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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10869536 No.10869536 [Reply] [Original]

Can you feel it if we are heading to a bull-run.

How would you describe the current situation?

Also there was mentioning of a coin that Bitcoin whales use for signaling to each other . Which one was it.


>> No.10869543


>> No.10869551

>How would you describe the current situation?

bull trap

t. oldfag

>> No.10869630

no. tired of even explaining it to faggots on there too.

>> No.10869843

we dont bullrun till the next halvening bub

>> No.10869870

> everyone prepping for a bear
Bull run imminent.

>> No.10869923


Allright bro... i'll talk.

I've been in crypto since 2015. I sold my previous batch halfway through december in 2017 and have been timing the market ever since to buy at the bottom for the next market cycle.

For what it's worth, i bought yesterday. Could have bought a few days sooner at lower prices, but i wanted a few signs that showed systemic and structural recovery.

>> No.10869972

what coins did you buy?

>> No.10870007



Will be buying BAT next week, and then.. well, i'll wait.

>> No.10870125

i mined bitcoin in 2010 years before you even heard of it. lul some of you probably werent even born then. im a bitcoin maximilist. were going to 3k. then we bull run near halvening. like it has done the last 2 halvenings. you're welcome

>> No.10870136
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take your meds and go to bed billy

>> No.10870144

yep it's a bullrun.

>> No.10870159

why would you buy absolute shitcoins that only poorfags buy in hope to get a x1000 because otherwise they wouldn't make it?
t. $350k holding split into btc, bnb and usdt

>> No.10870166

the bull run starts when no one is paying attention. i would say another 1-2 years tbqh

>> No.10870187
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Oldfag here. It's a bear-run. Because the bear, runs. Heh.

>> No.10870206

Oldfag here.
Into computer science and stocks since I was a wee lad.
Been following (but not investing) in crypto since 2011

Yeah we are near a bull.
Strap in.
Good luck.

Btw, as an oldfag, BCH is easily the most exciting coin.

>> No.10870239
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newfag here. first btc 1,5-3,5k USD. 5-11k for a long time. then 50k+

>> No.10870313

There's a shitload of resistance ahead. I think we have a small retrace a bit below 7k and then the last move up to maybe 7500 but with less and less gas each time and then dump and alts die for good. But I don't know, you have to see how price evolves, I'll be longing 6K all day and when that gets fucked I'll be looking at low 5Ks. We would need some kind of catalyst for me to believe in a serious bull run and I can't think of one in the near future except lol bottom which is why I don't think we're there yet. But it's about opportunity as well, we may have bottomed and we got a lower high on the weekly for the first time in a long fucking time.

> there was mentioning of a coin that Bitcoin whales use for signaling to each other
I've seen people use ETH, DOGE, TRTL, market buy %... there's nothing really.

>> No.10870371

I agree with >>10869551
despite his ... perverted spacing.

Been in since 2014. This is a bull trap and we gonna seen consolidation in the King Cone before we thrust manfully towards 100k.

>> No.10870442


Because it worked the last 2 times. Also, not randomly choosen. You're not going to believe a word i'll say, but a lot of actual research went into that portfolio. I'm quite confident desu.