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10920110 No.10920110 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find streamers/people who are WOKE and BASED about this shit and rant about it for hours, its so interesting

I know stefan molyneux and styxenhammer666, any others?

>> No.10920123

Display your true power level in this thread and I will bestow upon you the knowledge you seek.

>> No.10920126

Get the fuck out of here with your gay nigger words you stupid vegetable.

>> No.10920155

The only thing you need to know is gold is the measure of value over time
Everyone is constrained by the same reality, you can do anything anyone else can. Stop blaming others for your own incompetence

>> No.10920186

Alan watt @ cutting through the matrix

>> No.10920530

Unironically /leftypol/.

>> No.10920536


Backflip into traffic

>> No.10920538
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hollow earth is real hitler is jesus dad

>> No.10920735

Jay Dyer. Check out his yt channel. Woke beyond.

>> No.10920754

Problem with the extreme conspiracy theorists the real actual global controls we know are happening don't get taken seriously. Yeah some are in the mix like the FED and various families but when reptilians, the Queen and Pedofile illuminate get thrown in the mix none of the real stuff gets taken seriously.

>> No.10920761

i believe that you believe in me the lamb of christ

>> No.10920770

what are you even, seriously. sick of these losers posting this shit, who DOESNT believe that most high ranking politicans/powers that be dont regularly abduct children to fuck them and shit. these acts have immense power to those who understand real power illumination and manipulation of the mind. i weep for the lost souls who do not heed my words, seriously

>> No.10920806

>british crown at the top
ahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahah ppffffffttttttttt please.

>> No.10920955

Alex Jones

>> No.10920980
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il vecchio sentiero è vicino

>> No.10920984

This is the only correct answer. Shoo!

>> No.10920989

stfu david koresh was the lamb of god and the satanists in the government killed him for that

>> No.10921203

yes he was one of many awaiting orders and receiving word under cloak of the mind

>> No.10921266

Where am I in this graph if I listen regularly to the CFR podcasts? They are pretty good. Whoever made this graph must be really confused. If you just know a bit about these organizations, especially the think tanks listed, then you can only wonder if the creator went beyond wikipedia and infowars when researching.

>> No.10921273

then weep, because your rants are meaningless and without consequence. The real truth bomb is that it is all pure chaos and no one has real control. You'll figure it out.

>> No.10921426

RED Ice Radio
William Luther Pierce
David Duke
Kevin Mcdonald
Jared Taylor

>> No.10921836
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>WOKE and can't spell "retirement"
never change, /biz/