as an employee, helps since you get a lot of the time back that you'd normally spend doing nothing at work, which is just the reality at most jobs.

Get some experience and do your own thing. You're in an in-demand field. With a little work you can easily have your own business or work for small company you can get equity in and not just be a drone.

>> No.10922069

>he thinks being the fattest and dumbest developed country in the world is enlightened
Top kek summerfaggot

>> No.10922077

Good retort fellow. You are a true indictment of the american education system. Congratulations

>> No.10922084

Try investing in some reading comprehension.

>> No.10922089

It gets even worse when you think about your life without work and even though it's filled with more fun things it's still just as empty and ends the same way. I don't know how to cope either.

>> No.10922090

>How can millions if not billions of people accept this kind of life?

There isnt much choice anon

>> No.10922094

Try not being the shittest country in the world

>> No.10922116
File: 88 KB, 334x334, 1525332309004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on an online FPS game that I hope will have a wide market appeal. If this game fails, then I'll continue to work on commercially viable games until I have a successful title.

>> No.10922123

>Still living with parents because fuck the housing market.
The irony is that if you purchase a house, you'll still be a mortageslave to your bank and you're forced to work the next 40 years to pay it down.

>> No.10922125

Top kek

>> No.10922160

this is the price we pay for social security (in terms of not being murdered on a whim) and for the technology we enjoy that we cant see ourselves living without (cars, expensive modern homes, pc, internet, phone, )

>> No.10922226
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Imagine everything you could do if you were a NEET. All the projects you could work on, all the things you could learn, all the books you could read read, all the time you could spend with your loved ones, all the things to appreciate that life has to offer if you didn't have to waste five days a week working for somebody else. It's not too late OP.

>> No.10922238

What exactly are these "projects" you NEETs are always on about?

>> No.10922277

Masturbation marathons and, uhhh.... watching anime

>> No.10923248

OP you should rent. Get out there away from your parents and start living life. Take it from someone who thought like you and stayed at home until 28. I am finally happy and going to work every day is worth this freedom and peace.

>> No.10923304

Trade your freedom for a house
This is the modern way. I always wondered growing up how everyone looked like they had their own place and were comfy in their older age,

Now I realise the bank owns almost all of the houses and mortgage slaves live in them. It’s either that or rent for ever, there needs to be ways making good cash, that future is really depressing to think of

>> No.10923415


>NEET hobbies.

Video games and fleshlight devices.

>> No.10923770

Is it worth it? I would be spending extra time on cooking cleaning and so forth. Plus 50% of my income would get thrown away which I could save otherwise.

>> No.10923842

It's check in first world countries

>> No.10924041

No, ofc it isn't worth it. Live with your parents and save money instead to buy a house. Living alone to be independent is a meme because independence alone isn't a logical reason. You don't need to live alone to prove you can live independently. Also you'll probably have to share a place with other normies because renting a place alone will cost way more than 50% of your salary

>> No.10924117
File: 51 KB, 409x409, ppneet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i make $4k a month playing minecraft

>> No.10924127

not living alone past 25 = pathetic manchild

not having enough money to do so = death

keep coping tho, i invite hookers once im done playing

>> No.10924393

You are the boring type of person that we need to keep wagecucking to keep the world going round. Thanks for being boring anon.

>> No.10924469


> tfw when you get free time and realize you don't have a soul

>> No.10924564

>You don't need to live alone to prove you can live independently
I needed to. Parents house was fine but it still felt like childhood. The way to become an adult was to make things happen for myself. I still see them every week but I love my independence.

OP also really needs to get his priorities in order. Money is not the goal itself but a tool to help you do what you want. And it's not the only tool. Better start living life soon, because this is the only one.

>> No.10924664

God your life being a letzter mensch sounds terrible

>> No.10924683

good work anon, remember to put it on steam and enable player to player trading in order to cashout your ((exclusive and time limited)) skins into crypto... :)

>> No.10924728

Nigger if you’re living with your parents and not cooking and cleaning for them you’re a selfish little shit

>> No.10924749

White privellege at work. Imagine having parents that still let a grown man live with them and he doesn't even cook or clean