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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10866317 No.10866317 [Reply] [Original]

Are we going for a crash soon? Here's my theory.

The solution to a crash is to let it run wild. Let the market sort itself out. But because the government didn't do that, because they bailed out companies and banks, we are building this economy on a false bottom.
A market is incredibly resilient- it will return given enough time no matter how big the crash. But we never let it really collapse in 2008, did we?

>> No.10866324
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>> No.10866344

You are right. The crash is the solution to all the poisonous fake money printed and criminally suppressed interest rates.

When you have interest rates at near 0 for almost a decade... it MUST end in economic ruin.

Also we need a gold standard to give value the the money and not allow a kike central bank to print fake money out of thin air

>> No.10866358

In 2008 we gave a heroin addict more heroin instead of putting us in rehab and taking the pain. Now the pain will make the 2008 crash look like a time of economic prosperity

>> No.10866362

So if every 10 years we crash, and we didn't really crash in 2008, we are fucked within the next few years unless huge economic growth delays it, right?

>> No.10866368

And the longer its delayed the worse it becomes

>> No.10866433
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I don't think it's going to happen "that soon" but the people that matter probably have a plan H about how to save their asses.