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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10898084 No.10898084 [Reply] [Original]

>he isn't buying crypto right now
Not gonna make it anon

>> No.10898117
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But which one?

>> No.10898131

there are nearly 2000 listed coins, of those 2000 less than 100 could be taken seriously by somebody, and less than 20 are worth putting money into, and of those 20 less than 5 will ever amount to anything in the global market.

>> No.10898164

lul.. There's more than 5 burger chains in America alone you dumbfuck.

There's probably 10 different doughnut franchises alone...

"less than 5 will ever amount to anything in the global market"

you have 1 IQ above what would have you legal considered dead.

>> No.10898170
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>> No.10898179
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>American literally comparing crypto to burgers

>> No.10898247

>money is a burger chain
>doughnut franchises basically the same thing as currency
>what is supply and demand, what is variety of goods and services, what is money
by equivalating cryptocurrency to a good/service (doughnut shop) youre actually dooming it as a real CURRENCY (aka what you bought your donut with, which everybody accepts)

dont ever comment on anyones IQ again

>> No.10898261

i dun no how 2 count i am ver smart prrson

lok dis is only les den 5 wil eva amount anythin ginlobal morkeeet


no wonder you dumb cunts post here and not reddit where the intelligent individuals gather

>> No.10898270

holy fuck your poor head. how can you live in that thing

>> No.10898271

you're really going to compare fast food chains to distributed networks?

how many bittorrent networks are there? search engines? smartphone operating systems? even email providers, do you know how much the combined total of gmail+yahoo+hotmail mail traffic is compared to the rest of the world?

late adopters like you are never going anywhere.

>> No.10898283

>no wonder you dumb cunts post here and not reddit where the intelligent individuals gather
is this bait?
r/cc uniroinically shills nano, veshit, cardano, ripple and stellar.
you have to go back. stupid fuck.

>> No.10898293

by the fucking way, how many of those matter on the global market?

that's about all that actually matters and the yuan is hardly used for anything, it just gets in because its with China. what you're saying is that in a world of "relevant" currencies, you're going to hold the Tanzanian Shilling like it matters?

>> No.10898313

and regardless of how many currencies matter in the global market, there are so many because they represent control. a country needs to create its own if they want control over it.

true cryptocurrencies (of which there are only a few) can't be controlled in that way, so there's no advantage to using anything other than bitcoin as a store of value. the moment late adopters talk about "partnerships" or "tech" they're really just saying the shitcoin is "backed by something" which is exactly why they won't survive long term.

>> No.10898316


10/10 bait judging by replies

>> No.10898354

late? nigga i'm already rich from this shit.

okay lets say there's a token aimed at financial services, it has 1 bill max supply.

Financial services in 30% of the global economy.. It's 180 trillion $...

So take your dumbfuck email example that your little pee wee brain thought would be and use this old data


Now on that list we're free.fr some shitstain email provider no one outside of france has heard of..

well we have 0.5% of the 180 trillion $? Oh each token of the 1 billion total supply is worth $900....

So each email provider using your little example is worth close to 1 trillion $

herrrpppp deeeee derrppp derpppp pls

>> No.10898431

>financial services is 30% of the global economy.
>shitstain email provider
>free hires over 3000 employees
>let's lowball with saying our token will take half of one percent of a third of the globe's entire economy
>and the value from this will be equally distributed across the token
please stop posting. knowing you actually believe what youre typing makes me want to fucking kill myself.