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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 924x571, DB1F97E8-FF5C-4B55-9B74-EBBE1529FD19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10871798 No.10871798 [Reply] [Original]

Guys please help me I have no one else to go to. I need a job. My only skills are English and internet browsing. I have a high school diploma. I'm 25. I live in a shithole country. I can't get a job right now because I have a disability called thalassemia, I need frequent blood transfusions, in my country employers ask for a certificate of physical fitness before employment so they can insure you, or a certificate of disability, the government refuses to give me either, and due to this I'm not qualified for a full time job. I've been working on mturk/appen for a year but the money isn't enough. I'm a virgin but I have a gf, but we can't have sex because her family might kill her if they found out she had sex before marriage. If I can get a job, I can marry my gf, she is a really nice girl, she even supported me through my mom's cancer treatment. She even said she could take a loan out on her name for some small business. I'm so tired guys, please help me find a job.

>> No.10871823

what country?

>> No.10871824

online data entry

>> No.10871851


>> No.10871868

It's India unfortunately.

>> No.10871883

Can you name me a few sites. I can only find scams in the data entry feild.

>> No.10871892

I actually feel bad for you assuming this is true.

Don't know what to tell you. It's bad everywhere. Including in the US.

>> No.10871933

Shit on the president's door step.

>> No.10871937

invest in kneepads

>> No.10871958

I've considered it, but I read about gay guys and prostitutes being beaten to the death everyday.

>> No.10872035

Uber/Airbnb/Deliveroo/Airtasker or anything like that until you find a real job

>> No.10872076

I'm disabled I can't drive, own no property, I'm not sure about the other two but they aren't available in my country. Thanks for an actual reply fren.

Do you know how I can do a business without investment or low investment, or affiliate marketing or something. I feel like it might work

>> No.10872089

you and your disease deserve to die so the strong may live. i suggest you wade into the ocean until it swallows you whole

>> No.10872092

You'll figure it out anon


>> No.10872129

Unironically take up a physical labor job. Eat vegetarian and drink plenty of water and eat lots of salt. For 2-4 months it will be hell, but, afterward you'll have a new lease on life

>> No.10872162

My fren, I have never eaten meat in my life, never had alcohol, never smoked, I was Bron is a Hindu family, my parents told me I would be thrown out if I did any of that. I exercise as much as I can, life has been hell so far, and it's not getting better.

Can you teach me something like selling stuff online or give me a job reference?

>> No.10872315

I am so sorry, Anon. Despite the pajeet jokes and right wing nature of this board you should keep in mind it's mostly just for fun. If you know English can't you look for a tech support job? Some crypto projects also outsource their telegram admins who I imagine mostly live in Asia.

>> No.10872346

I've been applying for tech support jobs for 2 years. But because of regulations all full time employees are required to have health insurance. The companies can't insure me because of my disability. I have even asked the employers to employ me off book and not insure me, pay me in cash and not have my name anywhere so that I can at least earn a living. But nothing works

I don't know the telegram stuff. Can you tell me where to apply for that job? Is it like a social media jockey? I've applied for those but never got selected. I have a digital marketing certificate from Google but it's worth same as my chainlink.

>> No.10872451
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>> No.10872458

That sucks bro, does India give that few fucks about their disabled population? Amazix is one company that I know of.

>> No.10872470

Do you squat in the strees?

>> No.10872489
File: 80 KB, 750x561, cute-dog-birthday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't you save up and go find work in Dubai? I know you'll get treated like shit, but when I was there I saw a lot of people from India and Pakistan there.

I mean you probably won't be able to see your friends, family or gf but at least you'll have a job and gain experience.

Best of luck bro.

>> No.10872504

The dude is disabled, I don't think getting send to an abusive foreign country is the best option for him.

>> No.10872527
File: 1.89 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180804_102211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks will check it out. India is a shithole where parents bury their own newborn Girls because girls cost money to raise but won't give any money back. I.e they are a bad investment. The government here spends hundreds of millions advertising "before bachao" ie telling parents to not bury their infants alive. And it's not working.

Nobody gives a fuck about anything here. People make fun of me for treating and feeding stray kittens

Thanks again fren. I hope this works out for me

>> No.10872551

I've considered it, but it costs 150k rupees which is about 2 years of pay for me. It's impossible. And there is only work for skilled labour like carpenters etc, no tech jobs.

I've considered cleaning skyscraper windows which I've heard pays a lot. But I don't even know where to begin

>> No.10872560

Unironically feel bad for you OP. Hope you figure things out. And as >>10872315 said, most of the pajeet stuff on this board is just jokes.

>> No.10872584

Thanks. Do you know of any free online courses I can take to get a job? I'm willing to do anything.

>> No.10872638

Learn to program with hackerrank, it's free

>> No.10872692

soon you fuck
brave pajeet
but do not shit in lucky street!

Rindalwapur is full of NEETs
but roads are full of poo, replete!
No golden post to rest your feet
only Punjab’s poo-slick’d concrete!

>> No.10872707

2pu.net has some good workshare options

>> No.10872719

OK if you're disabled you're realistically looking at admin/management or IT jobs, although I heard IT employees are a dime a dozen in India.

I can't think of any way to start business without some capital, probably have to do some form of slave waging.

You could try pick up different languages other than your own, and incorporate it into another job (Liaison or some shit).

As long as you have internet access and some understanding of English you can learn the gist of anything you need. Check out EdX for free education, they will actually give you courses and feedback. Gl

>> No.10872735

Thanks. Will see if it works

>> No.10872740

have you considered becoming an online tutor? write for students. pretend to be local and post in US craigslist; if they want to meet, just shake your head and tell them no, complete! if they would textbooks lay at your lion’s feet,
ask for page photographs, and meat!
get paid in crypto or paypal—sweet!

>> No.10872749

This is what virginity sounds like.

>> No.10872752


>> No.10872763

I've applied for tutoring jobs, but they all required a degree. One job was called VIP kid and was on forbs. They didn't accept me tho

>> No.10872766

This is Chad Actual, over

>> No.10872781

it’s about making your own path, without answering to a middleman! WHAT IF YOU RAN YOUR OWN SHIP

>> No.10872830

I'll try. Thanks.

>> No.10872843

works like this: Post on craigslist in NYC/boston etc. get them to call you if that works (get a local us number- google voice or whatever). inspire confidence on the phone. the market will bear $83 for a 3.1 page paper IF you are superlative. $10/page if not. always deliver ahead of time and make the client know that. offer reasonable revisions for free. fire demanding clients (80/20 rule). your best business will be from referrals— your biggest problem will be getting paid and not scammed by clients. make sure it happens.

otherwise you can teach english to high caste locals, conceivably.

>> No.10872871

oh, and need I say in words concrete:
when to pay they have agreed,
never tell them you’re pajeet!

>> No.10872891

>never eaten meat
no wonder you're fucked up.

>> No.10872951

Thanks. I'll try this

>> No.10872972

May all the heavens grant you prosperity in this life and serenity for your future lives.

>> No.10873018
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i will now point out you have “poo” in your ID

>> No.10873063

Sell your gfs virginity and use the money to get a degree.

>> No.10873072


Aw biz, I knew you had a heart. This is why I like the racism on biz, I know it's not real, jsut a pleb filter. Compared with the degens on pol who forgot this is all just a joke and let their minds rot about muh races.

OP, I wish you all the luck in the world.

>> No.10873099

Just wait for India to reach 2030, then you will get your neetbux and white servants

>> No.10873133
File: 8 KB, 235x223, Retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so edgy guyzz

>> No.10873158

ironically req has the least tech of any shitcoin, its literally just a dapp

>> No.10873177

>Compared with the degens on pol
even /pol/ knows it's important to distinguish between opinions on groups vs individuals. try not to be so butthurt next time, as it's all based on fact.

>> No.10873222

You write English very well. There's hope for you frend. Certainly some form of communications seems within your reach. Someone said Amazix, I detest them but they might be able to help you out. If you aren't, you could consider joining Telegram and asking around if anyone is hiring moderators or such. Content translators maybe

>> No.10873246

And just in case :)

If you want to apply for a job, please follow a simple procedure:

Go to our website: www.amazix.com
Press the "Join us" button
Select option "B"
Fill out the fields in the Typeform

copied this from TG

>> No.10873259


Good luck 'jeet.

>> No.10873261

Can you do some sort of tech support job, or do freelance work through fiver or one of the other sites that pays you directly for writing or design? Maybe look at working through one of the “personal assistant” services? The lower cost of living in India makes an English speaker with internet access and basic computer skills extremely competitive against freelancers in the USA and Europe without much more. Or you could lie about having programming skills, put together a fake resume, and come to the USA as a software engineer like lots of other Indians if you know someone in the field.

>> No.10873387

Oh like many of us I am unironically racist and right wing, that doesn't make mean I hate people irrationally. This Anon is in a shit position so I will try to help him. What I don't approve of is third worlders shilling absolute shitcoins like 0xBTC and NCASH. It's definitely exagerated here for comedic effect though.

>> No.10873461


>> No.10873467

Thanks fren

>> No.10873475

I tried fiverr but it's too competitive. Nobody hired me.

>> No.10873494


>> No.10873507

The reason India suffers from poverty and unemployment is overpopulation.

Once you people start controlling your population, bring it down to Denmark levels of density, you will enjoy a much higher standard of living.

Hundreds of millions of Indians must perish so that others could live in prosperity.

>> No.10873524

Smart man, meat is for unpure people desu. Check out utest.com and try upwork.com if you can freelance at all.

>> No.10873525

Asians are aborting when they find out female sex in Australia, too. Some historic ingrained sexist shithole of a continent there.

>> No.10873661

It's not the population, it's religion, racism, illiteracy and curruption. China has more people than India but nobody shits outside there. The problem is curruption.

>> No.10873665

Good luck.

>> No.10873695

Hey dude,

Maybe you could work as a telegram admin to crypto ico's? Its completely remote and salaries are alright

You can find them by googleing cryptojobs.

>> No.10873729

Yes please Sir, buy Mobius!

>> No.10873745

Ahh you haven't been to some of the rural areas have you champ? Definitely street shitters in China. Or the spitting on floors in restaurants/anywhere. Wiping snot on everything.
Huge issue there is when you hit someone in a car it's better to kill them than let them live and pay their medical bills. No shit look it up.

>> No.10873823

i am a pajeet and i dont disagree with any word you said but this is not correct. you will find more chinese shitters than pajeets. hell i ve seen chinese shitting streets in here in US too.

Nvm, the solution to your problem is freelancing work. you can go to freelancing websites and look for some work as per your liking. i see you have hold of your english, you can look for work like writing essays/articles. (i used to do so when i was in india, it doesn't pay much but it is something and gets you references). you might want to learn making basic websites using plugins and start from there. keep trying different things until you find what you like and are getting more work with. there will be a lot of failures but within 6 months you will be on track. hoping you get out of this situation. being a pajeet i understand your hardships, i have been through every single one of them.

>> No.10873825

Try upwork, you can do all' kind of freelancing there...maybe do some english to hindi (or whatever) translations...theres probably tons of pajeets doing that there already but your english seems way above the indian avarage imo...
Good luck bro

>> No.10873870


>> No.10873885

Thanks. I've seen this one suggested many times. I'll try it.

I tried freelance websites, but no work there because you have to level or or something

>> No.10873903

I tried fiverr and all but I haven't gotten any work in 6 months. People only hire experienced freelancers

>> No.10873915


it would be good to demonstrate your writing skills if you have an ongoing blog or some articles of your own. you can take inspiration from places and writing something, put up on a blog, maintain it regularly and then advertise it for the translation/essay/article jobs. is is some work but you have to keep at it and apply to jobs. first one is tough, then it gets a bit easier each time.

fiverr sucks i guess, i used to work at freelancer.com and upwork now looks good

>> No.10873947

Thanks. I was thinking of writing movie reviews or reviews for Amazon stuff since my friends buy a lot of shit on Amazon. I will have to learn some basic coding I guess for blogging but I heard through affiliate marketing it pays out. I will try to do this as a passive income stream option.

I'm really surprised how helpful all you guys are. I'm sure I will get something from all this. Thanks guys.

>> No.10873968
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A class act, anon! I'm happy that there are good people on biz. I'm not joking.

I also had a pajeet friend who had a gf and had never had sex on his life. I feel bad for them, but maybe they should stop multiplying so much, seriously.

>> No.10874006

Here in the US, your people excel in the Gas station industry. Also, cell phone stores are a big hit Are any of those opportunities available to you, our dear Pajeet?

>> No.10874032

Nope, only rich people can do that stuff man. I couldn't even afford a college education. But my gf has a degree in engineering. That's why she said she will take out a loan. But I don't want to push her into debt.

>> No.10874043

There is free college education in europe, desu.

>> No.10874046

How much US dollars equivalent do you need to make a living? Why not learn programming or web design and do work for Americans? I don't know how cheap you'd work for but there's millions of small tasks people would pay for.

>> No.10874092

yes affiliate marketing has money but it is grinding work. amazon affiliates pays decent though and it is reliable, first hand experience

>> No.10874112


you can google about setting up affiliate marketing blogs, there are tonnes of suggestions online about this. all you have to do is stay relentless. keep doing hard work, create another thread to let us know how it worked out and what you are currently working at. cant see an aspiring pajeet go out like that.

>> No.10874152

1k USD for comfortable living
500 USD for decent
I'm making 100 USD and I can barely afford food

>> No.10874163

Thanks. I'll try this for passive income. And try one of those freelance websites for a regular income.

>> No.10874201

Stop picking your investments because just from you mentioning this shitcoin I can tell you're not good at it and likely to lose even more money if you keep doing it. Invest in an index fund or two instead.

>> No.10874218

Haha I put all my savings in link. 200 USD. Honestly I believe in the tech. But I don't see it mooning anytime soon. I'm thinking of buying some silver these days but don't have spare cash.

>> No.10874236

Per month or per year? I live in India and 1k USD is enough to live frugally for a year. Also buyer beware this looks like a pajeet scam.

>> No.10874297

Lol where do you live. I live in Mumbai, and rent here is insane, even in hostel its crazy. I live with my parents because of my moms cancer treatment but no way you can live a year on 1k USD which is about 70k rupees. I lived in a place called dhule in Maharashtra and I spent 4 k rupees on rent and about that on food. I'm a vegetarian and spend about 2 k on Dal, rice etc. Even Dal is touching 80-90 rs kg in some stores. Even lunch houses charge 50rs per meal here. Impossible to pay rent and food in 1k USD, maybe you live off of your parents or are a student. But transport, rent, food etc included, you will have to spend ate least 1.5 lakh a year to live. For one person. I buy dubar rice and even that is expensive. Where do you buy from? I get it all from big bazaar but I know at ration you can get a bit cheaper.

Btw the median income in India is rs6500 per month. Idk where you get your facts. This is seriously offensive man, no way you can live off of just 1k USD for more than 6months

>> No.10874303

Also what am I selling? Shitcoins? Did I ask for money? I just asked for references here and there but never money, I never tried selling anything either. I'm a brahmin, I don't scam people, I get scammed. Like I got scammed with link

>> No.10874311

A quick search shows that people with thalassemia frequently need iron chelation, which means if he ate meat his life would be even worse

>> No.10874325

My doctor told me sea food is fine, but my parents will never allow it. I'd rather not sleep on the sidewalk like half of my city. I will probably at least eat meat once I get a job. But for now I need to stay within their bounds.

>> No.10874348

Btw I spend 1500 per blood bag and another 1200 nursing fee at hospitals for blood transfusions. I don't go to gov hospitals because I want to actually live. Yea it's cheaper there but even JJ hospital which is close to my house looks like a warzone.

The chelatin is also fucking expensive. Seriously you 1k is enough for a YEAR comment pissed me off more than that guy telling me to drow myself.

>> No.10874381

Start selling charas on darknets fren. It's cheap and you can make it yourself, yes? It will also always be in demand and is a concentrated form of something that has value (concentrated = double value).

Forget the middlemen, go out in the country and start rubbing your hands together. Then mail that shit in flat small packages to westerners. Good luck

>> No.10874431

Well too bad, I guess you are bemoaning how you can't get hard working taxpayers to pay for your "hostel" fees in Mumbai. If you want $1k per month you will easily be the top 1% of earners in India. You got yourself into this mess, if anything you are to blame. There are many places where you can pay to painlessly die, I suggest you look some up.

>> No.10874438

I don't know how to do this. I'm willing to do crime if it pays, I have some debt to relatives too after my mom's treatment and I want to buy something nice for my gf.

How do you get the raw material, how do you process it? How do you ship it without getting caught, how much do you need to charge. I am willing to do anything if it makes me money. Have you done this before? Can you help?

My telegram is @needmone if you can help. I'll really be thankful for life. I will even spilt some profit with you man, seriously. I just want to clear my debt and start a small business after marrying my gf. My doctor even said something about a bone marrow transplant but the Money was too much. Maybe I can get that. Maybe I can get my brother to donate his marrow.

>> No.10874448

'references' are as good as money. You want a job where you don't have to work. You can't work with your disability. Basically you want free money in the guise of some job.

>> No.10874451

How the fuck did I get myself into this mess? I was born with thalassemia. Maybe you should visit those places and kill yourself loser. I bet you don't even have a girl.

>> No.10874467

Wtf are you talking about? I can work normally, do you even know how to Google? Thalassemia means I just have a little weakness. I can do any desk job. There are CEOs and actors who have thalassemia. Dumbass. I want a job where I don't need to show a fitness certificate. That's all. I am willing to work and already working and making 100-120 USD a month. unlike you sorry ass.

>> No.10874476

>youtube charas making
>reddit for darknets and prices
>tails, tor, check out the competition
>go out in the fields, make charas
>back home, make your own darknet market page with nice photographs of your nice handmade charas

No need to share your profits with anyone other than your gf. Good luck.

>> No.10874487

Thanks for the info man, I still don't understand how you get the raw material. How.much investment does it take? Sorry for asking so many questions

>> No.10874491

If you want to be a CEO I suggest you stop telling your employers about needing frequent blood transfusions and do without it. Why would I Google your disease when you are clearly larping on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.10874510

And how do I ship it? Wont the courier people catch me when they check the parcel?

>> No.10874526
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Here is my mom in the hospital during her chemo.

>> No.10874535
File: 73 KB, 780x1040, IMG-20180602-WA0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the last blood bag I was transfused. I always have my dad take pics for reference.

>> No.10874549

Kys faggot.

>> No.10874565

Same ID
your larp is over

>> No.10874605

I'm telling you to kys faggot, ofcourse the I'd is the same? What am I larping? I showed you proof of all my claims. Dumbass

>> No.10874716

racists/assholes/trolls like to bait. Don't feed them. Also take a look at The Intelligent Investor or a summary of it on why you should just buy an index. Please don't leave all of your money in one asset, especially something like chainlink.

>> No.10874854

Thanks man. I was Google index funds and came upon guilt funds etc. I will probably invest in those. And silver, once I have money.

>> No.10874908
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I don't have anything to add that could help but I just want to say good luck.

>> No.10874927

buy link op. we all know this is a subtle beg thread.
you can have all the healthy person blood you want after you /makeit/

>> No.10874970

how the fuck do youh ave a girlfriends and I dont? lmao what the fuck this world

>> No.10875014

Thanks fren. Good luck for your endeavours too

>> No.10875026

I have link lol. Spent all my money in it. Not begging. But if you have any good website you know of for finding work let me know, I will use your affiliate link if you want.

>> No.10875033

unironically scam people. You're already a pajeet and everyone hates you. What's there to lose ? though scam only ledditors and other trash where people are completely braindead and deserve it

>> No.10875058

Ayy idk either. She says she likes my personality, she is super hot too, definitely 9/10 with makeup and 8-8.5/10 without. Lover he so much. Just keep trying man, if you are kind to everyone you will find someone.

>> No.10875067

How do you do that? I'm not smart enough to scam, I will probably get caught. And my mom will hate me if she found out. I will try the jobs first.

>> No.10875102

teach eng/math online to Chinese students


>> No.10875125


there's a few diff firms advertising these sort of positions

>> No.10875153

You need to eat meat, or get iron supplements to help your body naturally produce blood

>> No.10875213

Will check it out. Thanks fren.

>> No.10875223


>> No.10875230

Thanks but that's not how it works, my genes are mutated so that I can't synthesise alpha globin in my body. I can't ever go off blood transfusions even if I eat meat.

>> No.10875416

do airdrops

>> No.10875430

I'm already signed up on airdrop Reddit and websites

>> No.10875656

holy shit you're a cocksucker

>> No.10875693

do shitcoin bounties like your fellow countrymen

>> No.10875994

Do you mean coding bounties? I can't code. Or did you mean bounty hunting, I don't think that's legal here.

>> No.10876106

Can u do a home business like selling stuff on eBay

>> No.10876110
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Post local shitting street in return for advice.

>> No.10876167

Just go on chaturbate and jerk off for 10 dollars a day

>> No.10876218
File: 873 KB, 1014x817, Weyland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning gentleman
Where are you from?
I will have some online work available for you, just give me your email and i will get in touch when i have a job for you, probably in a month or two.

>> No.10876294

Tried. Not profitable for me. Sold some old watches and plants and stuff. I still sell stuff like computer parts but it's not much money. Mostly because everyone here is poor.

>> No.10876300

I didn't know about this, do I need to show my face? If not I would be into this.

Thanks I'll look into this.

>> No.10876306

Kek I know people do this for farming mails. What do you do with those anyway? Sell to scammers or businesses? How much do you get?

>> No.10876347

I am not this kind of people, i will need some people for online advertising
Here, that's my business email https://pastebin.com/exhLNn2b

>> No.10876380

Wow thanks. I'll get in touch with you. Sorry for the misunderstanding

>> No.10876471

No problem.
You are welcome.

>> No.10876544
File: 88 KB, 550x393, giraffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this streetshitter

>> No.10877065

Do you know how to use photoshop?

>> No.10877093

Dont go for degenerate ideas anon. Have some self respect

>> No.10877241

>live in most expensive city in India
>no job
just move my curry nigga

>> No.10877247

No. I'm willing to learn but no good tutorials for free

>> No.10877267

I'm really sort of at my limit here man. If I can make money and not show my face, I would really do it

>> No.10877274

Hahah can't, I live with my parents for free and with no proper income I can't move out. Plus I help with the chores since my mom is still recovering.

>> No.10877280

You accept crypto :^)? (like ETH/BTC, not shitcoins)

>> No.10877356

Are you giving me free money lol? I have like 20 USD in Eth and 1100 linkies. If you really want to give me eth my address is


I won't do degenerate shit if you really give me money. But I already have crypto and I make 120 USD a month so I'm not starving. Either way thanks for the offer.

>> No.10877361

I meant as a payment for odd jobs you absolute pajeet

>> No.10877376

Sell stuff that is more expensive than in the west, like stickers or shirts or something

>> No.10877414

Loll hahah I thought you were giving me money lol. I would probably take money in thether as it's a stable coin, don't want to lose half my money if I'm working for it. But I get Amazon gift balance for mturk jobs and bank transfer from Payoneer for my appen social media content evaluator job. Sorry for the misunderstanding the Indian in me came out lol

>> No.10877423


>> No.10877424

hey faggot OP
I honestly dont care how you were born because im living in a safe and rich country + my family is rich as fuck and I hold a master degree + good job + good wife and some more girls I fuck. My life is fucking awesome and Im so happy. Your life sounds like a fucking shithole and I am happy to hear that you suffer because that makes me feel even more comfortable with my superlife. And now shit on the street like ur parents taught you. You fucking sick bastard will never make it.

>> No.10877444
File: 2.17 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180814_145127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try that. Right now I'm trying antique coins but nobodys buying. Like pic related.

>> No.10877452

>Sorry for the misunderstanding the Indian in me came out lol
You are funny, i like you already

>> No.10877453

Did mommy beat you again anon? Go piss in your bottle.

Why did my I'd change lol

>> No.10877458
File: 24 KB, 499x499, Pepe smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10877465

Who doesn't want free money lol. I was eating that fomo3d stuff for so long, even imagined my life with that Money. Wonder who took the pot

>> No.10877489

>Who doesn't want free money lol
Yeah, if the universe wants to give you money, you must accept it, otherwise the universe will give it to someone else who is willing to receive

>> No.10877501

hmmmm this is quite difficult. i suggest day trading like ur life depended on it. u dont work and dont fuck so might as well day trade all day amigo. sorry i have no other info as i was born with the golden spoon

>> No.10877542

Good for you man. I'm not good at day trading. Hopefully my linkies stay super stinky and go $5000 eoy