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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10915420 No.10915420 [Reply] [Original]

D-do I buy back? Something feels different this time. For the record, I sold 100% of my stack at $7200 a few months ago, missed the April rally, but felt somewhat vindicated at least when we fell back below my exit point.

>> No.10915433
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>he didn't by the July dip
Yes sir, Mr. Bogdanoff, sir he sold. Pump it.

>> No.10915437

Why didn't you buy back at 6k?

>> No.10915451

Was waiting to begin DCAing sub $5k.

>> No.10915454

Have you noticed how dead of a board /biz/ is lately? Even after this pump last week barely anyone is posting. I think this is an indication that everyone who isn't holding long term has left the market, and thus we've basically went as low as possible. I'm not implying that biz is the entirety of the crypto sphere, but it's a good indication of hype in crypto markets.

>> No.10915461

yes this time is different

>> No.10915471

Unironical true, even the pajeets stopped.

And those guys can live on 1 dollar the day

>> No.10915639

Real talk anon, if you buy in, it'll dip, and if you don't we'll see another bull run to 20k.

Our fates is in your hands, choose wisely.

>> No.10915853

Gauge the general sentiment of biz and gauge the sentiment in your gut, then do the opposite.

>> No.10915882
File: 167 KB, 500x382, Zorak Hitting Brainlet Wojak with a Chair.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get out at a reasonable price
>buy back in at the same price just before it dumps

>> No.10915949
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This feels like another attempt to mess with us all. Pure and simple manipulation....as usual in BTC. I wouldnt buy back in yet. We're going lower. 5800 feels like an artificial bottom....It wont hold forever, and 8k is too strong of a resistance to break thru without "Normie Blood".

>> No.10916471

This guy wasn't there when it crashed from 32 to 2
Or 266 to 55
Or 1266 to 166
This is the slowest and weakest 'bubble popping' ever in the history of btc
No black swan like mtgox
This is still a fucking correction until btc goes below 5700
t. bought at 29

>> No.10916488

That's not DCAing, that's market timing Anon!

>> No.10917284

You're "Experience" means absolutely nothing. It's clear that hype has died down over BTC and that has had an effect on the price.

>> No.10917518
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Good lord you are deluded
I saw at least 3-4 portfolio threads with 50+ replies in the last 3 days. And its all the same guys want to fucking make itwith 3-7k dollar shitcoin & chinkscam portfolios. As they will just 100x in the next months. Good lord just get out of this toxic echochamber and inform yourself otherwere.

>> No.10917671

>Using a log scale graph to make it seem like we still have a good ways to drop.
You're retarded, also 50+ replies is literally nothing this board has barely any traffic compared to December.