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10901258 No.10901258 [Reply] [Original]

Share longer articles/more comprehensive resources for the few non-brainlets left on /biz/ that can read more than 1000 words in a sitting:

Easily digestible general refresher for the structure of the decentralised internet
Vitalik teasing apart different conceptions of decentralization
God aka Szabo on the concept of "social scalability"
Ari Juels at IC3 discussing the "Five Grand Challenges" facing blockchains. Easy to follow and insanely informative.

>> No.10901286

I didn't read your post, but I did see the number 1000 in there and Juels also, so I'm going to assume this is something about link being worth approximately $1000 eoy?

>> No.10901303

how much link do you own?


>> No.10901401


>> No.10901746

Some stuff about BTC, sound money, trust, Central Banks...
Couple of takeaways to consider: what kind of governance is actually optimal in practice, on what level could it be beneficial/harmful and if hold is more useful the less BTC is acting as money.

More than the conclusions, I'm interested in the process, these are my axioms and here's how this captures money and here's how it doesn't and these are the extra hurdles...

>> No.10902173

I think that Liegl article is excellent but I think he draws too broad a brush in waving away "velocity sinks". Take Chainlink as an example. The "velocity sinks" for Chainlink involve the incentive for node operators to hold and represent value (in the form of LINK tokens) in order to win contracts. This is a non-trivial and non-obviable velocity sink that doesn't go away with network scaling because the incentives to represent high value as a node operator scale proportionally to the network.
I understand it as a general criticism of utility tokens that only drive transactions within a network and which (especially in the impending environment of stablecoins and atomic swaps) only need to be "bought" by the end user for very short amounts of time. I think the article is definitely good food for thought, but that incentive structures in coins such as LINK are more complicated than a simple utility token that is only used to provide transactional work within the network.

>> No.10902289

We wouldn't have labor day off without socialism and collage should be free cause I no understand loans good and need job now loan payment big pls crypto make me successful now

>> No.10902870
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>> No.10902919
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I get you I think. On the case of LINK in particular I think the point I really like him bringing is that we have no fucking idea how regulations can affect it, and it may take years to discover it, assuming things move ahead smoothly. The other issue is that it doesn't have to necessarily aim for decentralization (maybe distributed is a better word), you get the cheap contracts that choose LINK because distributed and the 0 LINK nodes take care of that, for high stakes where something more centralized could be prefered by users and nodes that are risking more they choose it because of trusted hardware, trusted APIs, trusted parties... that second side is probably where the big pie of the captured value could be. But then you get into issues about why LINK, why not just write the API directly without LINK... shit never ends.

I saw OP talking about crypto so I added to that, I don't think anyone's opposed to some reading material on other instruments or whatever you want to talk about instead. And while books can be cool as well, commentary may take longer but don't just be a passive aggresive bitch.