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File: 278 KB, 716x714, Screenshot_20180831-184507_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10902091 No.10902091 [Reply] [Original]

278 KB JPG
>go to bed at 8:30 PM
>set five alarm clocks at 6 am
>turn of alarm
>wakeup at 8:30 am
>feel sleepy all day no matter how many times I nap
>don't want't to do anything
>can't work because of not being able to concentrate on anything
>don't want to eat, but sometimes can binge because I think that food can make me feel better
>work from home
>stan up and walk in a room for 15 minutes
>literally can't get anything done
>every day is the same

Wtf is wrong with me?

>> No.10902095

youre depressed

>> No.10902104

Am too. How do I fix? Been working out and listening to music but still depressed

>> No.10902112

>278 KB JPG

>> No.10902159
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>> No.10902181


>> No.10902194

Try nofap

>> No.10902201

See a doc, get medication

>> No.10902208

Nice try dr. goldsteiner

>> No.10902217

Start taking turp you have candida

>> No.10902220

before assuming to be depressed consult your physican. have him check the blood. could be lime‘s disease for example. are you a fat bastard? if you are sleep apnea ist also quite likely.
go see a doctor you fat retard, otherwise it‘s just a guessing game. and don‘t ask random strangers on the internet.
get well soon

>> No.10902222

>Get new hobbies
>Force yourself to do a new thing every once in a while
>Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
>Don't use 4chan more than 30 minutes a day
>Eat good food, use supplements if required
>Start exercising
>Get a pet dog

>> No.10902233

you literally need to walk , fucking walk, 5 miles a day

your well on your way to becoming a bloated sack of shit like everyone else in this toxic society

>> No.10902267

Stop jackin off idiot

>> No.10902275

Sounds like scurvy, check your vitamin c levels.

>> No.10902277
File: 573 KB, 500x615, tekashi-sitting-at-airport (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop masturbating.
You'll feel a lot more refreshed when waking up.

>> No.10902333
File: 1.43 MB, 2400x1600, marta_1-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I masturbate every day and feel fresh every day

>> No.10902334

wtf is turp

>> No.10902346


>> No.10902379

excellent differential diagnosis...if your the doctor on a pirate ship.
it‘s probably protein deficiency due to compulsory masturbation. to furry porn.

>> No.10902390


>> No.10902413

listening to music makes people depressed.

>> No.10902433

What does a brapper like that smell like? I just want to smell a woman's asshole one day. I know that it's a weird fetish.

>> No.10902449

what are you a dog? Why would you want to smell an asshole?

>> No.10902478
File: 66 KB, 650x365, amalfills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted this here earlier, but it's possibly highly relevant

if you ever had silver fillings, you absolutely have mercury poisoning to some degree
it kicks the shit out of some people in wildly different ways (combinations of shit memory, shit respiration (from breathing to post-nasal drip), shit energy, feeling like you always have to shit (usually because you can't do it successfully), shit nerves
the list goes on)
get emeramide via your country's early access programme; it has literally zero side effects, and completely neutralizes the typical inorganic mercury molecules that wind up dormant in your body's cells, and forever fuck up their functions
it's able to get into cells, and even cross the blood-brain barrier if you take it with DMSO
the company that makes it, emeramed, is compliant to various early access programmes
when you try to get it from your doctor, you'll have to remember that many doctors won't believe you if you tell them that your fillings fucked you up, despite the mountains of proof that they leak elemental mercury right into your oral cavity and that mercury stays in your body (especially the brain) practically forever
give them some fucking story about how you were constantly exposed to mercury through some means that they cannot refute, and that you know emeramide is both way safer and way more effective than DMPS or DMSA, let alone shit mercury chelators like BAL

>> No.10902485
File: 223 KB, 496x384, god dammit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to me except I'm unemployed and drowning in debt. Can't break out of it.

>I'm in great shape
>I hit the gym almost every day
>I have a girlfriend and no problem with girls
>I'm okay looking

Yet I can't muster up the energy to actively search for a job in the blockchain/crypto space because I'm just like OP, depressed and unable to concentrate. Festering anxiety as well.

>> No.10902495

What’s wrong with us fren

>> No.10902506


there's your problem. you need to quit the gym and dump the girlfriend and all of your problems will magically go away.

>> No.10902549

this is me wtf

I know why I'm depressed though. My parents brought me to the USA when I was a baby. They never bothered to get citizenship, so here we are with expired visas could be deported at any time. Now I'm on DACA. No one will hire me because they dont want a fucking undocumented working. I dont know what the fuck to do. I have a college degree and no debt, but im being crushed by the fact that I have no rights in this country

my only escape is if LINK makes it and I get rich and find a qt to marry. shit is fucked

>> No.10902587

how the fuck would masterbating cause protein deficiency? fucking retard. MAYBE it would cause low zinc levels at most

>> No.10902629

Same feelz here. There is no way out, will end this soon
All this started after losing 80% of my savings in crypto. Now I just stay at home , fap, fuck hookers once in a while, smoke bowls of weed.
There is no escape literally

>> No.10902632

This sounds like me. Are you a software developer as well? I'm slowly getting better only by forcing myself to do some form of cardio or gym every day. Not working in a decent office really fucks with my brain. Also what time are you getting to sleep at night? The constant nap taking has completely broken my sleep schedule.

>> No.10902640

Do you ever want to break up with your girl and play the field with other girls? I feel like I get sad sometimes knowing there are other girls out there I could get with but muh girlfriend.

>> No.10902645

>All this started after losing 80% of my savings in crypto. Now I just stay at home , fap, fuck hookers once in a while, smoke bowls of weed.

This. lost my life savings thanks to REQ and OMG. had to cut back lifestyle quite a bit. Now I just play fortnite and go to the gym that my parents pay for. Smoke cheap wax on the weekends to cope

>> No.10902670

raw whole onions is where it's at

stop taking naps. get a solid 7 hours of deep sleep at night.

>> No.10902679

>i was smuggled into this country illegally and have taken advantage of their social welfare to the point of getting a $100k education for free
>but I don't have any rights, it's like they don't think I deserve to be here illegally, slurping off the system
>poor me
go fucking back.

>> No.10902795

> Go on a low carb diet. Drink some coffee. Stop fapping all the damn time. Fast or do an intermittent eating window at least once a week. Go outside for at least half hour and get some sun. Drink lots of water.

There. That should do it.

>> No.10902828

Try having a wife, buddy. It's that feeling on steroids. Especially when cute girls start flirting with you. All around me I see cuties I could fuck & know I never will. Don't get married. Not worth it. If you want kids adopt or find a cutie who wants kids but not to get married. Live under the same roof w/ her and raise the kids with 2 mommies (one rotating - your gf of the moment) and 2 daddies (one rotating - her bf of the moment). Be best friends w/ her and fuck her occasionally if you like. Don't wife.

>> No.10902861

>Do you ever want to break up with your girl and play the field with other girls

Short answer, yes.

>> No.10902906

muh dick

>> No.10903058

Dont listen to the medfags, I tried lexapro and othr4 shit and it fucks you up, actually made me dumber I think permanently(?).
What you should do instead and believe me I have tried everything are 4 things:
1,CBD oil. Most important shit. Cakms you down and is literally a heavenly wonder produxt we have been blessed with. Bluebird botanics is really good
2, good quality 5HTP. Increases serotonin naturally. Dont take it with SSRI or MAO.
3,actually I startes with this, have 1-2 good friwnds, go out in the nature and do shrooms. It rewires and jumpstarts your depressed brain completely
4,once doing better srart doing a sport, preferably in a group like martial arts or crossfit and never stop
5,practice meditation if u can
Godspees fren

>> No.10903188

injecting testosterone ltierally solves depression in males, the industry is keeping this a secret as all males would get back their power and become actual men again,

I have felt like a shitbag my whole life except the 4 months during my life I was on testosterone steroids and that shit cures all ur bad feelings, until u stop taking it and u crash going lower than before

>> No.10903321

wtf your writings really doesn't make me wanna try your advices

>> No.10903337

Injecting testosterone is a quickfix...
The reason you don't have any testosterone is because you are worth nothing. Start making physical and monetary gains, start losing weight and eating healthy, start exercising every day, start handling responsibilities, you will get more T than 99% of the males.

>> No.10903338

>don't take any meds but make sure to take some meds and go in woods and take some shrooms, that'll work

you give terrible advice

>> No.10903403

testosterone fixes everything, its all genetic anyway, im always super low whatever I do, injections is the only save but its illegal and shit, should be mandatory for people like me honestly

>> No.10903537
File: 10 KB, 224x224, catpital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go full on 420

Depression and brainfog are sideffects of geoengineering aerosols that we inhale on the daily being tuned by haarp inside your head. Causes inflamation and 420 is the best natural anti-inflamatory for the brain (because it passes the blood brain barrier)

>> No.10903609


>> No.10903644


>TLDR: Fucking fix yourself up you faggots pussy and get some self-confidence, goals and aims in your worthless ca. 80years of planet Earth moving around the sun movement shit.

Yo dude listen, i was in a similar situation like you were. Lets go over the steps.

>First make sure that your hp is okay.
Go see a doctor and do a blood checkup. Tell your doctor the same thing you wrote here. For an example for me i had a D-Vitamin deficit. After that things went a lil better but obviously didnt fix everything.

>Quit smoking.
Quite explanatory. I seldom do it, but i used to smoke 1 pack a day.

>Quit drinking, but not hard-mode ON.
Dont drink beer and such every day. Limit yourself at the start to 1x partying per week. Dont drink more than 1x per week.

>Start workouting.
I go to the gym 4x per week now.

>Find a better job suitable for you.
I work 3x per week. Used to work 5x per week. I cant say enough but i am just not used to 5x per week as a person. This has been the best fix for me like EVER in my life. Being happy is the best cure.

>Find a gf.
If you have a gf and the relationship is sucky (you dont find her attractive and you have no sex-life) dump her. Its a hard decision but it hinders you.

>Find 1 hobby.
Do something that has potential to earn income. I edit videos and offer myself as a freelancer for hobby. I love video editing!

>> No.10903647

Cont pt 2.

>The most important lesson though.
Set goals and try to finish them. Unironically today i ran my record on Coopers Test which is how much you can run in 12min. I did 3.5km which should mean by standards im an Athlete KEK although im not. Also working out really improves your self confidence. Add to that like other goals. For an example i wanted to learn AutoCAD. Downloaded AutoCAD, looked up videos from YT and started doing it. I can literally now draw plans im quite sure i could work as an AutoCAD project drawer. I did this also in the University so i have some kind of proof on CV. Next year im going to start learning programming in Java for 4 months as a free learning course. It has a 4 step stage involving like requirements, tests which you can learn and an interview. Im scheduled this year in December for the interview.

All-in-all you need to stop being a sack of shit and get a grip of yourself. Nobody in this world is going to help you. Its only YOU. If you fix yourself then people will draw to you.


Good luck anon!

>> No.10903695

Did you or do you suffer from this? Also isn't turpentine used in furniture?

>> No.10903700
File: 261 KB, 1039x559, 1534393750729.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you asking this here, the only medical advice you'll find here is retarded

>> No.10904013

nofap is a meme and placebo at best

>> No.10904195

>all the shit advice in this thread

This feels like me sometimes, I think your brain is just not being stimulated enough. Just get out of the house, sign up for something to do, preferably with other people or call friends if you have them. More free time =/= more work a lot of the time, you should use your superiority (not wagecucking) by incorporating some new shit into your life most days

>> No.10904201

shit and tuna.