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10870057 No.10870057 [Reply] [Original]

No memes, no pasta, no normies
Wat is a realistic estimate for staking rewards with link?
If you have ark you get around 9% per year. Is that a fair estimate if link takes off? Or would it be more like 5%? Gib estimates, marines. I'm /allinLINK/ but I'm also a tech brainlet who can't run his own node. Hoping some anons start up a Bizpool node

>> No.10870108

Wholly depends on the amount Link is worth, and thus the amount of traffic on mainnet. One anon said this:

>have a node with 10k staked LINK
>LINK is at 1k
>Bond smartcontract worth 50MM will transfer ownership and needs to verify new address of receiving bank
>Issues job to 10 high rep nodes with enough LINK for collateral
>My node is chosen as 10k LINK is high enough to discourage sybil schnanigans
>Stake my 10MM worth of LINK on the answer
>Takes .3 seconds to complete job, takes 2 minutes total to verify results and exit the Chainlink contract
>Got paid .6 LINK
>Bank just paid $6k to do something that would have required multiple salaries and taken over a week to do and tied up liquidity.
>If my node is used like this 100% of the time, I make $157,680,000 a year
>Not a bad rate of return

Well this would be unlikely, if I say so myself.
2k a month with 10k Links, is more than enough. You would never have to wagecuk ever again.

>> No.10870114
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go with 5 to be safe

>> No.10870126

Yeah I'm the anon holding a 56k dial up stack of link
I'll add more when I get paid again but figure I have enough to be comfy living on staking rewards

>> No.10870154


Nice man, I'm holding 30K myself. My plan is to sell a bit at 10$ (1k), 50$(1k) and finnaly 13k at $100. Rest for staking. This feels so fucking comfy.

>> No.10870182

If staking works well I don't really see a need to sell any until at least $100
I can handle wage cucking for another few years while letting my stack grow

>> No.10870411

The return of staking will be determined by the market, it's really impossible to know beforehand. If the rate of return of staking is "too good" for current market conditions (i.e. better risk return ratio than other investments), then money will flow into LINK, making the price go up. As prices go up, the % return of staking will decrease. If the return of staking isn't good enough for the current market, money will flow from LINK into other investments, making the price of LINK go down, and the return of staking go up.

What is "too good" and what is "not good enough"? I don't know...it's difficult to assess the risk/reward ratio of such an investment.

If the risk is low (say govt bond level low), then it'll probably settle at around 2-3% p.a. If the risk is high, the return levels could be anything.

>> No.10870430

There is literally no way to calculate it, anyone telling you otherwise is making shit up.

>> No.10870441

Interesting info, fren
Does anyone know of any plans for a Bizpool node? Seems like linkpool fees are on the high end and some smart anons could undercut them by a few %