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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10897994 No.10897994 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feel betrayed by the crypto markets? was it all really just one big hype scam from the start?

>t.down 37k in 14 months

>> No.10898028

It's a matter of perspective. If you had invested in 2012 when it was like $30, suddenly $6000 looks mighty good.

>t. someone who bought $5000 worth of silver in 2012
>t. someone who was going to spend 50% of that in bitcoin at the time but would have had to sent my money overseas and was too scared to

>> No.10898061

before the bubble craze I was kinda optimistic for all this technology. now I have no fucking clue what's going on anymore

seems like everything in the world is in a bubble yet we've been raped so hard this past 9 months

>> No.10898112

you need to look at the bigger picture

14 months is nothing

14 months is the blink of an eye

try 14 years

>> No.10898140


Many people make money from manias, the key is to never be the last person holding the bag.

In hindsight however, even if you purchased at the peak of the 2011 run up you'd be sitting pretty right now. Perhaps in another 7 years we will have the same perspective of the 2017 high.

or Bitcoin could not exist at all. Who knows.


You may as well just hold onto what you have now since you're down so much. Bitcoin is speculative as fuck and there is a lot of dumb money running around still.

Personally I'm shorting the NASDAQ.

>> No.10898154

same desu. i got in, in january 2017. it was still a "bubble" kind of but no where near what december was and I was unironically mainly in it for the tech. when december/january came in 2018 I realised that this whole thing was just shilled to take money from normies and stopped giving a fuck.

now the majority of the market is sub 100 IQ brainlets that cant even explain how a blockchain works lmao.

>> No.10898162


BTW, valuations are linked to "hype" surrounding the asset. Tesla is a perfect example.

In fact, this "hype" can be directly correlated to meme culture. I don't think /biz/ played a small role in bitcoin's price rising.

>> No.10898990

Yeah I get that. I'm still holding my coins, just completely mindfucked by how things changed so quickly.

pretty much sums up my experience

>> No.10899034

Why don’t whites ever take responsibility for their own actions but rather blame it on outside circumstance?

>> No.10899043

It was money I could afford to lose. Also, who said I was white? Orospu çocuğu

>> No.10899059

Nice try gringo. Everyone knows crackers bitch about petty shit they have full control over

>> No.10899087

Gringo? He's a kebab.

>> No.10899121

shoulda averaged down bitch tits

>> No.10899215

aww babys first market