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10921376 No.10921376 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10921422
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>> No.10921428

OK seen this shit shilled here for months now, tell me why I should throw a few hundred dollars at this atleast?

>> No.10921461

because its going 100x

>> No.10921474

Lol dont buy, pajeetscam
Op is major bagholder
Missed the train on this pnd move on

>> No.10921506

its legit going to 100x this shit is impossible to fud

>> No.10921522

Seems like you don’t dyor you just stare at shit

>> No.10921571

To be honest I already have my hodls which I have done enough digging into, not looking for any hold here just something for the bullrun to dump at a high, that is all. Have a feeling this might do a Tron and have idiot normies buying it thinking it will be a dollar sooner rather then later

>> No.10921603

this doesn't even have consensus.
might as well just host some gits on a server and sync em.


>> No.10921619
File: 43 KB, 411x475, holo twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible.

>> No.10921630

OK, fuck it, buying some. You think it might dip anons or just fucking fomo in now?

>> No.10921633

lol is already dumping, i did fall

>> No.10921639

i'm fomoing in more when my btc clears. I'm tired of investing in fundamentals, this shit is going to 10x at least just because of the HOT ticker and low sat count

>> No.10921648

Some creative reverse fud here.

Bought at 150 gwei will sell at ath in 2019.

>> No.10921656

Here is some copy pasta for you from some fag on reddit. Simple and concise.

So right now Amazon Web Services has a monopoly on the computing power that most of the internet runs off of. And companies that create apps (Facebook, Twitter, Uber, etc.) also essentially have monopolies as well as total control over their user bases. Holochain wants to replace the way you reach apps, and create a framework to build apps that no longer siphons money directly into the monopolies.

On Holochain, I would be able to sell my spare computing power and storage, and also build apps that would actually be peer-to-peer, rather than peer-to-monopoly-to-peer.

Right now, HOT is essentially just a way for the company to raise funds and gain traction as they roll out their products and test the network. But eventually, HOT will not only be on exchanges, but also backed by actual computing power, which will be in higher demand and faster as their app ecosystem grows. Tapping into even a small percentage of Amazon's profits from AWS would make Holochain a huge success.

Decentrlized computing, storage, and apps are the inevitable next step for technology companies. Every crypto company is using decentrlization to fund their projects, yet only a few are offering a practical (and ethical) solution for both decentralized computing and decentralized apps.

>> No.10921697

When biz says it's "legit going to x100" then that's a sign that you don't want to touch that garbage.

>> No.10921698

Nice meme, nobody uses dapps and nobody ever will since there isn't a centralised marketplace (the big bad monopoly) to advertise them where everyone who wants an app has to visit.

>> No.10921703

bought at 35 gwei and now I want to buy more. feels retarded though now that it’s 300

>> No.10921716

It’s hApps you tar nigger.

>> No.10921730

Nice ROI. Some people are going to be suicidal realizing they could have bought this low once this pulls a Tron.

>> No.10921746

Yep fuck it, just FOMOed in, if it dips I'll just buy a bit more

>> No.10921762

1% of AWS marketshare would justify a $1.6 billion valuation of holochain. 1% of all cloud would be $3-5 billion. If it actually receives any notable adoption, even 0.1%, speculation will drive it higher.

>> No.10921771

Yeah starting to regret a bit not buying when biz start shilled this shit.

>> No.10921844

It isn’t too late to get in. Just by with eth, don’t bother with BTC.

>> No.10921845

You're in now, anon. We got this.

>> No.10921895

You'll make it now Anon. Give it 12 months and you'll be 500x

>> No.10921927

I only FOMOed in with a couple hundred dollars, if it dips I'll buy a bit more, as I said I have my holds and not really willing to trade any over for holo, so if normies pump this to 5c during a bullrun I'll be happy with that I guess

>> No.10921942

I normally always trade with ether unless the volume of the coin is extremely low, then it's normally easier to buy with btc

>> No.10921951

5 cents?

Do you really think you'll make millions from a couple hundred bucks in a single bullrun?

>> No.10921975

Not everyone wants a million tho, it’s all relative.

>> No.10921984

that would be 50 cents. That would be half ethereums marketcap at ATH. Only possible if holochain actually gets serious adoption (few percent of hosting) and we have trillion + crypto marketcap. I actually think there's a fucking chance, all it would take is something like a social media platform to take off on holochain. They already have a version of twitter ready-built, and it would be free from censorship/monopoly controversy.

>> No.10921991

oh i meant 500x would be 50c. 5c is definitely possible, but at 50x that would only take a couple hundred $ to 10000.

>> No.10922542

Sorry faggots I ment 05cents

>> No.10922559

Honestly if this x10 I'll probably just sell and add that to swing trading funds

>> No.10922819

kek, all this speculation in here, some people will get rekt so hard when reality kicks in. how about you wait until holochain is more than an erc-20 whitepaper project before dreaming of your lambos?

>> No.10922837

I'm only buying on speculation that idiot normies will buy it on binance thinking it will go to dollar, so I am fine with that, that is why I only threw a couple hundred in, looking for a tron like pump

>> No.10923856

like eth? hahahahaha that shit was shilled here non stop at 15 cents LMFAO