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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10897348 No.10897348 [Reply] [Original]

Evening lads. This is my first post on /biz but I am a frequent participant over at /pol. My background is in private finance (mainly mid-cap private equity as a deal principal/investor), but I have also worked on prop trading and as a MD at an international family office. As such, I have seen virtually all aspects of private assets, public risk and non-risk assets, standard and sophisticated credit instruments. My current thesis is very straightforward: The global cap markets on the verge of freefall, as well as several of the major reserve currencies.

-Corp debt is 2x what it was in 08
-Household debt is 2x 08
-Government debt globally is 3x
-CB balance sheets are 5x 08
-Yield curves are flat and the Treasury has to have it's largest bond offering in Oct at the same time the Fed is increasing rates and the pace it's normalizing it's balance sheet
-All the large global buyers of T bills have begun to normalize their balance sheets causing low bid-to-cover ratios in recent offerings (in March the dealers had to warehouse 1/3 of the offering to close it)
-When the Fed inverts the yield curve, they will not be able to continue with BS normalization and the dollar will begin to go.
-They will raise rates higher and that will knock over every bond market globally
-22% of US equities will not be able to service their debt with a 200bp move in rates
-Instead of investing their record earnings in PP&E, debt service, R&D, etc., they have invested heavily in levered buybacks and high-multiple transactions.
-Japan is fucked, Russia is fucked, China is fucked
-Emerging markets are currently going down the drain and the IMF can't bail out all the ones that will slide
-Deficit to GDP is humongous in the US going into late cycle will

These should all start as fodder for the conversation. Currently, my calculations show asymmetric risk to the downside, and I didn't even mention the illiquidity that will happen instantaneously when the markets go because of derivative risk.

>> No.10897357


stopped reading there

>> No.10897368
File: 305 KB, 512x512, thinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will cryptocurrencies be influenced by the downfall of fiat currencies? Good/bad?

>> No.10897371

Go back to /lgbt/

>> No.10897389

In a decade after the entire eurozone has been cannibalized economically to put off the economic seppuku of the US these calculations will still mean jack shit.

Buy crypto and stay in private finance.

>> No.10897395

crypto is a classic bubble man

>> No.10897396

Also if you need a job in ten years, learn mandarin. If you are a millionaire or better in ten years, learn spanish.

>> No.10897407

you are just saying shit everyone has already known for years

Get over it, the economy is booming, china is irrelevant

>> No.10897411

I've never had a job and never will

>> No.10897417

reads like a larp. should have proof read before posting.

thoughts on gold and silver? other precious metals?

>> No.10897430

>"yield curves will invert"
>>"reads like larp"
>ok fagit

gold = good. the only real insurance plan.

Turkey was the canary in the coal mine, Argentina went today with a 60% rate increase. Brazil, India, Russia are next.

>> No.10897457
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i have a bunch of noob questions. i have a minor in finance, CFA level 1, but don't understand many of the things in the post

what are your sources? did you calculate all of this stuff yourself?

where can i read more about yield curves and their effects on the market?
>yield curves are flat
aren't they rising, the 10yr yield rose to above 3% a few months ago?
>normalizing it's balance sheet
>inverts the yield curve
what do each of these mean and how do they signal an economic collapse?

>CB balance sheets
what acronym is this?
>balance sheets
which part of the balance sheet? total assets? how is increasing total assets bad?

>> No.10897458

the yield curve will invert meme is pretty well known and has been referred to in the economist and other print media lately.

but what specifically stands out for me is the grammatical errors and exaggerations, such as:
>At the same time the Fed is increasing rates and the pace it's normalizing it's balance sheet
>Currently, my calculations show asymmetric risk to the downside
>in the US going into late cycle will

at best you probably read zerohedge. but i could be wrong, say something specific and interesting that only you know.

>> No.10897470

B-but we're due for a crash. We have to relive the apocalyptic good old days of 2008. I need excitement in my meaningless life!

>> No.10897477

All I know is that the US will be fine after the rest of the world collapses

>> No.10897500
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, 1535229482732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan is fucked, Russia is fucked, China is fucked
>Russia is fucked

Lol. No kid. They are not. They have one of the lowest government debts in the world and as long as Europe needs oil and gas, I'm pretty sure Russia is gonna be okay.

>> No.10897508

Here is where I reply to your post and close your thread

>> No.10897516

Go fuck yoursel pol/cuck

>> No.10897528

please don't say you have a CFA 1 and you don't know what a flat or inverted yield curve is, or how they affect the economy. yield curves always flatten and then invert prior to a recession. an inverted curve means short-term treasury issuances are traded at a higher yield than long-term issuances (3mo vs 10yr).

CB = central bank
CBs adding to their balance sheet is a function of a market not functioning properly and needing central bank support to asset prices and monetary supply. an example is the Fed engaging in QE1-3 and buying bonds through the FOMC to prop up the Treasury issuances and mortgage-backed securities. The fed ballooned its balance sheet in an effort to support prices in these markets because there wasn't sufficient demand. If they have not, it would've been financial Armageddon. CBs only step in with asset purchases if there is a problem. The fact that virtually every CB has 5-6x their balance sheet in the past 9 years and dropped rates through the floor shows A) fundamental weaknesses in the global economy, and B) creates huge risks for their local economies if they go into a recession... The fed can't buy another $5bn in assets if we go into a recession because it will destroy the dollar.

>> No.10897529
File: 21 KB, 788x699, 1533048447498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a gold shill thread guys
Sage and hide
Sage and hide
OP is a faggot commie

>> No.10897546

short the Swiss Franc. their balance sheet is 127% of GDP and they have $100bn of their balance sheet in US equities (15% of GDP) and in super high multiple stocks. Ex: They own more of the publicly-traded stock of FB than Zuck.

>> No.10897551

you should've kept reading, he didn't mention Hitler or the Jews even once.

>> No.10897557

Actually gold will be a pretty good buy next year earlyish.

>> No.10897560

not a gold thread. I don't have much gold. I prefer to make measured investments short on assets I think will sink and value invest LT in companies that will create value over 10+ years.

>> No.10897569

thats a fucking ballsy call, the swiss franc has been a go to for safety historically...then again, so was housing in 08

>> No.10897577

>largest debtor nation in history will be fine

lol good meme friend

>> No.10897587

When there's a thread on /biz/ and other boards daily going "MUH ECONOMIC COLLAPSE!" it means there isn't one coming. These threads point out "knowns". Knowns don't crash markets, unknowns do----black swans.

>> No.10897597

it's a straightforward position in my opinion. to win in investing, you must bet against the mainstream and be right. the mainstream is not there. investing 20% of a CBs balance sheet in equities and half of that in high-multiple US equities is assinine and will destroy the Franc if we have a recession. Instead of exiting much of their positions this year, like the few other CBs with equities, they have doubled down.

>> No.10897602
File: 268 KB, 1200x758, 1532829185352 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If debt accumulation simply DECELERATES the economy will enter recession, if it merely STOPS, we enter a depression, if it REVERSES we enter a deflationary hyper-collapse

>> No.10897605

get fucked eurocuck
How mad are you that the spx is at all time highs

>> No.10897609

bad logic meme m8. you ever read any basic logic or philosophy?

>> No.10897623

What market crash was expected by MOST people? Not a minority in the know.

>> No.10897631

ok ill bite. is crypto a new asset class or is it just a meme? be real, I can see it being a second type of commodity type of asset class and see its potential but how long would a new bubble take to form and for things to take off? also how soon will it take for the equities market to crash? I'm 29 and made 50-100k off of crypto last year but feel unsafe leaving it in cash/crypto if crypto wont be bullish for another year or so.

>> No.10897633

to be honest, I dont see that playing out just yet. First i see EM's getting crushed and a flight to safety in the US dollar/equities, which may cause a further pump to mania levels.

But good to know that the swiss are over exposed to US equities, I'm just not sure US equities are just at the point of vulnerability yet. EM's though are for sure going to have a tough time this year, and next.

>> No.10897635


back to /pol/ faggots

>> No.10897636

> I read zero hedge and im fucking smart
yet another episode of this austrian bullshit

>> No.10897651

there won't be. even with rising rates Japan, Russia, China, Canda, Mexico, the Fed and a few of the other largest Treasury bond holders have been selling their position, not buying more. When the US goes, there isn't going to be a flight to the USD.

>> No.10897656

where's the value-creation of cryptos other than an unregulated tool for speculation?

>> No.10897663

Meme creation

>> No.10897666

I'm a noob with no finance knowledge.

1. Where do I start to verify that the franc is actually exposed to the risks that you say it is?

2. Assuming your facts are correct, that the cb holds too many US stocks, what's your argument for why that will be bad for the franc?

3. How the hell does a normal person short the franc?

I know how that if I want to buy some individual stocks I can go to Robinhood. I don't because I'd rather hold an index fund in my 401k, but I know that's where to go.

Where do I go to short the franc and how do I do it in a way that will give me exposure to massive upside and limited downside if the franc tanks?

Should I just try to find a place that sells options and buy put options? Never traded options before.

>> No.10897672

storing and transfering value all over the world almost freely and instantly with no kike oversight, the ultimate store of value
>hurrr durr store of value doesn't lose its value by so much he he
because it's still new, gold uses its value too if you buy at the wrong time

also buy LINK and never worry about muh collapses again

>> No.10897678



ok i'll bite...how much are you selling gold for? what's the spot price of the gold you sell.....

>> No.10897690


>> No.10897698

what I'm trying to say is if it does get more regulated, do you see it becoming an avenue for more serious money to play in?

>> No.10897702

dude you can short the franc on any fx broker. if you're in the US just get on oanda/TD/forex.com

>> No.10897711
File: 19 KB, 730x340, fed-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but posting some helpful charts.


>> No.10897716

Doesn’t understand crypto. Fuck off to plebbit and /pol/

>> No.10897728

>took a 75% price reduction in under 12 months and thinks its a viable asset class
lol next

>> No.10897732

Wow, you weren't kidding. They really are holding a ton of big US tech stock.

So I guess if the SNB holds US equities and the price of those equities falls... The franc is worth less because? Is the franc theoretically backed by it's reserve currencies, of which the USD is one, with a significant proportion of their USD reserves being in US tech stocks? So a fall in tech stock prices is, in theory, a fall in the value of (one of?) the currencies backing the franc, which implies the franc itself will be worth less, possibly proportionally to the decline of the reserve value?

>> No.10897736

most of the serious funds and asset managers already exited. why do you think there's no price support? and no I don't ever see it becoming viable. CBs and Govs won't ever let it become the main currency so it will always be highly volatile. Volatility = death for a currency

>> No.10897737

We had a near-recession in 2016. Trump winning bailed out the system. Once the high of a multi-trillion dollar tax cut wears off, there is going to be a major reckoning.

2018 might be the last "normal" year. We're going to see some shit.

>> No.10897744

agreed on both

>> No.10897752

>he he it went from $10 to 50c, see? I was right?
>oh what do you mean it went to 20k after that? it's a speculative evil bubble! I'm too smart and too proud to participate in it, instead I will pretend like I'm a smartass calling for a financial collapse every month

I hear lunatics calling for the worst global crisis every day, housing bubble, stock bubble, fiat collapse,
yea sure gonna happen

>> No.10897755

if there's a further correction in US equities, the SNB will accumulate losses. as the central bank of their currency accumulates losses, there will be a flight of money from their currency to more sound currencies.

>> No.10897756
File: 196 KB, 628x353, jewden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you guys investing in crypto are stupid. money wont meant anything. the near future is just who has the child sex slaves and who has the guns. pro tip its the same guys. every one else pays them food in america or your chilrens are taken

>> No.10897757

Are Turkey and Argentina the first dominos to fall?

Also what are your thoughts on the chances of a hard Brexit just flushing the system? Democratic win in November?

>> No.10897765

> well written post regarding actual world business and finance
> disregarded because they're scared of potentially being exposed to thoughtcrimes and "muh raycisms"
Imagine being this much of a spineless little rat. Go drink some drano.

>> No.10897777

In your opinion, is Gregory Mannarino's youtube channel reliable?

>> No.10897780

Thank you for this, btw.

Looking for places where the mainstream is wrong and betting against them is what I have been trying to sk but I only see crypto as an opportunity to do that. E.g., everyone - even almost everyone who thinks Bitcoin is legit - thinks altcoins are shit and scams. So if I can find altcoins goals that seem like they could drive demand for the coin very high and a team that seems to have a reasonable level of competence (and funding) then I could be looking at returns similar to what Bitcoin provided to early adopters back when even internet crazies thought Bitcoin was a joke without value.

Sadly, I don't know where to look for other things. E.g., I have no idea what kind of background knowledge would have led to me to look at central bank reserves to try to suspect the Swiss franc might be vulnerable.

So thank you again, this is super cool to think about.

>> No.10897801

Live in a third world shithole, but fortunately my local currency hasn't been hit as bad as the other ones. Should trade everything to USD asap?

>> No.10897802


careful and DYOR. its not as rare of a position as you think.

>> No.10897807

This makes sense. Thank you!

>> No.10897812

whats that pic getting at?

>> No.10897814

Were there FT articles like this about the US housing market leading up to the 2008/2009 housing crash?

>> No.10897816
File: 314 KB, 960x593, IMG_0507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"CBs and Govs won't ever let it become the main currency"
I don't think this /pol fag knows the origins of cryptocurrency and why it is a thing to begin with......

>> No.10897820

This board needs more thread like this and less bullshit r9k tier larping and coin shilling

>> No.10897830

if they don't become the predominant currency they hold no value. they're just a tool for speculation.

>> No.10897837

I bought swaps on a currency that's a large % creditor nation and trading under valued to Franc

>> No.10897843


To expound on yield, inverted curve means imvestors have lower confidence in the future. Hence why they end up accepting lower returns, even tho typically they wud demand higher return with uncertainty oftime.

>> No.10897844

You sound like a Bible thumper

>> No.10897849

How do you not see value in being able to freely transact outside of traditional methods? Methods controlled by banks and governments?

>> No.10897854

Its up to you to determine how much of it is legit vs anons just wanting to see the world burn.

>> No.10897860

because no takes it as a method of payment and never will because it's too volatile

>> No.10897871
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Pic related

>> No.10897906

sorry man. even though you seem well versed on traditional finance topics, you have a pretty dim and almost boomerish ignorant view on cryptos. i was expecting a much more solid argument

>> No.10897943
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So I'm about to get a 200k inheritance. Where do I park it

>> No.10897971
File: 160 KB, 530x281, 1524767721191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what should us normies do about all this? In plain English plz.

>> No.10897978
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>tfw Canada
I know we're fucked and I can't even get a fucking gun

>> No.10897986

Clearly a brainlet. Japan has some of the highest sovereign debt in the world

>> No.10897987
File: 86 KB, 921x637, AE45203A-AB64-42EC-8846-0087A87D5450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post anon

The solar cycle meme may come true, heh.

>> No.10898004

Park it in between those massive honkers

>> No.10898008

Hows Russia's currency doing again?

>> No.10898013

typical crypto cunt response. no rebuttal of fundamentals - straight to ad hominems!

>> No.10898020

ok whatever you say Anton

>> No.10898027

You talk a big game but there is only maybe a 70% of you being right. You are one of yhose guys who pretend to be super confident and talk like everything is 100% guaranteed but everything you talk about is only conaidered an indicator with no real evidence of a direct correlation.

>> No.10898036

I'm having a panic attack I can't even get a job now

>> No.10898037
File: 32 KB, 472x349, jews_911_netanyahu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Russia supposedly buying a shitload of Gold?
Also answer this pls:

>> No.10898066

So what i'm taking away from OP's brainlet post is

* forex Short the swiss franc
* buy gold (OP is prob gold shill)
* expect recession 2019 - 2020 just in time for election season

>> No.10898067

>What is Newegg

>> No.10898087

So spell it out for me i cash out my mutuals and stocks and sit in gic? Or straight cash while.it crashes then scoop.the indexs like it was march 9th 2009 all.over again. Helpful advise please for m someone w only 60k invested

>> No.10898097

>i don't hunt: the post

>> No.10898103
File: 193 KB, 2048x1154, 1534498911402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the same kind of small mind that would have said the internet was useless outside of porn and criminal activities in 1994

>> No.10898110

I went to the hospital for a panic attack once in uni now I'm marked.
I never should have trusted them but it was the first one and I thought I was having a heart attack.

>> No.10898136

>he doesn't have a significant other with funs
Don't you have a crazy uncle or something?

>> No.10898137

bet you have no idea that the bitcoin network consumes more energy than 1/3 of the worlds nations and will exceed the US entire electricity consumption in 18mo at current pace do you?

>> No.10898149
File: 54 KB, 380x255, krugbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid bitcoins.
>wont be used by anyone or accepted by merchants.
>muh wasteful energy meme

>> No.10898151

>2018 might be the last normal year
They've been saying this since trump got elected, i don't think saying this more times is going to make it any more true.

>> No.10898152

Great, we can change that by going NUCLEAR or building fuckheug dams. Electricity is food for crypto, so the more electricity and the cheaper it is, the better for coins.

>> No.10898160
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You sound like that was something you just learned

You probably believe in global warming too

>> No.10898165

Lol ok there Nassim

>> No.10898168

>he doesn't know about the BTC OTC markets attracting investors from banks and family dynasties
But I don't know shit do I?

>> No.10898177

Nope, isolated only child.

>> No.10898180

Invest in kneecaps then. Good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.10898183

What else can I do to protect myself

>> No.10898184

I mean, yeah. The US has a LOT ot failsafes, it's kinda what we do. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is still here after almost every other nation in the world collapses.

>> No.10898206

And as long as the fed will continue to function I don't see any signs of the US ceasing to exist. No matter how high the debt goes.

>> No.10898228
File: 419 KB, 1358x1087, liberia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are rapidly becoming a brown shithole.

>> No.10898240

why dont these countries just go all in on bitcoin? they'd become fucking rich over night

just buy and sell everything in bitcoin

>> No.10898254

You can learn gunsmithing online anon. Or be useful in a commune and pray that you don't need a gun before you barter in a mad max timeline. Don't you have a low tech society skill like distilling, cobbling, handyman, hunting, or medic?
You could hold gold and use an intermediary to barter that has high charisma that you trust.

I'm just spitballing ideas. Your best bet is to get offline and in a community. Preferably one that has guns and can be convinced that they like you and are useful to them.

>> No.10898332

do you think these countries don't realize the position they're in and are not coming up with a plan, perhaps in secret, to address it? I think Bitcoin was created by globalists, for this reason.

>> No.10898390

All your other bullshit laid aside, this brainlet post right here is just a fundamental misunderstanding of banking and monetary policy. Especially so since we are talking about Switzerland here. Banking panics - a run as you envision in your post - start at the banking level (see Turkey for a recent one) and there's a huge difference between a "central bank" (the facilitator) and a "bank" (issuer of "real" money). If you want to assess shock exposure you should look at the banking sector not at the facilitator and judge by illiquidity (Basel III measure), etc.

>> No.10898427


Insider here. No joke. One time post only,

We are going to collateralize space to cover all this debt. You'll start hearing about this or that comet being worth this or that amount soon because of its recources. The space force is the first step.

>> No.10898526

Genius. Itslike tesla. False promises fake it til u make it

>> No.10898849


sigh... i wish. Heard it on some obscure radio show, some dude named Joseph P Farrell claims it. Made a strong case too.

>> No.10898876

Tell me something I haven't heard literally every day for 10 years.

Also tell me why, if this is all certain, why it isn't priced-in already. Do you think you have some special knowledge that others don't?

This is the same pleb-tier doomsdayism as always.

>> No.10898881

Holy shit. Actual business and finance. I know nothing of these, this bread just made me feel dumb. All I know is how to mine shitcoins and dump them on Binance

>> No.10899074

OP still in "cant buy coffee with bitcoin" mode. That's a 2010 argument m8. Bitcoin is a better gold for the rich, and will become the world reserve currency over time. Peasants didn't lug gold along with them when money was backed with gold, just as people won't buy coffee with bitcoin. But it will inevitably become the world's financial backbone ledger. I don't feel like explaining in detail but you shouldn't really talk about it because your lack of (technical) understanding of bitcoin shows real clearly.

>> No.10899092

the public doesnt even know what inflation is. have you ever had a conversation with a normie about the economy? they dont know what the fuck is going on.

>> No.10899143

It's not business and finance. >>10898876
put it perfectly, pleb-tier doomsdayism.

>> No.10899154

yeah because we're having a global bull rush right now
fuck yeah we're going to mars too breh strap up we're all gonna get rich with 60 figures salaries and 5 hours a week work days

>> No.10899169

Don't worry, that recession's coming. Just another year or two.

Ooh, maybe the evil globalists will stop their darn manipulation of the gold market by then too!

>> No.10899294

So yeah we probably have a recession coming. Just sit in cash and buy stuff when it is cheaper. It is not going to be the end of the world.

But I must say that german factory orders scare me.

>> No.10899306
File: 151 KB, 640x572, 1534278721265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike

>> No.10899326

Debt is on the rise, good goys keep working for your debt and interest, it'll keep the rat race alive and the modern slave will wake up at 6 am to be stuck in traffic

>> No.10899410

>what happened in Cyprus in 2013?

>> No.10899427

living in switzerland currently. I got 50% of my wealth in CHF. rest is in US dividend stocks. planning on moving to ETFs. when and what should I do?

>> No.10899474

>bet you have no idea that the bitcoin network consumes more energy than 1/3 of the worlds nations and will exceed the US entire electricity consumption in 18mo at current pace do you?

This isn't true. This is very far from being true.

>> No.10899499

Hmm i wonder who is behind this post

>> No.10899511
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>> No.10899542

>Gregory Mannarino'
FUCK IN A Quads & no one said anything yet...Dispointed /biz/

I would also like to know about this faggot, he keeps popin up on my youtube...seams shady as fuck though...

>> No.10899559

> useless outside of porn and criminal activities
Actually true for me

>> No.10899709

How to prepare for the global recession besides buying crypto?

>> No.10899734

>their balance sheet is 127% of GDP
Then devaluation already occurred...
You should long it as soon as they start QT

>> No.10900009


>> No.10900062

There are further tax cuts and loopholes being put forward next year. The gravy train continues. Common consensus is bear market hits late 2019, early 2020

>> No.10900093

I live in UK, bugout stash consists of physical gold and silver bullion, crypto and Russian stocks that I've stacked during the dips from sanctions starting with Crimea annexation. How fucked am I?

>> No.10900123

crypto is a classic bubble man

>> No.10900232
File: 165 KB, 999x964, but_cooler_than_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cunt gets it.

Just the golden bull, there'll be corrections before it arrives but once it starts it won't stop.
Endless resources, Quadrillion valuations on companies, automated work

Its the EE era

The Enlightened Entertainment era.
People will look inwards, outwards to each other for meaning, goals. People will be able to live a full live in VR with time dilation chemicals, fixed in a matter of minutes with nanotech, the once hindered helped by automatronics.
All led by an AI, politically, economically. It'll put us all into a perpetual state of growth and expansion.
The earth becomes a utopia, space becomes current earth Fighting for resources, fighting other companies for space ownership, mergers now include planets and asteroids as incentives.

Are you ready?

>> No.10900250

Stop watching SciFi

>> No.10900265

The Japanese debt is mostly owned by its own citizens though. It is essentially private debt.

>> No.10900271

Agreed, which one of these is my safest bet or should I stay equally in them? USD(or HKD), EUR, JPY or CHF?

>> No.10900286

nations not population, what he said maybe true, but its utterly useless information.


Total consumption: 21*10^12
Total countries: 220
Consumption of the last 75: 75*10^9
For comparison
China: 6*10^12
US: 4*10^12
EU: 3*10^12

>> No.10900291

will boomer pensions get rekt?

will we see landlords jumping out off the rooftops of their mansions?

will digimarines bodyslam debt collectors in the street?

>> No.10900300

Sci Fi becomes reality. All Sci Fi is is ideas yet not implemented. People in the 15th century would have viewed Da Vinci's helicopter blueprints as Sci Fi, had the term been created.
Now its reality.
All versions of Sci Fi will become reality on various different planets.

>> No.10900334

the banking system worldwide uses 3x as much power as btc, also mining will become more efficient over time as miners will be incentivised to find new cheap ways to generate power to mine

show me one store that accepts gld as payment

I don't trust him, seen his channel for years
his info is worth paying attention to, but get 2nd/3rd/4th/5th etc opinions to judge

>> No.10900354

that's good, surprised it hasn't been done sooner desu instead of just toiling on earth

think of all the jobs that can be created to get to those resources that we will need

humanity needs living space!

>> No.10900357

>Currencies down

Dont have 90% of your loans in Dollar, is this really so hard to understand?

You can also have Yen, Euro, Pound, fucking Rubles... Diversify, in the best case the losses of one currencies are the gains of another and you average at 0 % difference.

>> No.10900362

imagine listing an asteroid as one of your company's assets

>> No.10900375

>I mean, yeah. The US has a LOT ot failsafes, it's kinda what we do. I wouldn't be surprised if the US is still here after almost every other nation in the world collapses.

There has never been a nation in the history of the world more dependent on the outside than the USA today. It lierally can not function unless it prints endless money at no cost and gets free resources in exchange for it so the other nations can trade with each other for dollars.

>> No.10900539

Btc to 1 MM?

>> No.10900871

>t brainlet

USA is the only independent country in the world. It has all the resources it needs domestically (energy, farmland, etc.) and does trade merely for the sake of extracting value from slave labor. Every other nation on the planet, spare none, has vital resource imports. Worse, only the USA can guarantee the stable flow of those resources. You really can't get more stable and boss than this.

>> No.10900891

brainlet nigger

>> No.10900918

Is this why there seems to be an acceleration in the number of trad finance -> crypto onramps going online?

Yahoo, Bakkt, CBOE ETH etc, do the jews in wallstreet know something?

>> No.10900934


>> No.10900979

Exactly my first thought hahaha

>> No.10901007

If this is true, where’s my fucking Jetsons car?

>> No.10901021

this is how i know you're a brainlet

>> No.10901099
File: 684 KB, 750x502, 1497963689759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off libshit

>> No.10901462
File: 82 KB, 868x764, 1535033050034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liberalism is a mental disorder

>> No.10901472

kek'd heartily

>> No.10901490


>> No.10901507

if you think we are so resource independent, why is there a fiscal gap in the range of $200tl

>> No.10901520

how's your portfolio looking...?

>> No.10901556

>This is my first post on /biz but I am a frequent participant over at /pol.
I cringed, stop reading there

>> No.10901599

the government injects trillions secretly into the economy to prop it up as needed. They use AI to allocate funds depending on where it is most needed. You don't know this because you were never meant to. ((they)) will create the collapse when all the cards are in place. That time is coming near but I don't think this fall is the timeframe, it may have been, but it's been exposed too much

>> No.10901605

>he fell for the "debt to GDP matters outside of the eurozone" meme

>> No.10901640

people flock to crypto in microeconomic cases, why not apply that to the macroeconomic climate

>> No.10901681


>> No.10901695

Those numbers only work if you include Canada and Mexico Zeihan.

>> No.10901811

It's much simpler than that. The fed prints dollars and buys failing assets when it needs to. In a debt based society the fed determines interest rates effectively controlling how much your mortgage and car loan are. So trigger a recession all they have to do is raise interest rates to the point where people start defaulting on their loans, and stop printing dollars

>> No.10901936


yeah, if interest rates were real, ie money was actually scarce and risk priced accordingly, then the economy would get fucked so quickly. i dunno, im almost ok with pulling the wool over people's eyes with that shit because the alternative is probably worse.

>> No.10902210

where are you from?
I'm from Brazil and i'm kinda scared.

Maybe we will get rid of our commie politics this year and MAYBE we could be saved.

The problem is that the talk about Macri when he was elected were that he would save Argentina and now they are fucked.

I'm all in into crypto, basically

>> No.10902241

this, reddit niggers inhabiting it spread like cancer

>> No.10902422
File: 20 KB, 480x360, marketreport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gregory is one of the most reliable guys in this sector. I have been following him for a year or so. The dude called the top in January and when to buy after that fall. Along with the interest rate hike in march. I wouldn't follow him blindly but do consider what he says and watch the markets. He is right over 70% of the time. The dude is a silver shill tho. I and many others would pay money to hear what he says.

>> No.10902616
File: 308 KB, 946x1200, .699455subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10903851

The trigger will be Trumps auto tariffs.

>> No.10904067

Not here yet you vagina