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10904991 No.10904991 [Reply] [Original]



Line, the massive messaging company, is releasing their own crypto called LINK. They have their own exchange called Bitbox. Their LINK will be forever known as the true link


Sergey BTFO
Stinky Linkies BTFO
Rorty BTFO

If you are still deluded and hold bags, do yourself a favor and sell them.

Otherwise, you are soon to witness the demise of your shitcoin.

>> No.10905019

Wouldnt that make a load of brainlets buy chainlink?

>> No.10905029

Good point desu

>> No.10905037

> be CZ
> weigh options of listing LINK by a massive messaging giant or continuing to have LINK, a shitcoin where deluded 4chinners baghold because they got dumped on
> Attention Binancians: LINK will be delisted in 3 days. The REAL LINK will be available for trading on Sept 30th

>> No.10905045

this is what the FUD has been reduced to? absolute fucking horseshit, you're not even trying any more

>> No.10905047

all the exchanges that matter are going to let the first keep the symbol.
but it does seem like grounds for a branding lawsuit. I couldn't start a company named MicroSoft to ride their coattails of recognition

>> No.10905061

What FUD? It's a literal fucking article where a massive company is using the LINK ticket. If all the big exchanges want to list it to make trading fees, they will drop Chainlink and use this one.

How fucking dumb are you?

Yeah dude lets keep a shitcoin ticker because we are good goys, even if we lose millions on trading fees.

>> No.10905065
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>>Over the last seven years, LINE was able to grow into a global service because of our users, and now with LINK, we wanted to build a user-friendly reward system that gives back to our users,” said LINE CEO Takeshi Idezawa. “With LINK, we would like to continue developing as a user participation-based platform, one that rewards and shares added value through the introduction of easy-to-use dApps for people’s daily lives.

>> No.10905102

you're a dumbass. they're not going to lose anything. switching the names would only confuse people.
sperging out like a retard isn't "FUD"ing, it's just you being an asshole and annoying people
exchanges will just use LINE or some shit

>> No.10905129

No, YOU are the dumbass. Nobody gives a shit about LINK except 4chinners. Exchanges WON'T use LINE. Did you even read the article. LINE wants to call it LINK.

When a massive company that has hundreds of millions of users wants to list on your exchance, every single exchange will say YEP. You got it boss and list it. If that means delisting LINK (chainlink) because LINE wants to call their coin LINK, then the easiest way to eliminate confusion is to drop chainlink, say fuck off to the 4chinners, and integrate a coin called LINK by a massive company with hundreds of millions of users.

I can't fathom why you don't understand this.

>> No.10905142

>If all the big exchanges want to list it to make trading fees, they will drop Chainlink and use this one.
see what i mean?

>> No.10905153
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Get fucking real OP

>> No.10905167
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>> No.10905183
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Deluded stinky linkies. Bless LINE for finally being able to wipe this board clean of you parasites.

>> No.10905212

>the the fud is back, but you don't have any more to buy more LINK