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10905414 No.10905414 [Reply] [Original]

How many weeks vacation do you get?

I work at an insurance call centre and get 3 weeks off a year, and 4 weeks after you’re with the company for ~5 years. And any vacation not used in one year carries over to the next. So if I decided not to use any vacation this year, I could have 6 straight weeks off. Likewise if I stay with the company for 5 years. I could get 8 straight weeks off. All paid.

>> No.10905440

52 weeks, i am a neet

>> No.10905464

I wish you a merry... KYS.

>> No.10905477

I have 18 days of PTO. 4 need to be used during company closing (christmas-new years). Next year I think I bump up to 20 days. If I stay at this company 25+ years I think it gradually goes up to around 35 days. No rollover, though.

>> No.10905726

Work in government so 2 weeks but I’m pretty sure you can take work off anytime you want

>> No.10906361

6 weeks, anal inspector

>> No.10906389

5 weeks, I'm an average eurofaggot

>> No.10906446

4 weeks vacation... 10 paid sick days

>> No.10906469
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38 vacation days this year. If I needed more I could make longer days and store work hours and have 1 paid vacation day for every 7 excess hours I've done. All sick leaves are paid ofc.
Americans you're basically slaves.

>> No.10906474

this lol

>> No.10906492

Which insurance company?

>> No.10906609

is he celebrating with everyone or is he knocked unconscious

>> No.10906664

I get almost 2 days of paid vacation per month worked. I can carry over 4 weeks per year. It's one nice thing about my job. This Saturday is the last one I'll work until mid January. I'll have comfy Saturday, Sunday and Monday off to be a lazyfag and just do whatever I want. Hopefully link moons and I can just quit entirely early next year

>> No.10906693
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I accrue nine days of PTO a year and work a mandatory sixth day most summers at my shitty entry level factory job.

Considering an exit bag if I can't turn my savings into 50k buying SPY.

>> No.10906793

Chemical engineer masterrace here, europoor.

35 paid days (yes that is 7 weeks). If i stay for 20 years at this company you get 15 extra lol (not going to happen). In netherlands you get 8% yearly salary as vacation pay manditory in june as additional bonus.

You americunts are so cucked it is hilarious, keep slaving boys, your boss is gonna let you off 2 weeks maybe. Oh there is unlimited paid sickdays too i heared that that is a thing in the USA. Good job fellas, inb4 muh commie muh taxes

Im traveling to Tokyo sunday for 2.5 week vacation, cruising around and visiting Okinawa too and doing some diving, feels good senpai.

>> No.10906814

4 weeks paid leave. Another ~5 days of personal/emergency leave. 20 sick days. Australia.

>> No.10906826
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52 weeks per year
I'm N.E.E.T.

>> No.10906839

Teacher, 4 months paid holiday.

>> No.10906852
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B-but America is the luckiest place y-you could be born.

>> No.10906854

My company off 0 days paid vacation every year.

>> No.10906880

OP are you being sarcastic ? 3 weeks is nothing right ?

I have 7 weeks lol all paid.
And i need em, this year 1 week sking in France, went 2 weeks on vacation to Aruba and next week i go for 2.5 week to japan. And i went to my family in poland / hungary too, so long weekends.

Btw Aruba was oke because I could speak dutch, but it is literally crawling with burgers. Would not recommend to europoors, better go to Bonaire or Curacao

>> No.10906911

Uh oh pissed mutts incoming

>> No.10906997

Yup, they are probably gonna say muh taxes and that they have a twice as big salary.

Most likely it is actually true !

But who gives a shit if you dont have FREE TIME because you need to slave so much.

And here we have a fuctioning healthcare system so I dont need to save 200k to avoid dying when some uninsured dickhead drives over me.

>> No.10907826

ITT wagecucks measuring cocks over 2 extra weeks vacations

lmfaoing at your life

>> No.10907841

I don't know if this is the norm for Europeans but I see a lot of posts like this and really like the balance you all seem to have between work and life.

>> No.10907850

2 weeks of vacation time, which means 3 weeks not counting days off


>> No.10907860

Trust me it hurts as a wagecuck
4-5 weeks off helps ease the pain slightly though

>> No.10907870

Would it be possible to take a vacation day every Monday so you only work 4 days a week?

>> No.10907888


next year I'll have 29 days PTO + sick time.

>> No.10907889
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Annual leave 5 weeks.
TOIL can be accumulated and changed for either cash or days off.
t. Working in ITSM

>> No.10907940


burger btw

>> No.10908000

Currently I'm at 3 weeks a year and they do carry over. I have 7 weeks saved right now. When I quit my previous job I got paid out for 30 days vac, 18 days sick and 2 personal. That was a nice check.

>> No.10908089

Unlimited vacation but I'm too much of a cuck to actually ask for it

>> No.10908152

26 PTO which seems to be a lot in bongland. Enterprise code monkeys need this because the work is so menial

>> No.10908160

I mean burgerland, this job has destroyed my brain

>> No.10908668


4 weeks + 2 weeks of govt holidays which can be saved up

>> No.10908755
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The absolute fucking state of yuropoors

>> No.10908845
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>> No.10909290

What does fresco do on his days off?

>> No.10909333

So much this.

Also an amerimutt here - unlimited PTO, a salary roughly equivalent to the quoted one on top, and I’m fucking 26.

>> No.10909785

3 plus whatever overtime earns me.
Max out at 8 after 9 years.

>> No.10909807


4 weeks paid vacation, get paid $500/holiday i don't work as well. Right now on 3 months of paternity leave at 60% pay

>> No.10910388

Business analyst from Germany here.
About 40 paid days off, 13 salaries per year and stock options every year (I know every number of the corp, so ofc I take them only when it is cheap).

All for basic controlling, bussiness analytics, reporting, business intelligence and a bit of accounting. Everyone calling Germany cucked for a couple of refugees has no fucking clue how good life here is.

>> No.10910730
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currently on my 416th week of paid (by mom) vacation

>> No.10910856

>"unlimited" vacation
>boss grills you when you actually want to go on vacation

>> No.10910905

38 days, 80k EUR a year, 35h week. Can’t complain really. Fucking Kraut IT engineer