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10900956 No.10900956 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> Lowly office wagecuck
> Was hired and eventually told that we take turns cleaning the kitchen
> High level people don't have to even though they can use the breakroom
> Rarely use it
> Recently heard a manager became angry because a union rep was there
> That manager and some other person were cleaning it and the union rep told them "Are they making you do this? Is it in your job description?"
> LMAO wageslave mindset
> MFW going to call union so I don't have to clean up after these people, some leave nasty messes

Anons what derogatory things does your workplace make you do under the category of "Other duties as assigned?"

>> No.10900989

bump for ideas on how to derogate employees

>> No.10901026
File: 9 KB, 205x246, 4848475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when your pay gets docked for going over your designated shitting allowance

>> No.10901052

You guys must be paid pennies for it to be worth undercutting the cost of a cleaner

>> No.10901124

Refuse to do *anything* that is not part of your actual job. You are an office drone, not an office cleaner. Obviously you should clean up after *yourself* -- wipe off your table, properly discard your garbage, and generally return things you've used or otherwise disturbed to the clean & orderly state they were in before you touched them -- but your office already should be paying a dedicated cleaning crew, janitor or custodian to do what they expect of you.

You are paid to work towards company profits, not vacuum the rugs and push brooms.

If your company refuses to hire someone like pic related (who earns about $50 per night cleaning offices in Manhattan & Brooklyn), then someone near the top of your company's heirarchy isn't doing *their* job (and is, in fact, pocketing money).

Don't work for free.
Don't do other people's jobs.
Pen your letter of resignation immediately.

>> No.10901132

I'm still a wagie, but one of my greatest personal triumphs has been beating poverty and breaking through the shit job glass ceiling. I'm a comfy guy now. My time is worth way too much for this kind of shit....
You don't want to clean the breakroom anymore anon? Join the high level ranks who don't have to.

>> No.10901151

lmao i literally do this to my employees. stop being such a little bitch. if your breakroom is anything like mine, you just have to wipe the table down with a sponge/cloth and put the rubbish in the bin and wash any plates that are left out.

i will never uderstand the wagie mindset. you are literally just there to clock in, do your hours and get paid. if it really makes that much of a difference just leave. i dont give a fuck. can just hire someone else lol

>> No.10901171
File: 72 KB, 563x542, 96248E4F-559E-4CC4-902A-127D76DF3089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work in office
>they make me clean the small kitchen
>fart in every cup and rub my balls on the cup of the blonde slut coworker
>watch her next day how her lips are touching were my balls wuz at

>> No.10901181

Should also mention my manager doesn't care if I were not to use the breakroom, I'd still have to clean it on my turn. It's probably why they pair us up with another person. The funny part is that it seems it's common for people to disappear when it's their turn to clean the breakroom.

>> No.10901196

>not cumiming in the sugar so everyone drink your cum everyday
Never going to make it.

>> No.10901229
File: 106 KB, 500x333, 795338AC-6BF9-44F6-81D7-90EE85FFC3D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Murrica we have spigs to do that shitework

>> No.10901302

Does your last name end in berg or stein

>> No.10901361

Someone doesn’t want to get ahead. Heh.

>> No.10901859
File: 74 KB, 715x795, 29FEA224-869F-4CE8-8B01-00211474D762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your job is to do whatever Mr. Shekelberg tells you to, Wagie. Hop to!

>> No.10901928

At my old job I didn’t have a clear work description, so everybody else around the workplace made me their bitch and had me do their work. It got so rampant that I wasn’t able to complete any of my own tasks, and my boss didn’t seem to care much. From that point on I wouldn’t do any of my own work whether I was busy or not, because if anybody asked I would tell them that I was busy with something else.

>> No.10902359

The average employee is productive for maybe 1.5 hours a day. Might as well let them clean up while they're there

>> No.10902465

I was asked to "maybe do some painting in [my] spare time." I laughed because I thought it was a joke but I don't think they were joking.

>> No.10903056

Man that sucks. It's why I hate my current job. Some of them treat me like I'm their bitch, quite degrading. Even when I stood up for myself it felt like an uphill battle. Doesn't help that my manager acts like me and a few others, including my manager herself, have to be the office bitches. My personality is quite different from all the previous underlings she had, it's caused change to occur, she's become more confident but has made me continue having to be the office bitch. Heck she called me today and its her day off to ask for a freaking work favor and a second one, to transfer her to someone when she calls back later. WTF whu not all in the same call? Heck she works with who she wanted to be transferred to and somehow doesn't have her number? I think she's just playing dominance shit.

This will likely be the first job I quit without a 2 weeks notice.

>> No.10903080

You’re already a bitch and will always be one. Don’t quit it suits you.