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File: 121 KB, 1404x790, Nano_Sayaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10910989 No.10910989 [Reply] [Original]

Get in now

Thank me later

>> No.10911040

Not sure if right now, but I also get the feeling there will be a breakout today, probably in the next 12 hours.
Makes me happy to see anons posting the Sayaka image I made. Someone shared it on the Nano Discord too.

>> No.10911059

bands tightening
macd about to do crossover

>> No.10911072
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano hodler getting assraped since Jan 2018 buying some more, while screaming: "2 da mooOooOooon!!". Nano is a hyped shitcoin with 756 TPS only and insane node problems, constant crashes http://archive.is/v2noA Sorry . Good luck with your delusional moon-project.

>> No.10911080


>put acandily clad child next to NANO logo
>that'll make them buy my bags

>> No.10911134

I got in at $1.66, stay poor faggot :')

>> No.10911160

Yawn. It's a shitcoin. And most people are down more than 50% in it. Zoom out

>> No.10911166

lol, name one coin in which people aren't down 50%.

>> No.10911171
File: 23 KB, 250x149, omoewamou_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10911194 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1366x768, nano-sayaka-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10911242 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1259x768, nano-sayaka-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

improved a bit

>> No.10911332
File: 142 KB, 1259x768, nano-sayaka-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10911885

Yeah even if you bought top you could have easily made good money by getting back in sub $1. $50 eoy easy

>> No.10911902

i like this one

>> No.10911935
File: 264 KB, 760x400, carlos-bitconnect--760x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using your argument, you could also earn good money on Bitconnect after they crashed. They also had dead cat bounce.
>$50 eoy easy
Yeah, right. You base that on what? Drugs, dreams or fairy tales?

>> No.10911982

Uh it's one of the very few useful coins and is just a matter of time before it's in the top 5. Even without a massive market bull run Nano can have a huge pump.

>> No.10911988

Lol these paid shillers. Nano's kernel has been leaked and they know it.

>> No.10911998
File: 37 KB, 357x339, Shapiro. Bomber Good Guy..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never trusted Shapiro or Bomber. I got out pre Bitgrail. Stay poor ignorant nanofaggot. You are not a cryptocurrency inverstor, but victim of a an over-hyped cult. Take a look, read the thread >>10873614

>> No.10912001

Surely you have sauce?

>> No.10912013

Listing major flaws and starts with 700 tps. No point in reading further

>> No.10912043
File: 38 KB, 574x392, Shapiro Opposite of Exit Scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Nano will dump to sub 1 USD and stay there, for so slowly to slide towards zero

Nano has only 756 TPS and can not scale to level Nano devs promise. It is physically impossible. Colin admits now that one might have a second layer. But then Ethereum with their vast resources are fare better equipped to undertake such a daunting task. Single Dev Colin has no chance and as always the Dev team are under-informing about these problems. And Nano moonboys are too stupid to understand it. Nano has constant node problems on an insane level. Just the last 30 days. http://archive.is/v2noA

More here in this thread: >>10873614

>> No.10912053

Okee dokee. Have fun buying the top

>> No.10912057
File: 986 KB, 1440x1277, Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listing major flaws and starts with 700 tps. No point in reading further
You prove yourself to be a moron, belonging to death cult, more than a "tech investor". Here:

>> No.10912059

Fuck u pedo

>> No.10912066
File: 108 KB, 509x317, Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes no sense. Google dead cat bounce. After that, google the destiny of Bitconnect coins.

>> No.10912110

Why keep posting bitgrail shit 1 year after? Get over it and don't keep shit on exchanges

>> No.10912163
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 1535090993775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You believe Nano dev team having multiple pending lawsuits have no impact on the Nano price? Are you on drugs? Here: https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/24157263/Brola_v_Nano_et_al

>Get over it and don't keep shit on exchanges
Again, for you stupid nanofags: >>10911998

>> No.10912221

Not sure why you think existing priced in lawsuits where the dev team has no fault would impact the price. And if it did short term I don't see the relevance to the tech. I'm sure you made some wise investments though, good luck

>> No.10912250
File: 24 KB, 703x585, 5dollaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$5 End of Monday.

>> No.10912493 [DELETED] 

Nano is in reality a one person dev, Colin. What do you think will happen when he is dragged before court in multiple lawsuits for months, even years? The crypto space is a very crowded and competitive market, he is competing with far larger and more well funded teams, even without the lawsuit. Add to that, the tech does not function, as the multiple code issues clearly show. This is last from last 30 days: http://archive.is/v2noA.. Nano is an over-hyped super buggy high school project with utter business ignorants and amateurs. Their dealing with the BitGrail scandal is a horror show for any manager and a text book example how to NOT deal with a confidence crisis. They came off as complete sociopaths and utterly destroyed the community. Only the most stupid and fanatic are left. No criticism of devs is tolerated in what is left of the Nano community.

>> No.10912503

>Nano is in reality a one person dev, Colin.
This is so wrong I didn't even read the rest. It has the most active dev community in cryptospace.

>> No.10912507 [DELETED] 

Nano is in reality a one person dev, Colin. What do you think will happen when he is dragged before court in multiple lawsuits for months, even years? The crypto space is a very crowded and competitive market, he is competing with far larger and more well funded teams, even without the lawsuit. Add to that, the tech does not function, as the multiple code issues clearly show. This is last from last 30 days: http://archive.is/v2noA.. Nano is an over-hyped super buggy high school project with utter business ignorants and amateurs. Their dealing with the BitGrail scandal is a horror show for any manager and a text book example how to NOT deal with a confidence crisis. They came off as complete sociopaths and utterly destroyed the community. Only the most stupid and fanatic are left. No criticism of devs is tolerated in what is left of the Nano community.

>> No.10912529

Nano is in reality a one person dev, Colin. What do you think will happen when he is dragged before court in multiple lawsuits for months, even years? The cryptospace is a very crowded and competitive market, he is competing with far larger and more well funded teams, even without the lawsuit. Add to that, the tech does not function, as the multiple code issues clearly show. This is last from last 30 days: http://archive.is/v2noA.. Nano is an over-hyped super buggy high school project with utter business ignorants and amateurs. Their dealing with the BitGrail scandal is a horror show for any manager and a text book example how to NOT deal with a confidence crisis. They came off as complete sociopaths and utterly destroyed the community. Only the most stupid and fanatic sycophants are still there. The community never recovered. No criticism of devs is tolerated in what is left of the Nano community.

>> No.10912536

>This is so wrong I didn't even read the rest. It has the most active dev community in cryptospace.
Sure, name the three most groundbreaking coding in Nano not done by Colin. Go on.

>> No.10912537

I'm 50% down on Bitcoin. Does that make it a shitcoin?

>> No.10912555

Has Bitcoin ever been buggy with constant crashes? http://archive.is/v2noA
Or problems like this: >>10873614

>> No.10912575

>Sure, name the three most groundbreaking coding in Nano not done by Colin. Go on.
What does that even mean you spaz?

>> No.10912579

Why's every dev on the team need to come up with groundbreaking shit, and why we would need to list 3.

Saying Nano basically has 1 dev, and Nano has an army of devs where people can list out individual groundbreaking code developments by who came up with it are two drastically different things.

God I hate crypto. Non devs have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.10912648

Bitcoin has been created in 2009 you retard. Ofcourse it had bugs and crashed back then.

>> No.10912657

So you are a dev and you can't even answer me? So where do you work "dev"? When did "devs" like you become so stupid that you didn't even know that Nano has only 756 TPS and you even implied that my claim was false, only to run away when presented with facts from Nanoreddit itself. How do you explain that "dev"? What is it with you idiotic nano fanboys and lying? That and your homoerotic attachment to the Nano team. One critical word against them and full downvoting and then kicked out. Don't you understand that such a behaviour scares the hell out off any investor?

>> No.10912662

>Ofcourse it had bugs and crashed back then.
Sure nano moonboy. Documentation.

>> No.10912737

Wew. So I didn't answer you about what naming each feature the Nano dev team makes, specifically 3 groundbreaking things from each part of the team? Sure I could dig through the github and discord and grab any big things they were working on, then bring them here for you to say they aren't groundbreaking or up to your standards.

You aren't worth the fucking work.

The TPS Nano is at right now is huge and you're making it seem like it's a shit number. Not seeing the accomplishment there shows how you have no clue what you're talking about, and not being able to see how it is improving over time even more so.

Not sure why you seem to be accusing me of being a fanboy and making it seem like I'm lying about being a dev or something, which is just not relevant and cringy so yeah. I mean, in the same light of "attachment" to nano, why do you feel the need to keep attacking a coin you don't think has potential

>> No.10912859
File: 141 KB, 606x826, 1534891959720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The TPS of Nano is a disaster. Only 756. Compare that to VISA's 56 000. There is no way in hell Nano will ever be a global currency. It is physically impossible. Everything around Nano is a scam. As the 7000 TPS advocated in Dec 2017. Reality was 100-200. Just Bitgrail was a scam. Promoted and defended by the Nano devs for months. They got their millions of Nanos out, http://archive.is/Wkgvn . Ordinary scammed Nano investors did not.

You claim to be a dev, but are too stupid to understand how TPS is correctly calculated. Typical crazy nano fanboy, with nothing but dreams and wishful thinking. Given to him by the dishonest Nano team.

>> No.10912976


You realize bitcoin TPS is around 5 right? No shit comparing to Visa is higher, centralized systems perform better. The point is to make a decentralized currency and so far Nano does it better than any other crypto. Holy fuck there are legitimate issues with Nano to discuss and you can't even come up with anything decent

>> No.10913004

And cut the fanboy shit and have an actual talk about the tech. I'm probably going to stop checking this thread since arguing with 15 year old "investors" who lost funds on an exchange is a glorious waste of time on this beautiful Saturday

>> No.10913016

These fudders are on full force. I guess they want another shot of that sweet sub $1 NANO.
Lmao. Buy my bags now at 200%, idiots.

>> No.10913065

>You realize bitcoin TPS is around 5 right?
That's why they are working on the Lightning Network, moron.

>No shit comparing to Visa is higher, centralized systems perform better.
Nano claims to aim to be a global currency, those are the numbers they have to compete with. If they were honest, they would admit that their goals are just shiny objects, detached from reality physically impossible. They don't. As a supposed "dev" and nano investor, you should know this. But of course you don't. You are as fake and little transparent as your heroes, the nano devs. Or maybe you are Zack Shapiro? You have his stupidity and his arrogance.

>> No.10913074

Look at Bitconnect. Google dead cat bounce. Look at Nano. Then tell me about your glorious 200% gain and all your heavy bags. Good luck.

>> No.10913172

these bollinger bands are real tight on my nuts right now
that release when we're up 30-40% is going to feel so good

hell we might even go up 50%

>> No.10913180

Thanks fren

>> No.10913213

Sure mate. I hope you succeed in your FUD attempt, I want more sub $1 NANO too, to be honest.
>also 15 posts by this ID

>> No.10913643


>he thinks he will make it with a currency coin