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10920144 No.10920144 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the Butcoin Cash civil war?

What’s it about? Who’s on which sides? Who has more influence/power?

>> No.10920166
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>> No.10920190


CSW is totally incompetent, I doubt his chain will even get off the ground

>> No.10920230

Chinese miners want 1 min block times, no blocksize increase and canonical transactions
This is because they want to turn bch into a PoS wormhole settlement layer
Jihans business model of selling shovels during the gold rush has incentivised to take this position as he has no competitive advantage in servicing large scale bch as he spread his resources across many pow hardware
Bitmain is allegedly funding ABC, so abc nodes and development are aligned to the above

Nchain and coingeek are taking the stance that the bch protocol should be set in stone and scaled unlimited. They are developing their own node implentation called satoshis vision
Coingeek has allegedly competitive advantage in hashpower vs the chinese

Unlimited seems to want to compromise between the two

There will be a hashwar to determine the outcome as bitcoin was designed.

>> No.10920297


Why does crypto always turn into a shitshow? Bitcoin is owned by blockstream kikes and BCH is in a three-way between a bunch of narcissists and chinks.

Maybe humanity isn't ready for this type of technology

>> No.10920301

>Dispute over protocol - Nchain SV want to lock down with old opcodes and scale, ABC want preconsensus and favour wormhole proof of stake and ethereum
- big barny at recent meeting from Craig Wright who has enough hash power to throw his weight around
- blocks roger ver on Twitter, after threatening to reorg the Via BTC exchange coinex
- vitalik appears and has friendly chat with Ver and Wright
- so now it's the ABC vs SV approaches which could result in a fork if consensus rules are different since replay won't be added this time (otherwise it's a hash war to establish nakamoto consensus)
- at the same time the stress test has been on mining 16Mb blocks and identified more network bottlenecks
- oh recently more people confirmed CSW as satoshi and there's an ongoing fued with another guy he is calling a fraud. He said he would expose in september
- overall bullish in the short term price always moons before a fork, then one side gets shorted

>> No.10920316

This explains it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01CegebttEU

>> No.10920317

- sorry vitalik talked to Ver and Wu!! Wright was long gone

>> No.10920343

BCH will win.

>> No.10920354

There is no shitshow, its all talk. the only thing that counts is proof of work
Its hilarious to go on r btc and see the desperation of cointelpro

BMG and coingeek are serious mining businesses, not asic manufacturers. Theyre incentivised to the establishment of bch as global cash not the continuation of the alt market

The only thing the enemy can do to stop peer to peer cash now is start shoot missiles at mining facilities

>> No.10920368


A stronger chain will emerge, but we shouldn't have to go through all this shit. Bitcoin could have been global money years ago

>> No.10920377

>recently more people confirmed CSW as satoshi

>> No.10920387

>shoot missiles at mining facilities
if bch keeps the daa that wont work, kek

>> No.10920411

Everything is an opportunity, the bch split will be massively profitable for those who buy based an understanding of bitcoin

But yeah I dont really understand the reason miners chose to have this hash battle on bch when they should have just started mining bigger blocks on btc and told core to fuck off

>> No.10920422

>just started mining bigger blocks on btc and told core to fuck off

That would have been great. I wish miners had balls

>> No.10920438
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>> No.10920442

Blockstream assassinated Satoshi then tried to blame it on Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.10920498 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10920518
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>> No.10920525

its a scam sell bros its gonna crash this week

>> No.10920727

CSW can't lose. He is 5 steps ahead. It's colloquial, but, man. I bet when the hash dick measuring contest comes out he has over 60%. Not just his hash, but rumor is some miners as sick of mining BTC and know it's game over for that chain, so they want to switch to BCH and will only make profit as long as high volume is constant, which requires Bitcoin SV. It's all been planned. Jihan makes money selling miners, not mining. Hence, let's make WHC so I can sell miners to mine a bunch of shitcoins, so my company doesn't fail. Tech in mining equipment is advancing, soon you will have one rig and mine whatever the fuck you want, but all other coins won't be profitable and will be forced to mine the only one that is, which is BCH, dominated by hash power in favor of Bitcoin SV.

>> No.10920747

Why didn’t I listen to that anon who said to put everything to BCH yesterday???

Can’t some of the more credible anons here adopt a trip?

>> No.10921326

E.g. Ryan X Charles. Doesn't mean anything, but the statement wasn't bollocks

>> No.10921332
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pic related

>> No.10921338

At the moment bch works and btc doesn't. It's as simple as that

>> No.10921437
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>> No.10921441


Alphas (Bcash) vs Betas (Core)

>> No.10921445
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>> No.10921446

Also CSW is playing 4D chess and probably Satoshi.

>> No.10921454
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>> No.10921578

Bch is backed and supported by central banks / institutions

Btc is not because it's fully decentralized and people have the option to make it centralized so that it suits their buisness needs.

Dump bch and ignore the paid shills