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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 817 KB, 2626x2620, CL.F..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10878052 No.10878052 [Reply] [Original]

JP Morgan Chase & Co, Hyperledger and Scotiabank.

22, september 2018.

Lori Beer, Adelyn Zhou, Ignacio Deschamps and Todd Benzies.

>> No.10878075


>> No.10878078

>JP Morgan Chase & Co, Hyperledger and Scotiabank.

>> No.10878084

you know I can just name random executives from fortune 500 companies too, LARP.

>> No.10878088
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Mars confirmed EOY 2018

>> No.10878379
File: 2.01 MB, 2626x2620, Sergey feeding a dog LINK tokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10878421

Linkpajeets are grasping at any straw to discourage brainlets from selling so the whales can gradually dump onto them.

>> No.10878430

Adelyn Zhou is the marketing director for chainlink to my understanding.

>> No.10878438

make sergey the dog

>> No.10878449

yeah? and? whats your fucking point.

>> No.10878464

I feel like somebody should screencap this.

>> No.10878472


>> No.10878496

be that somebody

>> No.10878571
File: 2.01 MB, 2626x2620, sergeydog getting linktokens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10878629

tell us more

>> No.10878646


Puzzle larper said 15th September, though.
Do you have any proof for this Larp?

>> No.10878654

Er at er ck nk

Screen cap this. No larp

>> No.10878662

just wait a month you sperg

>> No.10878668

Thanks tiger mommy

>> No.10878677

that's 22 days of work you sperg

>> No.10878690

insider here: this is bigger than any of you realize right now. september and october are gonna be nuclear months for LINK. if you havent got your final stacks ready, you have 2 weeks at most. you have been warned.

>> No.10878738

Lol I'm all in LINK, believe me I can wait a couple of days XD.

NO PROOF > is larping. Although I agree, these fucking months will probably be fucking huge.

>> No.10878746

Holy shit

Elon Musk Bill Gates Sergey Nazarov Mark Zuckerberg

>> No.10878758
File: 592 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180829-120216_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tell me... will i make it, based insider bro? I plan to sell 5k link at 25 dollars, quit my job, and wait for the real fuck you money.

>> No.10878769
File: 93 KB, 537x640, AB1A758F-971E-4264-84BA-0EF39F84204D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck sake let this be real can’t stand the waiting.

>> No.10878796

we're all gonna make it anon - including you. 1000 eoy is fud, and always has been.

>> No.10878810

Larpy mclarperson over here

>> No.10878817

Negative Nancy over here

>> No.10878818
File: 550 KB, 278x227, 0C986B4A-F60D-4ACB-8A8A-F5FF1ECF379E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainnet is launched. Big players come in the game. Link goes up to a 100 then falls back to 1 dollar.

Can this happen ?

Can link somehow get devalued?

>> No.10878823

keep an eye on where some members of the team fly to the next few weeks. european financial regulations are about to kick-in, and this is very very important for LINK.

>> No.10878839
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please dont larp man. im sick of wagecucking. i mean it. this is just toxic times....ive been accumulating for so long. just want to make it.

t. 200k link

>> No.10878857

Depends is it like Vechain? (no traffic and just hot air) Or do the big player keep using it?

>> No.10878883





>> No.10878890

TSA here, I'll make sure to keep all of you posted.

>> No.10878898


Have to say you're on to something. Those European Financial Regulations triggered me. I live in Europe and I heard that these regulation will have huge consquences for the API industry.
Wel I'm taking your bait Anon. We're all going to fucking make it.

>> No.10878900

based TSA agent.

>> No.10878902

jeff bezos is also partnered with link

>> No.10878936

So Link is akin to commodity that is dependent on the usage/transfer. Can it ever be seen as a store of value like BTC, to combat the overprinting of the fiat ?

>> No.10878942
File: 39 KB, 788x699, BAF1A182-7E02-4020-8C50-55353F217A6D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Mac
Large Coke

October 31st

>> No.10878960


it looks like next September and not this September that regs are due to kick in for PSD2? are these what you are talking about? can you please give us detail

>> No.10878968
File: 44 KB, 762x462, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSD2 timeline as provided by EY

>> No.10878979


Lol, do you think banks are waiting a till it gets implemented?

>> No.10878981

How will we be able to know where they're flying to?

>> No.10878991


>> No.10878998

well mainnet isnt even up yet. they would need to do tons of testing. a year might not even be enough time let alone a few weeks.

>> No.10879004

Pepe should be the dog and his eyes wide open like Smegle looking at the Ring

>> No.10879009

It's an utility token, foremost. It's not a currency that is what many people misunderstand. Well if we believe that it will moon, then yes. As people are using the service, it will instill enough conifidence in people to believe it is a store of value.

>> No.10879020

It is during those 18 months that Banks will launch their APIs allowing FinTech to connect to them. Nevertheless,

“We hope Banks will go faster than the horizon 2019, because we would like to test their APIs before”, hopes Jérôme Traisnel, CEO of SlimPay.

The following 18 months will be an intense period for Banks, that will proceed with the integration of APIs for several information systems enabling them to strengthen their applications and secure their systems. On the other hand, FinTechs are just waiting and looking forward to test these APIs and in case these tests resulted inconclusive, FinTech will then continue to do screen scraping.

Contrary, if Banks’ APIs will be available in September 2019, FinTechs will be able to connect to them and take major advantages than the current use of screen scraping. “APIs will allow us to have access to account information that might be relevant. For instance, when someone will pay with a credit card, we can create an automatism that verifies if he/she has enough money on his/her account. This will help us reduce the risks of unpaid/ non- payment”, says Jérôme Traisnel SlimPay’s CEO.


holy shit. you may be right.

>> No.10879024

If there is a singularity shooting link up to 100 usd there won't be any strong resistance levels for link on the way up so when the bubble collapses we'll head straight down to 1 dollar

>> No.10879027

If you miss the deadline, you will pay severe fines. Directives need to be adapted into the legal framework and the solution needs to be implemented way before those dates, especially cause you need to be sure you will able to comply with them after that date, so there's usually a big transition period, which means you will see full operational scaled solutions that comply with it in the end of this year. Things being announced in september would make sense.

>> No.10879060
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>have a node with 10k staked LINK
>LINK is at 1k
>Bond smartcontract worth 50MM will transfer ownership and needs to verify new address of receiving bank
>Issues job to 10 high rep nodes with enough LINK for collateral
>My node is chosen as 10k LINK is high enough to discourage sybil schnanigans
>Stake my 10MM worth of LINK on the answer
>Takes .3 seconds to complete job, takes 2 minutes total to verify results and exit the Chainlink contract
>Got paid .6 LINK
>Bank just paid $6k to do something that would have required multiple salaries and taken over a week to do and tied up liquidity.
>If my node is used like this 100% of the time, I make $157,680,000 a year
>Not a bad rate of return

>> No.10879067
File: 22 KB, 201x468, kpmgpssd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10879087

Anyone else see this image and immediately disregard the post?

>> No.10879101

>the dog

>> No.10879105

This is a massive sell signal, but I never swing more than 50% so I'm covered either way.
Thanks for being a faggot, anon.

>> No.10879139
File: 142 KB, 566x528, 176BDF2A-FAC6-412E-B63A-D3D7E5857536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for clearing that up Senpai

>> No.10879145

Last line didnt need a meme arrow, newfriend

>> No.10879157

A lot of this is going to be with TIPS. That goes online in Nov

>> No.10879170
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>> No.10879186
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sounds interesting. thank you fren

>> No.10879191

this doesn't even make sense mathematically

>> No.10879303

The power of weaponized autism:
First you check the picture
You see the same anon being vague about JP Morgan and Quorum with the same picture, another one of his posts says "Only 35 000 people can own 10k links."
You search for the same sentence.
Same sentence, different picture. Picture also labeled Quorum, this confirms it's the same anon. You check that picture.
More threads with him being vague about JP Morgan.
In this thread, he claims the happening date is August 31.
Keep getting sloppy when fucking with the link marines like this OP and see what happens next. Didn't you learn anything from Rutledge?

>> No.10879374


>> No.10879377
File: 216 KB, 584x530, 1511264763863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10879380

A dog can howl to the moon his entire life and not even once will he dream about touching it

>> No.10879389
File: 959 KB, 3512x2604, CL24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are going to make it boys, remember to look into your spirituality and health sooner rather than later, we have time to change reality!


>> No.10879415

its a larp dude.

>> No.10879427

holy shit autistfriend

>> No.10879461


Brace yourself foilhats for a world where ivy league educated financial professionals are poor and community college weaboo internet neets are the new kings. This will happen for certain put all your money into it.

>> No.10879483

out fucking standing marine. Boomer heavy squad ready to role out at your request.

>> No.10879502


But the real question who wants us to be rich. Do (((they))) have a plan for us? Are we new blood?

>> No.10879518

Where should i store my links? Someone give me pointers. I want to up the security of my stack. Without having to learn encryption or coding.

>> No.10879534

Ledger s nano..... how new are you

>> No.10879540

it's just a shitposting boomer.
t. boomer who does the same thing

>> No.10879543
File: 74 KB, 438x437, 1533789182151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice; now: please replace the faces of Raven Shaman with Pepe & Fox Coyote with Wojak.

>> No.10879558

I'm already courting a petite half-Jewish girl in anticipation of integration.

>> No.10880097

I have a harware wallet but where do i securely acquire a wallet?

>> No.10880121

It’s fucked up to get people’s hopes up with all this shit. Nothing is going to transpire and no major corporations are getting ready to use ChainLink. It’s sad to see so many people viewing this as some life saving lottery and others feeding that pathetic “hope.” I’m afraid this actually will cause people to kill themselves.

>> No.10880308
File: 444 KB, 765x754, 1535128508122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>beta bucks
>not shooting for alpha centauri

>> No.10880318


Anyone who wants to utilize data on/off blockchain ecosystems will utilize decentralized oracles. "Partnerships" are literally irrelevant.

>> No.10880355

End of September, I'm downloading the McDonald's ™ app and buying a BigMac ™ in honor of Mr. Nazarov. Thanks anons for the discounts.

>> No.10880378
File: 43 KB, 1225x705, GCLOUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone translate this for me?

I'm just seeing gcloud and google but I see Mr. Parser is also present again.

I lack the technical depth to fully comprehend the implications. I'm learning, but just asking questions as well.

Any carers want to comment?

>> No.10880479
File: 759 KB, 400x388, 1514244210804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damnn, that really got to me

>> No.10880553

fucking destroyed

>> No.10880847

This is what makes biz and LINK marines the best. Get fucked LARPers.

>> No.10880953


There's a fine line between what is and what isn't. Walking that line is stressful as fuck but can be rewarding.

>> No.10881563
File: 13 KB, 360x230, newlogo-company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10881622

Where did you get this?

>> No.10881667

got a link to docusign's? theirs comes up around sep 10 i believe

>> No.10882666

Did you pick 22nd Sept because of Q posts