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10871708 No.10871708 [Reply] [Original]

You don't really have control over your own life. Freedom is an illusion. Your life is being manipulated by powerful people and corporations outside of your control. Life is like a funnel that corals everyone into the same place at the end.

>> No.10871710

tell me something i dont know faggot

>> No.10871718


lol consipiracy theorists are hillarious and mentally ill. All it takes is looking at your average college dorm room to realize that life is not some organized plan but a giant bowl of chaos, always churning and turning.

>> No.10871724

Speak for yourself goy

>> No.10871731

wrong. your only truly free if you make it. otherwise your doomed to a life of repetitive wage slavery and toil.

>> No.10872032

If this were the matrix, all you did was lick the red pill. You gotta go deeper buddy. You're half right but mostly wrong. You've got immense power

>> No.10872039

okay so go be Amish?

>> No.10872053
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Death is freedom, life is slavery.

>> No.10872059

Killing yourself is the ultimate redpill, getting out of the physical prison

>> No.10872070

t.hippie drug addict

>> No.10872075

OP is a nihilistic faggot who got btfo by the game of genetics and life so he copes by shit posting loser conspiracies on incel japanese image boards