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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10917718 No.10917718 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't browse pol explain why.
I'm just curious why so many people hang out here when there's literally never anything new to talk about in cryptos and only subhumans and shitskins post here.
Theres also a lot.of degenerate redditors on this board. If you are white and proud, and dare to talk about the JQ this automitically triggers them and they slide your threads or resort to strawman attacks.

>> No.10917733

because the election is over fag

Ill go back before the next primaries

>> No.10917759

Because both 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ are full of bots, shills and niggers

>> No.10917789

How is it full of bots?

>> No.10917821

This thread again, i don't like collectivism but i do visit from time to time for some unfiltered opinions

>> No.10917909

because biz = money above all else & fuck you
and pol = actualy giving a shit, but doing nothing about it but rant

both are shitholes

>> No.10917928


/pol/, /biz/, and /fit/... the trinity of perfection. Add some /x/ to it for laughs from time to time.

>> No.10917935
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>he browses pol past 2016
>he thinks he will make it

>> No.10917949

pol and biz are the true modern crucibles of thought
its really fucking amazing

>> No.10917966

>If you don't browse pol explain why.

/pol/ has turned absolutely lousy with paid shills, glow-in-the-darks, and Stephen Crowder fanboys since 2017.

>> No.10917968


/Pol is all coping trailer trash bullshit now. The real revolution is crypto.

Fuck off back to pol Op

>> No.10917979

Trump is a tool to politically and socially destabilize the country, you’re foolish to believe he presents genuine opposition, he wouldn’t have gotten this far, he attended a Rothschilds wedding in the past so why present the narrative that they’re sworn enemies with that bs headline. Stop feeding into into false dialectics

>> No.10917988




>> No.10918021

/pol/tards blame everything wrong with their life to jews
I'm not the kind of person to blame others for my lack of motivation
/pol/ is one of the most mediocre boards on here

>> No.10918026

>Trump is a tool to politically and socially destabilize the country

And throwing the doors open to shitskins isn't?

>> No.10918031

cbf with the excessive edgey-gayness

>> No.10918040

Exactly this. They are very very very fucking low iq and belong in the same categories of shit people they hate

>> No.10918049

pol biz fit=holy trinity

>> No.10918055


Half of the pol threads are shareblue shills.

Sometimes interracial porn eill stay up for half a day before hotpockets cleans it up

>> No.10918120

I haven't been on /pol/ on a long time but it's always like
> if you don't fully agree with boardthought, how can I know you're not an infiltrator?
Can you go to /pol/ and say something that's a blackpill? Must be an agency, REAL /pol/ knows victory is assured and what's really cooking behind closed doors. Can you sell a crypto ever here? Only if you bought the top and sold at the bottom because the REAL /biz/ always holds all their assets no matter what. And if you hold anything you're trying to scam someone. And if something jumps REAL /biz/ was holding it and bought the dip. So in the end I just hang with subhumans like myself. A jew said something and it was a lie wears off its novelty after a while or if Jordan Peterson is BASED.

>> No.10918132

/pol/ when it was good was about self improvement by reading reactionary literature and understanding geopolitics.
/biz/ is about self improvement through making money.
A lot of /biz/ also uses /fit/ specifically because it offers self improvement.

You can see a pattern here. /pol/ now adays is about complaining. I can't talk about Evola or Spengler on /pol/ anymore so its a waste of time.

>> No.10918185

Climate change is real
SJWs are a completely insignificant strawman
Gay people and women are oppressed
Black people are victims of institutional oppression
"redpilled" people are manipulated by rich white people to vote against their own interests by constantly being shown "ooga booga" images of strawmen to stop them from paying attention to the fact their employers are looting their rights and wallets
The environment is an insanely important issue that is largely ignored
Refugees are largely resilient and proud contributors to any country that gives them a chance
"Free markets" support corporate oligopolies that have no built in mechanism to protect workers or the environment
Collaborative behavior is as innate to humans as competitive behavior we are just taught to resist it in order to allow elites to justify their social position
And if you're looking for some ad hominems to throw at me I'm a heterosexual fit white male feminist who lifts and has a masters degree :)

>> No.10918189

That’s how a dialectics work jackass. A dichotomy is created, presented and adopted by the public with both sides being controlled by the same entity. The migrant problem is purely a problem created by our own government, hold them accountable. Trump is just a the antithesis to the thesis of their creation and his overt, flagrant and cartoonish postering is just a method to build manufacturing resentment

>> No.10918207


Lol look at the two of you... it's like you two are standing in front of eachother, jerking eachother off... "oh uhh uhh oh yeah... we're so smart... oooh brooo yeah yeah yeah... such intellectuals.... ooooh our brains..."

lmao. Just fuck off with that IQ signalling. You're a bunch of faking retards.

>> No.10918210
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>a problem created by our own government, hold them accountable

Are you this guy?

>> No.10918239

I want the election trash to leave

>> No.10918240


I’m here from frequenting /pol/. This poster is correct and it sucks, but if you can dig through the sliding, the shills, and the fake opposition posters pretending to be alt-right Reddit loving white supremecists, there’s actually interesting info deep in there.


There’s literally a /sig/ thread every day. It just gets buried by slide threads. Honestly just look for good threads and when you find one, shelter in it for a while. It might get pruned, but it has very intelligent posters in them until bots and shills find it and ruin it.

>> No.10918252

Oh and PS: People who need to constantly assert their masculinity by ripping on trans/gay/"onions" people are just signalling their own insecurity. Nobody who is actually masculine needs to constantly reiterate it, they just live it.

>> No.10918255
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I remember some serious /pol/-/x/ intersection around 2014, talking about the Emerald Tablets and Freemasons and such. Fun times.

>> No.10918274

>nice buzzword
>mental illness
>niggers won't make it
>try again
>we need a huge catastrophic disaster to start loving the environment back
>looking at germany and other cucked yurop countries, your argument is invalid
>muh hammer and sickle

>> No.10918277

Based on your emphasis on these points, you're definitely a fag crossdresser. I wonder who it was that molested you.

>> No.10918279

>caring about muh traditions muh dead like on a stick muh niggers

kek with money you can breed and live safely who the fuck cares about politics.

>> No.10918288

Crazy SJWs are a real annoyance depending on where you work and the things you're into. Exaggerated, sure, but a pain in the ass nonetheless. I work in a university, so my perspective is skewed.

>> No.10918290

>there's literally never anything new to talk about in cryptos
You clearly aren't paying any attention at all holy fuck. You should be using this bear market to frantically research and accumulate the next moon missions. Some, but not all of them are discussed here daily. Just give up already because you will not make it with that outlook.

>> No.10918295
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That's funny coming from someone who constantly needs to assert his intellect by calling others dumb. What insecurity are you trying to hide anon? hmm?

>> No.10918298

/pol/ would rather rant about jews than actually learn how to make money.

>> No.10918301


Your spirit animal is a dick sucking truck stop tranny. Your are the pozzed of the poz. Your philosophy is literally Black Isrealite tier. You probably wrote your post with giant estrogen man-tits instead of hands, you giant faggot. Pls kys.

>> No.10918307

SJWs make themselves significant by infesting HR departments and pillaging companies, especially tech ones. The media circus obfuscates the real trend.

>> No.10918308

People who perceive ‘toxic masculinity’ are just emasculated ‘males’ with no sense of direction or perception.

Don’t pretend to know masculinity when you’re the butt of the jokes for not having a dent of sense of it.

>> No.10918314

>non argument
>non argument
>non argument
>non argument
>america was literally built by immigrants, yield don't know history of your own nation so your argument is invalid

>> No.10918322

Reporting in

>> No.10918332

>lard ass basement dwellers who cant see their 4" dick below their guts and pumps themselves full of hormones from eating fast food all day actually think this

>> No.10918336
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>g4y gen 93

>> No.10918338


>non argument
>non argument
>non argument
>non argument
of course this is true ;)
of course, what kind of "ILLEGAL" immigrants do we have now?? FUCKING DEGENERATES

i'm clocking you within 10 years and you're a depressed vegan too.

>> No.10918341



>> No.10918347

>pumps themselves full of hormones

Forget to take yours today?

>> No.10918366

I lift 5 days, play tennis and paddle regularly. Used to be in the swimming and judo team. And my dick is 7 inches.

But yeah. Go ahead and assert your cuckery, I’m sure a trigglepuff will make you feel validated

>> No.10918374

You are conformed shill then.
All kind of mindcontrol tactics. Mostly demoralising.
Bots spamming all of the above
The board of peace is completely shitted. Couple pajeets here is nothing in comparison. Pol has all the major happenings but to pick them up from shitpists is mentally exhausting brain cancer

>> No.10918377


>> No.10918379
File: 42 KB, 399x322, frog with cig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using dick size as an argument

>> No.10918405


America was build by white colonizers with massive cocks and zero government safety net. Everyone who decends from niggagrents who came after the creation of the welfare state should be deported or executed for not being sufficiently American as specified by the original constitution.

>> No.10918410

why would you go on the Internet and just lie like that?

>> No.10918413

You can't prove he's lying.

>> No.10918418

you haven't considered there are groups using pol to radicalize lost young men to create an enemy? it comes from all angles anon don't fool yourself into thinking it's just one group

>> No.10918425

>Everyone who decends from niggagrents who came after the creation of the welfare state should be deported or executed for not being sufficiently American as specified by the original constitution.

I can't help but worry about this point; how many fucking descendants of original colonizers do we have left? Compared to the numbers of Irish trash, for instance.

>> No.10918428

You made a thread about why people aren't on /pol/ and you're not aware that /pol/ has flooded with bots?

>> No.10918433

chances are you a descendant of an early 20th century immigrant
so uh kys I guess?

>> No.10918449

I can only imagine how pathetic your existence is. Not only are you a poorfag who's never going to make it in crypto you're also just a huge faggot who likely a sub 90 IQ mutt.

>> No.10918451

The Irish are the most powerful race.

>> No.10918453

>lost young men

A problem caused by female emancipation creating multiple generations of single mothers.

Why are you just so naturally evil? Why do you hate the White man so dearly?

>> No.10918461

What part of White immigrant do you understand you shitskin subhuman?

>> No.10918469

You forgot
>Lies are truth
>Truth is treason

>> No.10918484
File: 35 KB, 127x137, 1527295367728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about /pol/ is that they're always right.

Its been proven time and time again.

>> No.10918493

/pol/ is composed of degenerate ugly, skinny faggots who think that they're superior due to their race when the vast majority are unemployed, living in their mom's basement, and masturbating to hentai while wearing MAGA hats and vaping. they have no future. they have no reason for existence. at least here, i know that some of us will make it/have made it.

/pol/ is easy for detecting failure and those who are unworthy of life

>> No.10918497

What type of immigrants?
A man that buys a house two suburbs over is also an immigrant.

>> No.10918502

not just that it's just everything about living in such a rapidly changing society
colonizers and immigrant are not the same. pick up a dictionary some time you dumb ass.

>> No.10918510

>If you don't browse pol explain why.
because i'm already fucking rich thanks to crypto, and have no desire to waste any time alongside people that might share my views but are fundamentally worthless poor individuals in the first place.

>> No.10918518

>rapidly changing society

You parse this as neutral or positive, "changing". I parse it as negative; I call it degeneration.

Again, since you evaded my question: why do you hate the White man?

>> No.10918519

I was at a branch meeting for my local political party. I was surrounded by a shitload of lawyers, a few business owners and various successful individuals over a variety of fields.
All used pol to discuss politics, and don't trust the msm.

>> No.10918550

What party was that? Because it makes a big difference.

>> No.10918559

I parse it as negative. you have brain rot and want to paint anyone you slightly disagree with as some genocidal anti white jew shill. literally a mentall illness.

>> No.10918578

Well that's what I said.
One bot regurgitates pasta to make you kys, or k someone else, another spits cuck porn, the third promotes the gender infighting, then it's army recruitment and larpers of all kind...pol is the Balkan of 4chin

>> No.10918580

Let me try tackling this.
> SJWs are a completely insignificant strawman

> Gay people and women are oppressed
In a healthy society I believe sexual deviancy stays in the closet. Yes they're in pain, heteronormativity is healthy, hetero being normal is good. The responsibility of abuse on women is on a very serious level the fault of men doing nothing. Rape is an attack on women on a level of honour. But I don't believe the solution is more independence, actually kind of more like actual patriarchy. Gypsies still do this thing where if someone from a clan takes a woman without permission from another clan, the patriarch can demand to the patriarch on the other side to receive someone to do with that person as he sees fit.

> Black people are victims of institutional oppression
They haven't moved voluntarily to a lot of places, maybe they deserve something in exchange of that, but black people don't trust white people, white people don't trust black people, that won't change. Tie yourself to a lamppost in the Bronx and spend a night like that.

> Refugees are largely resilient and proud contributors to any country that gives them a chance
There are refugee laws that aren't being respected. Refugees are supposed to stop in the first safe country they can find, not the best country they can find and the idea is that they return to their home countries if they don't need refuge. Refugees not returning to their home countries is not good for their countries or whoever receives them. There's also the issue that for example, in the case of Syrian refugees, you get people from Sudan, Oman... if they're pulling a fast one, the solution is exile.

> "Free markets" support corporate oligopolies that have no built in mechanism to protect workers or the environment
Market forces are largely beneficial, but sure, completely unrestrained they're a bit law of the jungle and we're not even nice beasts. What I'm getting at is, what regulations, how to decide them?

>> No.10918610

They're called the Liberals. They're a major political party in Australia. Supposed to be the conservative alternative, but they've been totally cucked due to the influence of inner city culture sweeping the branches.
We might be able to get it back in the next few years. Unironically, good memes, are thought provoking and are having an impact at university level.

>> No.10918619

>Refugees are largely resilient and proud contributors to any country that gives them a chance

>> No.10918629

>If you don't browse pol explain why.
I get mental diarrhea when I go there

>> No.10918652

Chinese were that came over during the gold rush
all the euros that came over after ww1 and ww2
all the eastern euros that came over between the 60s and 90s

stop larping about going to party meetings because you are clearly a Brainlet

>> No.10918654

Australia, that makes sense. For whatever reason, /pol/ seems disproportionately popular there. I don't have any hard data to back that up, just going by the Australians I know online.

>> No.10918668

>If you don't browse pol explain why.
Because scrolling through a bunch of posts from edgy zoomers, third worlders, and 50+ year old schizophrenics from reddit isn't how I like to spend my time.

>> No.10918719
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> SJWs are a completely insignificant strawman
They aren't the biggest threat to the world but there's power being seized that makes them hungrier. On academic work, they've made a number already.
Check Personal Statement & Diversity Commitment, I don't believe that should be asked as requirements (or areas of interest) for a postdoctoral position at a College of Literature, Science and Arts.

Pic related is from a book written by a black conservative dude that a lot of conservanormies adore but he makes some decent clear points sometimes. I think you may like it and that the vision that's important to solve is the one on the left.

>> No.10918732


>> No.10918755

The term "World Order" is used in entry level international relations and parts of political science. If the term World Order upsets you then:

1. You're upset about your betters speaking above your head.
2. You've been propagandized against the concept of World Order by other groups of elites who feel that they stand to gain from letting the current one crumble to replace with a New World Order.
3. You've embraced being a pawn.

How contemptible.

>> No.10918781

book name?

>> No.10918818

The Vision of the Anointed - Thomas Sowell

>> No.10918870


>> No.10918889

I like what I've seen from Thomas Sowell. Going to check this out.

>> No.10918890
File: 49 KB, 546x548, nigapes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it wrong.

>> No.10919385
File: 83 KB, 905x624, pol is satire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol is actually filled with retards, OP
their opinions are informed primarily by biased, unsourced infographics

>> No.10919408

i can see it's bullshit at just a glance anon.
this concept that ethnic groups "branched" into unique subsets is ass backwards. in fact ethnic groups combined to create the distinct ethnicities we now recognize.
for example,
they're a mixture of 4-5 different ethnic groups
get started by googling about ainu, the burakumin, etc.

>> No.10919465

>he doesn't understand the significance of novus ordo seclorum on the dollar bill
You are a dupe

>> No.10919481


>He doesn't know about Bretton Woods but thinks he knows about banking conspiracies

>> No.10920066

This. It's true that we see in others what we fear in ourselves.

>> No.10920173

never forget /lit/.

>> No.10920271

I don't browse /pol/ because I fondly remember what chan culture was like before the hostile and well-documented infiltration by actual Stormfaggots.

>> No.10920327

This was probably the comfiest time for me. But then who arrives? This dude.

This has 38 layers too many,

>> No.10920737


>> No.10920757

the wrong part is that caucasoids have no common ancestor with negroids

>> No.10920764

Reasons many are in crypto because they woke.

>> No.10920801

Every single post on /pol/ is incredibly low effort. A new idea hasn't originated from there in years. It's just a bunch of sub 80 IQ monkeys patting themselves on the back for hating Jews and niggers.

>> No.10921003

it's just topics that make me angry, when in real life those problems aren't that big. unless you live in south africa and about to get nogged.
everyone has the same copied opinion, and lots of people pretending to be retarded invited the real retards to flood the board.
then its mostly cuck porn, shariablue baiters, and /x/ tier conspiracy theorists. then they harass porn stars to feel better about their incel lives.
It gets old. it's good as counterculture to the typical "are you kidding me" IRL meta but past that it's a waste

>> No.10921005

people unironically think this, wow.

>> No.10921012



Also, this thread belongs on /pol/

Fuck off nu-fag

>> No.10921059
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tay.ai was the best /pol/ arc
the golden age was 2016. early 2017 gave us hwndu capture the flag and the bogpill. i fell out with the board around march-april 2017

>> No.10921081

globalism has been a thing from the dawn of time, fuck off you retards

>> No.10921087
