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File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, naniiiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10921686 No.10921686 [Reply] [Original]


someone fud me out of it.

I introduced two fens to crypto by letting them download the phone app and I sent them both one nano and it literally arrived and confirmed in 20 seconds. I counted.

imagine having to send bitcoin to your friend.
I mean bitcoin is nice and all but to transact in? USELESS

>> No.10921713

You're good with 1k. Nano is either going to die and be nothing , rise to top3 and replace BCH and be second to Bitcoin, or be number 1. The chances of it replacing Bitcoin are slim....but I can totally see it being second. Assuming Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash don't literally destroy each other...lol the real flippening invovkes nano

>> No.10921739

There is no value in crypto as a currency. You are on the entry level of understanding.

>> No.10921747

well up until now I've never had such a pleasant experience sending someone that isn't in it yet than sending nano.

I've sent and used:


and NANO was one of the easiest, fastest. the new wallet is sexy too.

I can totally see it being used to pay for shit in the streets.

I've actually paid a friend of mine in nano for some materials already.

I asked him : do you rather get the money in euro or do you want to me to send me some nano.

He wanted the nano in case it might appreciate more.

>> No.10921755

>shit in the streets
found the pajeet

>> No.10921796
File: 19 KB, 578x372, awaitingmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10921907

Well, let's see how fast you can send a nano to this address: xrb_34uj6kb8tsc9ojjzagi7utsbhao6thhh4oxy8ntmt7fz1wizh73koq8jj7eq

I challenge you

>> No.10922002

No fud. You're going to make it. Keep accumulating as you can

>> No.10922177

Nano is an utter shitcoin. Look at this thread http://archive.is/Vva8Z.. The Nano discord talked about it and wanted to challenge it and counter the "FUD", they failed so spectacularl. That's when I decided to dump my bags. What a fucking horror show. Too bad I really believed in Nano.

>> No.10922190

interesting dubs :thinking:

>> No.10922241


I need a favour ASAP. I need someone to go to Plebbit on Nano currency and ask

Does the NANO Team, hold any PRIVATE accounts outside the Dev fund.
Hear me out, the official Dev supply is 5%.

The rest were given out as faucets, but how do we know if any of the members did faucets at home?

I have proof, check

>George CoxonOperations & Partnerships

>An early faucet user, George has been involved with Nano for several years
Can a Annon please ASAP go on Plebbit and specially ask, does the team hold any private nano?

>> No.10922271

20 seconds?? $DEAL only takes 1-2 seconds max!

>> No.10922288

That's not the entire exit fund. Any coin with a faucet distribution is not crypto.

>> No.10922292

>20 seconds
Is this FUD? Never took more than 4 seconds to transfer Nano for me

>> No.10922299
File: 12 KB, 350x300, 150356852525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The street shitters are attempting P&Ds again.
The bear market is over.

>> No.10922614

Of course they do, why would individuals in the team not have more if they like the project dipshit

>> No.10922673

If you go to plebbit and ask that, you will be banned. But I do know that millions of Nano were moved off bitgrail while bitgrail were either totally closed, or Nano withdrawels were closed. Done by either Nano devs or their friends, or a combination. http://archive.is/Wkgvn.. This was even confirmed by Nano devs themselves. I also heard that Espen Enger, the guy supposedly representing bitgrail victims, were given a list of multiple 100K wallets to stay away from in his investigation, belonging to team and friends of team, and in return would get up to 1 000K dollars in financial support of legal actions against bitgrail, bomber.

What is this ting with George Coxon? What proof do you have?

>> No.10922904

>multiple 100K
up to millions of Nano.

>> No.10922910

literally the opposite. you fell for the dapps meme. p2p cryptocurrencies are the only threat to the traditional banking system. eth and other platform coins are scams and their attempt to get you to trade your valuable cryptocurrencies for meme shittokens. NANO and BTC and possibly XMR are the only cryptos to have. everything else is vapourware or outdated tech.

>> No.10923182

Why is no one answering this? Why this extreme silence and avoiding questions from the nano fans? The only thing I get from them is moon talk and technical analysis, zero about the coin or the team. This is extremely worrisome for people with substantial investments in Nano.

>> No.10923196

charlie lee holds nano.
charlie even warns you when the top is near.
why would charlie lee hold a shitty coin?

>> No.10923238

How old is this "news" and how is this relevant to my comment? Charlie Lee is an opportunist. Not a good example.

>> No.10923921

because it's a stupid question and weak FUD attempt. it's literally all the FUDders have left and it's hilarious. NANO is on the cusp of a major breakout and it will ignite the Golden Bullrun. holding yuuuuuge stack, comfy af. it will be top 5 this year, top 3 when ETH dies. strap in NANObros.

>> No.10924067 [DELETED] 

You are delusional and paranoid. Take the comment from OP, this one http://archive.is/Wkgvn and this one http://archive.is/Vva8Z, mask the Nano name and ask any professional in the financial industry. He or she will tell you to look into it or get the hell out. Believe me, stupid. You are yet another example of the delusional nano fans, that are not investors but death cult believers. As always the comments from the Nano crazies are without any substance at all. Pure monkey posting, totally void of facts and logic. This is worrisome and not a very good long term signal. Looks like Nano has peaked.

>> No.10924090

You are delusional and paranoid. Take this unanswered comment >>10922241, this one http://archive.is/Wkgvn and this one http://archive.is/Vva8Z, mask the Nano name and ask any professional in the financial industry. He or she will tell you to look into it or get the hell out. Believe me, stupid. You are yet another example of the delusional nano fans, that are not investors but death cult believers. As always the comments from the Nano crazies are without any substance at all. Pure monkey posting, totally void of facts and logic. This is worrisome and not a very good long term signal. Looks like Nano has peaked.