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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10906767 No.10906767 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck? Other companies can just hijack the LINK ticker and name? What are we gonna do about this shit? Yeah, yeah, not my personal army, fuck off. I'm all in LINK and I went from comfy to AAAAAAAAAA in one short day. God damn it. Something must be done. Can we dox the other linkfags? Spam them? Spread memes? I'm literally fucking shaking, this is Un fucking believable. I know there was an anon who talked about doing damage and shooting up the OMG gook hq since they basically exit scammed, what can we fucking do? Is that anon still here?
Pic fucking related. Fuck my fucking life. I'm a 26 year old z/boom3r and I've wasted my summer here for nothing. Fuck fuck fuck fuck AAAAAAAfuck

>> No.10906772

Not gonna lie, if you're actually all in on LINK you deserve bankruptcy.

>> No.10906811

I trusted biz you faggot
18 fucking grand worth of link tokens
18,000 usd
Now it's at high risk because of some fucking nips and biz had no fucking clue about this. Why

>> No.10906841
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Link is more about smart contracts than "link" people need to shill smart contracts and interoperability.
> inb4 link isn't needed as a token
> muh rebrand
> similar tokens are the norm in crypto space

>> No.10906917

The only retards who are actually upset about this are either larping concern trolls, or fags who didn't bother to actually go and read the linkchain whitepaper so that they can understand they aren't even similar outside the name. Kill yourselves.

>> No.10906927
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>I trusted biz

>> No.10906948

i am masturbating to your tears.

>> No.10907130
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*breathes in*

>> No.10907165

LINK is the backbone for contacts. Which will be used by institutions, not normies.
Institutions merely pretend to be retarded, like us, so they can continue to scam people for shekels, unlike us.
They won't fall for this and neither should you.

>> No.10907357

Finally someone who gets it.

>> No.10908305

>sell LCLINK for 4600 sats
>buy LINK for 36 sats
Seriously guys, this is like buying Legacy Chainlink when it was $.003

>> No.10908318

>Says the increasingly nervous Indian shill