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File: 490 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-28-22-56-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10873941 No.10873941 [Reply] [Original]

>people of color
>virtue signaling

>> No.10873974

Jokes on them, never owned any in the first place.

>> No.10873984

Lol. This BS cant be real.

>> No.10873997

> come internship (fake job) for a fake company
Literally double fake and gay

>> No.10874001

is this some new word for trannys

>> No.10874089


Join the telegram and see for yourself you lazy faggots

>> No.10874160
File: 464 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-08-28-23-29-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets worse

>> No.10874246

The funny thing is that holo shills (at the direction of triple chin feet lade I'd imagine) are the most tryhard, vitriolic trolls in here. Like, very non-tolerant. They make btrashies look like a bunch of well behaved middleschoolers.

If there's one project that I wish completely fails, it's this tranny shit. The people involved seem like massive dildoes

>> No.10874252
File: 51 KB, 764x706, holosjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10874275


>> No.10874286

We all know they will end up hiring a chink or white person because none of that shit they listed will apply

>> No.10874299

I today's landscape this is the type of shit that is gonna get the normies hyped about crypto, being new age, lgbtq loving and all that liberal bullshit. Quit hating and let's get this money together.

>> No.10874398
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1529626390383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sjw coin confirmed

>> No.10874468

Is anybody in the Telegram calling them out on this?

>> No.10874514
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's well known they love faggots, trannies and LGBTQ retards. they don't hire normal people, their head of marketing is a tranny lmao. so comfy i didn't invest in those degenerates.

>> No.10874533
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>> No.10874547

COPE. i completely disagree, this shit is scary and repulsive af even for normies.

>> No.10874698

you don't get it JFL. this is EXACTLY what's needed to be adopted by the normies. do you think normies want some coin created by sexist geeks? no. they want a SJW coin

>> No.10874756

no one outside of the USA is supporting SJW or LGBT retards, this are primarily american diseases. Europeans and Asians will btfo if they see the team. Deluded to say normies love this kind of degeneracy (except for americans maybe)

>> No.10874765

this man gets it

>> No.10874774

so what? the number of normies supporting this in the US is much bigger than geeks supporting geeks. HOLO will be the first real normie coin

>> No.10874775

SJWs are a worldwide cancer.

>> No.10874789
File: 25 KB, 227x220, 1535455228872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First the feminist shirt picture now this...

Hope no one bought too much of this

>> No.10874802

Femme means woman in french right? Why do they say woman/femme?

>> No.10874811

because to amerifats, french is some sort of mystic language that looks cool and mysterious like the thu'um or something. Which automatically makes it better than english.

>> No.10874813

what the fuck is a "femme" ? femboi?

>> No.10874821
File: 31 KB, 317x267, 591D8B6C-D439-4FE5-95BF-E28E1BD4CB12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10874834

I looked it up:

A (traditionally) feminine woman. Mainly used to refer to a feminine lesbian, and especially a feminine lesbian who is attracted to masculine, or butch lesbians.

What the fuck is it with leftists and their fucking turbospecific pigeonholing?

>> No.10874876

>being on a business board
>investing in something because muh emotions
>not investing in something because muh emotions
>thinks its going to make it

>> No.10874877

you dumb? normies are a thing worldwide, just a small fraction live in the US

not really. the US is actively supporting degeneracy and the LGBTQ movement while almost all other countries globally see it as mental illness.

>> No.10874880

Another coordinated fud thread by a bunch of poltards who still think muh SJWs are a bad thing and genuinely think having literal nazis lead a project is good publicity. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.10874895
File: 196 KB, 909x803, anti-white hate speech twitter media cnn buzzfeed nyt la times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poltards who still think muh SJWs are a bad thing
Yeah, SJWs are totally harmless.

>> No.10874897
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>A (traditionally) feminine woman. Mainly used to refer to a feminine lesbian, and especially a feminine lesbian who is attracted to masculine, or butch lesbians.

topkek, imagine even knowing those terms

>> No.10874910
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>> No.10874944

You better learn those terms and learn them well, because it's becoming more and more illegal to mislabel someone.

>> No.10874948
File: 196 KB, 850x492, The Eternal SJW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10874951

Gone full iota, never go full iota

>> No.10874952

i'm sorry you're so into white identity politics, maybe if you weren't such a moral fag you could make some money.

>> No.10874957


>> No.10874967

I'm into identity politics like a stabbed man is into knives.

You absolute fucking retard.

>> No.10874969

SJWs are cancer
don't you realize saying "we want POC and women!" is discriminate in and of itself? society should be meritocratic; those who have superior talent, education, skill, etc. should be the ones who rise to the top, and those who suck should remain at the bottom and continue sucking. When you say "we want POC and women!" you're implying that you'll value their skin and gender above a white man with superior capabilities to actually DO the job.

SJWs deserve to be gassed

>> No.10874973

and "POC" ? God damn we live in a shitty time era

>> No.10874974

People of Color.

And of course "white" isn't a color.

>> No.10874982

that must be why people of colour exist and whites don't as a people.

>> No.10874989

eh, have you ever been in europe?

>> No.10874992

They're germans, of course they're cucked beyond belief. Next thing will be redistributing tokens and nodes to poor refugees.
>t. German

>> No.10874995

look at these absolute slobbering brainlets. next they're going to start rambling about south african farmers or some other retarded shit.

>> No.10874996

Das rite.

White people don't exist because race is a social construct.
But "people of color" are being repressed, and you have white privilege.

>> No.10875054


>> No.10875101

>haha he didn't actually call for the killing of white people
>haha and even if he did, white people deserve it
>haha but white people should stop obsessing about race

>> No.10875116

why do african brainlets have this way of thinking? it's like talking to a stubborn little retarded kid

>> No.10875120

thanks, but I fucking hate you for teaching me that and for making the knowledge that such a term exists part of my life

>> No.10875127

i'm not going to watch your video because i'm not a spastic with fantasies and delusions of being a victim

>> No.10875136


>> No.10875144
File: 115 KB, 918x814, twitter hypocrisy white ppl black ppl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people only THINK they're being targeted!

>> No.10875212
File: 7 KB, 140x250, 1534259958344s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo's tranny admin faded off lean kek

>> No.10875222
File: 839 KB, 1061x1858, IMG_20180819_231652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic in high res

>> No.10875234

fuck how do i unload these bags without wiping out whole orderbooks?

i bought like 200k$ of this garbage

>> No.10875355

this pic is even more pathetic than the op's pic

>> No.10875401

Such a bad look

>> No.10875919

As a tit man on a board dominated by fans of braphogs, I am a persecuted minority and deserve my own term.

>> No.10875920


This is now both a pajeet and degenerate shitcoin.

>> No.10875983

dairy farmer

>> No.10875985


>> No.10876015

Not true. Normies HATE this degenerate tranny shit. Stop believing twitter, this is not the mainstream opinion.

>> No.10876038

This only matters if you're brainlet that believes in shitcoins and aren't just waiting for a pnd.

>> No.10876053

Why are they being so bigoted? What happened to inclusiveness? It should be ALL are encouraged to apply.

>> No.10876268

If burger conservatives weren't turbo pussies they would have hanged those people a long time ago, I mean most of them can't even open their onions bottles, they are absolutely defenceless.
How much of a weakling do you have to be to be bullied by scrawny jews and fat lesbians?

>> No.10876304

Normies are inherently submissive, they have no moral foundation or backbone, their biggest fear is ostracism which means they will follow as long as the power in place says it's alright.
To go against degeneracy in these days and age asks for a some mental fortitude and being vocal about it asks for courage.

>> No.10876317

Unless you're talking about lynching mobs, it takes "society" to condemn and punish these people, but society is full of "these people" so they are free to roam.

>> No.10876448
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>> No.10876557
File: 627 KB, 1080x1920, indiaholo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo pajeets lmao

>> No.10876856

Ça veut juste dire "woman" en français

>> No.10876949

>I fully support white genocide

>> No.10876952

loul ça existe même en français:

Amendes pour les fausses appellations quand?

>> No.10876964

I didn't think this shitcoin could get any more shitted up, happy to be wrong though.

>> No.10876999

what a cesspool hahaha

>> No.10877315
File: 221 KB, 628x504, 6278392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holo pump and dump confirmed, kek at those newfags who bought my shitbags

>> No.10877331

this FUD is pretty shitty senpai, don't have anything better ?

>> No.10877364

Thanks for the heads up