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10918222 No.10918222[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is life really worth living if you weren't born rich? By the time you have earned it yourself your penis would barely be working and you would be bald.

>> No.10918256

99% of all humans ever born would think of you a born rich

>> No.10918316

I think he tried to say something but had a seizure before he could finish.

>> No.10918324


Who the FUCK is that ass?

>> No.10918326

It’s relative
Sure I’m rich to some poor shit in most of the world but in my country I’m nowhere near anything

>> No.10918343

>not finding a loving wife who doesn’t care that you’re poor, unattractive, and weird to stay by your side as you rise to the top and breed a generation of rich kids who you instill the importance of hard work and the importance of passing that knowledge down to create a legacy

What do you suck dick?

>> No.10918346

Very little in materialism really matters.

How many babies did you eat, children did you offend, etc.

Did you idolate (((the world))) before knowing the Lord God?

>> No.10918351

You literally need $0 to be happy

>> No.10918372

Stream yourself happy when you are starving to death.

>> No.10918427

said the millionaire

>> No.10918517

if your only motivation in life is getting that sweet pussy then no its not worth. But if that were your only true motivation you'd be getting it anyways without being rich.
So in reality you dont want the money for the bitches, you want it for something else. Think.. what may it be

>> No.10918539

If you're the kind of faggot who would roll over and die because it wasn't given to you then you're the kind of faggot who would roll over and die because waaahhh, life is too easy and I'm bored.

>> No.10918542

>born rich
you have no excuse not to be rich thanks to the crypto bullrun of the past 5 years.

if you're still poor then sure, kill yourself because your opportunity has passed for good in crypto and there sure as hell isnt anything with those gains on the horizon for the next decade or two.,

>> No.10918572
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>> No.10918581

did you mean to direct that image at yourself? i'm already set for life thanks to crypto, there's no excuse for anyone that spends enough time on the internet to end up on 4chan.

>> No.10918592
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What's the point of being born rich if you don't appreciate it? All the born-rich cunts I've met IRL were always complaining about some dumb shit in their lives. The only happy rich people I've met were ones who actually worked their asses to get to where they are now and knew what life was like before they got rich.

>> No.10918667

The point is that I'd rather be born rich and not be aware that being rich is among the best things in the world and I'd complain in my ignorance about the extra week I have to wait for my latest private jet delivery, rather than being aware how good money is and knowing to appreciate it when I'm 40.

>> No.10918694

Why get rich when you die and lose it all?

>> No.10918720
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>Literally wins the lottery.
>Thinks everyone can win the lottery at the same time.

>> No.10918730

Why would you care if you die a natural death in your old age instead of getting mauled by a pack of cute pitbulls?
Why avoid stds when you'll die anyway?
Why don't you do a lot of illegal things and end up in jail, considering you die anyway?

>> No.10918840

>work hard and struggle your whole life just so your brat kids can be born with a silver spoon meanwhile you're dead and never got to enjoy the fruits of your labor
nice cope

>> No.10919416

one of living whores who is enjoying getting into helicopter so that later the owner fuck her throat.

>> No.10919560

Fuck yeah OP, ever tried stuff like lsd and dmt? It is far beyond the primative dance of sticking your weiner in a vagina. Fuck having children, that is some lame ass meme, this world is fucked with global warming and the eventual crashing of the global markets. Blast off while you can. Probably no afterlife, so enjoy this shit.

>> No.10919624


This. So sick of the wife and kids meme that has become really popular of late.

Anyone else here grew up wanting to maybe one day have a wife and kids, but no definitive plans for it and you wanted to have fun with life before settling down, but now all these /pol/shits turning having a family into some political statement and it worked like reverse psychology and now you have absolutely no desire for a family and want to stay single your whole life.

So sick of faggots telling me to get married and have a kid.

>> No.10919639

I'm gonna do both.

>> No.10919671

Become a sperm donor and freeze some sperm at a bank if you don't give a shit about who does what with your seed. Just so long as your fit and willing to do the work entailed in finding a surrogate.

>> No.10919674
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What a sad and sordid man you must be, to believe that the only thing in life that matters is squandering your wealth on loose women, drugs, and lambos.

Caesar cried because he was a rich pussy who had done nothing in his youth. Do you think he felt great for sitting around drinking wine and fucking his slaves or did he make something of himself (he did, you uncultured pleb)?

Wasting your youth on women is the most pathetic thing you can do, and the majority of rich kids I have met have been huge faggots (myself included) until daddy made them work.

You are pathetic, you will never be my nigga, may God have mercy on your deluded soul.

-t private school, private college, richfag kid who could have made even more money had he not wasted his 16-22 years on drink and cars.

>> No.10919676
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>> No.10919702
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our only redemption is to kill thyself.

>> No.10919719

>Still a richfag that traded women for money, which has even less value

>> No.10919730

>life leasons from a 22yo soiboi on biz

>> No.10919747


God I hate the chromatic abberation on these cringey fashwave neotraditonalist /pol/crap images.

Also there is nothing wrong with having fun in your youth or at any point in your life. Spending all your time working is also considered wasting your years away. Balance is key.

>> No.10919751
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Nah dude, I'm actually in my late 20's now. I could have actually done something with my youth, but instead I wasted my years memeing it up.

Disregard my advice at your peril, but you are far better served disregarding society and studying/working than blowing huge amounts of money being a faggot.

>> No.10919776

Nah, I mean the highest calling is using your wealth and time to benefit those in actual need, acquiring currency is more fruitless than chasing women if you aren't using it to help others.

>> No.10919784


Wow you had it all and you did nothing with it. What an idiot.

There are other people who have life goals and plans and from the young age of their teens they want to start working but are cockblocked out of it by a multitude of obstacles, either being born poor to a family with no connections or money, education to achieve your goals is a costly time consuming license, living in remote country because you happened to be born there, cockblocks you, your country going into huge recession right as you reach working age and fuck over your initial few work years cockblocks you. So many things can fuck up your plans.

So what is there to do but have fun messing around with whores and playing vidya until we can figure out how to stop getting cockblocked by life.

You on the other hand had 0 obstacles, you were just a lazy unmotivated piece of shit with 0 goals in life. You don't know what an unachievable goal is or why normal people get disillusioned and end up fucking around having fun in their youth.

>> No.10919789

>It’s relative
Exactly, it has nothing to do with the actual possessions or quality of life, it's being at the apex of the social system that people want.

>> No.10919801

>Enjoying the fruits of your labor
>Well adjusted family that loves you isn't the fruits of your labor

Is the end goal of your existence to get cummies or something equally as vapid?

>> No.10919803
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>> No.10919811

crypto wasn't a lottery. you've had 10 years to notice it and get in. if you couldn't manage to work it out after 10 years there's no hope.

>> No.10919838

>having kids gives life meaning meme

Is your goal to produce offspring that produces more that will not even know you in like 3 generations? Seriously people that wrote books and music 200 years ago have impacted my life more than my lineage from then.

>> No.10919881

>Seriously people that wrote books and music 200 years ago have impacted my life more than my lineage from then.

This, you wanna be immortal, go into the arts. Arts affect the future generations way more than shitting out a few kids will.

Your great grandkids probably wont even know your name, they will rarely even think of your existence, meanwhile your great grandkids will know my name and my piece of art, and they will debate the meanings of my art, they will think about it often, and they will study my life in their university classes.

Keep telling yourself that shitting out a kid is meaningful though.

>> No.10919894


>you've had 10 years to notice it and get in. if you couldn't manage to work it out after 10 years there's no hope.

Yeah....no. Almost no one had even heard about crypto 10 years ago. Fuck, most people hadn't heard about it before last year lol. If you were one of the lucky ones that actually heard about it 10 fucking years you sure as fuck won the lottery bro. Just from what you've typed here everyone can easily tell you're borderline retarded, all you "did" was get lucky. That's it.

>> No.10919900
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not sure if pajeet or chink