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10879128 No.10879128 [Reply] [Original]

Why do the people on this board blame minorities for their problems? Why do you get off on insulting people who look different or come from a different background? It's just weak minded asf and you all seem like tribal fucking beings.

I'm unironically disgusted by how common you all make it seem.

>> No.10879148

OP are you minority? B/c without the white race none of the things you take for granted would exist. Whites are simply higher IQ leading all innovation for the human race.

>> No.10879180

No I'm white, and your a fine example of what I'm talking about

>> No.10879214

>No I'm white, and your a fine example of what I'm talking about
You sure don't act like white person. Must be all the diversity hires at your school that has washed your brain over the course of a decade. Humanity goes to mars? how b/c elon musk is white. if elon musk was black humanity would not have a chance. name one black or asian that has changed the planet for the better? you can't.

>> No.10879244

asians can actually contribute to society unlike other minorities. They are ok in my book

>> No.10879268
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>> No.10879284

I'm not white and the racial banter doesn't bother me. Honestly don't really notice it other than the pajeet call outs and other shit. It's almost a way of talking so don't be such a nigger about it, it's a smoke screen but even turbo retards can wander through it and sometimes we get truly racist retards spewing there shit, they usually get called out so don't worry OP the darkness is always around, just turn off the light.

>> No.10879289

Can you prove my point even more holy shit.

What the fuck is a white person for you?!? Someone who hates all those who are not white? My God you have so much fucking hate in your heart just the way you talk. You guys see this guy, classic fucking 4chan /pop poster, no GF, closet racist, no fucking friends is fucking obvious no one wants to talk to someone like you except when they are hidden behind a computer screen.

Just go one step further and go get a mod internship at Boat you lowlife scum, I fucking hate your hate with all the love in my heart.

>> No.10879308
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>i have a high iq
>people with low iq are ruining my life

>> No.10879326

No way, why do you guys want all people who don't think like you to leave? Do you want this to become an ecochamber like voat.
The reason why I frequent all boards is so I can get new opinions, new points of view and offer my different point of view as well. Embrace different ideas Anon. Maybe then you will make it.

>> No.10879355

I know a lot of people here do it ironically and that a lot of it is basicly a meme now. Still. A good half of the people think that it's all serious and spew their fucking hate unironically, it is to these people I say, I wish you sadness and lonelyness your whole pathetic life.

>> No.10879452

isn't the majority of this board supposed to be libertarian? and therefore against the exploitation of minorities by some tyrannic majority (e.g. social democrats)?

>> No.10879484
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What minorities are you talking about OP? As far as I know, we blame on pajeets, chinks, etc and they are billions more than us on the planet. We are the minorities.

>> No.10879507

I blame the sun

>> No.10879584
File: 650 KB, 1060x1776, 2018-08-16 21.59.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is right, we need more niggers to buy our bags.

Thanks for pointing that out op.

>> No.10879596


>> No.10879617

Wow, talk about a loaded question. I don't blame minorities for anything other than being minorities. Fuck minorities lmao

>> No.10879671

Too bad they just abolished the bail system in the state of California

>> No.10879677

Don’t bother trying to discuss anything logically with them OP, they are ironically everything they hate. Ignorant, hive-minded, lacking morals and ethics, and most likely inbred.

>> No.10879698


Because they're losers. Losers look for people to blame for their failure. It's basic psychological projection.

>> No.10879709


>the white race

You mean Anglo Saxon Protestants? See the funny thing is we think all "whites" are three same.

>> No.10879729

Don't worry about these guys bro. If they were as smart as they think they are they wouldn't be here. They'd actually be rich and comfy.

Racism is just another projection of their insecurities and incompetence.

>> No.10879800

Why do you feel the need to do that though?

>> No.10879811

Ah I see I am not alone, I wish you success and love brother, may we that have love in our hearts Prosper while those with hate rot.

>> No.10879819
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I'm in a position where I can evade them most of the time and when I have contact they usually have to be obedient. On 4chan I certainly have no problem with them posting and I've certainly met individuals with good brains.

But I was reading the other day I don't remember where how germans were making an ethiopian-somali not feel german and welcome in Germany. It's not an exact quote but it was written more or less like that. And it's like what the fuck is even Germany? Why does an ethiopian-somali have to feel german so he can become an ethiopian-somali-german and why is this the problem of people who are just german? The scam works a bit like
> You don't get a group identity, your identity is fake, your so called group is going to die and there's nothing you can do about it so get fucked
I don't think this started from most of these groups. The idea of a global world is IMO not good at all for the emigrating countries, the ones who are probably better prepared to make those zones prosper flee. I don't get into that often because pannationalism is in the end pretty useless but I think that's my core delusion about best possible word kind of bullshit.

I have some diversity seminar during work hours twice a month and it pisses me off I could spend that time actually working and it's made me start to develop a bit of a grudge when I'm supposed to not notice the threats of what will happen unless I accept the polite educated thinking line. I know how to pretend, but when I can finally drop my mask some edgy shit may come out and maybe some other edgy asshole has reached similar conclusions and we talk. If we're talking edgy shit just because it's edgy then who cares, but the good kind of edgy unzips katana, cuts through the fog and teleports inside you. If I'm worng and the future is rainbows and lollipops I'm ready but there's a whole internet out there where you can talk about that, nobody (or not many) is expecting to change the world arguing here.

>> No.10879823

Very true, love all people anons, let the racism be memes and nothing more

>> No.10879824

Asians? By your logic high iq means everything so arent they leading the human race?
Stupid weak minded faggot

>> No.10879833

Another loaded question? I don't "need" to do anything. I just do what I want

>> No.10879851

Asians have higher IQ but don't seek to change the world. Western Europeans have low enough IQ that they desire to change the world, but high enough IQ to actually pull it off.

>> No.10879860

Im not ready to take on /lol yet. One level at a time

>> No.10879870

Name a society where two or more different ethnic groups lived closely together in harmony, without one ultimately becoming more influential than the other.

>> No.10879888

Wtf you are simple minded as fuck if your only reason is "because". So why? To be edgy, because you really are racist, because you just go with the meme? There is a reason to everything Anon.

>> No.10879916
File: 88 KB, 1500x1000, 4d11fbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your ignorance is astounding. There are black humans and there are niggers... There are white humans and there are white trash... If you think for a second that economic status has anything to do with either than you are more delusional than I thought. Everyone hates niggers, spics or white trash that rob, rape, sell drugs, murder and take advantage of the system. If you disagree, then you are lying to yourself because you care about what your social media frens think about you and your morals, the morals you want so desperately for everyone to believe you have.

If a black man was taking a child in front of you and someone yelled out stop that nigger... Would you get mad at the person yelling at the problem or would you stop the rapist? This is what's wrong with the world.

>> No.10879920

Why the fuck would that happen? This is basic human nature Anon tribes never coexist in harmony.

>> No.10879961

Exactly. People should live and remain with others who are like them to avoid the problems of racism, which is basic human nature, as you say.

>> No.10879968

Just because lol fuck you nigger hahahahahaha

>> No.10880020

It's not really the problem of racism. Disliking a person because of their skin colour is dumb since they didn't choose to be born with the skin colour. Disliking someone from a different culture is normal though because their norms, values and beliefs might conflict with yours. Can you imagine living alongside with shitskins who take the Quoran seriously and wear towels on their heads? Yeah, that's why the right-wing is rising in Europe.
But even within countries, different regions dislike each other because of slightly different cultures. For instance, Sicilians and northern Italians.