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10888840 No.10888840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do i short the south african food supply?

>> No.10888863

>The virgin social media signaling vs the African chad’s hands on land expropriation.
If you aren’t shorting white people at this point you really do hate money.

>> No.10888869

Time of reckoning white devils.

>> No.10888873

i feel sorry for white people, but then thet treat me badly on the internet so i don't feel sorry for them anymore

>> No.10888877
File: 121 KB, 500x323, 1407902088232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice propaganda mr. white nationalist

>> No.10888887

short the Rand. South Africa is going to collapse this year

>> No.10888888
File: 129 KB, 1019x1309, __remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_chata_maru_irori_sabou__216e8d4a8631af0c1291099c15fb6878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we don't deserve this
At what point you can say that someone was just too stupid to realize what was happening. I mean there has to be a some amount of stupidity where you just deserve what is happening to you for not paying attention to anything, right?

>> No.10888891


>> No.10888902

Of course she didn't deserve this, but allowed herself to be boiled like a frog

>> No.10888911


scots irish for life
everybody else suck my dick
english descendants BTFO

>> No.10888915


green dildo incoming on the DXY
risk is coming back
EM still fucked dont get fooled by MUH WALLSTREET BULLRUN
long the USD across multiple asset classes and short EM shit

>> No.10888922

So many whites in the West absolutely refuse to accept the truth about blacks.

This girl in OP post doesn't seem to realize that they're not just "seizing their land"; they are going to torture her and her entire family to death over the course of several days. In her mind, that's not something that could happen. In her mind, nobody could be that evil.

>> No.10888946

Good, she'll know what's it like to be on the receiving end for once.

>> No.10888957


You do know we're way better at war & killing than other group in history right? You fuckers are insane - you're like animals raised on a farm with some domesticated lions that have decided to give said lions shit about what their umpteenth-great grandparents did and attack them. Then, when the lions inevitably remember what they are and there's just a massive amount of blood and screaming you'll be wailing about how unfair it all is. You absolute fucking brainlets. Saffer farmers are almost all ex-military due to compulsory service, with weapon stockpiles, connections to numerous PMC outfits and infinitely better knowledge of the terrain than shantytown niggers. A squad will calmly mow down a horde of you useless, no tactics using savages before you know what's hit you. Moronic.

>> No.10888993

whites have never done anything wrong.

>> No.10889018


Really. You think that she's doing that do you? That anyone white is doing that? Oh wait, you don't have a sense of individual identity do you? Pathetic orcs, projecting your own degeneracy onto everyone else. Well congratulations, you wanted the White devil, you're gonna have him back in full swing. For the farms - on retreat any land will be salted & the infrastructure burned. Rebuild it yourself scum. Enjoy the show as famine takes hold and the various Bantu tribes turn on each other.

>> No.10889024
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Blacks are just taking what is rightfully theirs

Pic related

>> No.10889041


stop falling for bait

>> No.10889044

But they DO deserve it.

Don't feel sorry for these idiots for a second. They lost their country and destroyed the future of their children. All because they were too stupid to defend themselves.

>> No.10889064

I can't wait for the liveleak videos that'll generate

>> No.10889081

Lol. The mods just letting these shit threads take off.

>> No.10889091


But it's not racism when blacks do it right?

>> No.10889102

>he treats all people regardless of race with utmost respect
Only got yourself to blame. At least make a last stance and die with a gun in hand girl, but honestly there are only two options: These posts are fake or people are unironically so fucking cucked they'll allow niggers to steal their life instead of grouping together and gassing the black menace. Either way the blame lies with them.

>> No.10889111

they deserve it

>> No.10889117

Checked for truth. This should be a cautionary tale for a lot of things. Too bad it'll go unnoticed like all the rest of the crazy shit happening worldwide currently.

>> No.10889122

When will (((they))) cleanse them

>> No.10889140

we don't care about afrikaaners

any white letting nigs taking over his family's females or his property is a cuck and deserve to be killed.

if you do not own weapons to defend your belongings then you are a,leftist and I will smile when you will be killed.

>> No.10889145
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