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10860251 No.10860251 [Reply] [Original]

if so then wouldn't you expect the greatest runup in BTC history deserves an equally devastating bear market?

if bear market then i would expect us to see blockchain companies closing shops left and right

>> No.10860278
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its not healthy to be delusional this long
It was a scam, get over it
Move on

>> No.10860325
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in 1993 the internet was 10 years old and people said the internet would only be used for porn and criminal enterprise

7 years later the dot com bubble happened and everyone said the internet was a scam and over for good

25 years later the internet is the most valuable economic asset in the world

we're only at 1993 anon, satoshi paper was 10 years ago.

>> No.10860335

Im sorry anon

>> No.10860625
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We need the WWW for Blockchain.

Usenet, FTP, SMTP, Gopher was unusable for normies. So is blockchain in its current state. We need shit that gets normies excited

>> No.10860806


Value increases alone do that regardless of any other factor (see: everyone here). The internet didn't even see true normalfag integration beyond e-mail until Facebook and Amazon got their roots down, but there was a ton of money to be made before that.

>> No.10860816


>> No.10860842

>the internet would only be used for porn and criminal enterprise
it still is

>> No.10860934

For the millionth time adoption of Bitcoin is already happening!!!!!!

Millions of people around the world are buying to keep their wealth safe from currency collapses etc. Its primary case use is as a store of value. Brainlets will now tell me how ots dropped 80% so how can it be. Cause they dont understand why u need to store of value and think fiat fulfils that role....if u think this please dont bother me with your posts.

>> No.10860953

>if so then wouldn't you expect the greatest runup in BTC history deserves an equally devastating bear market?
There may be a sell-off like last December, but it's speculative and will bounce back next year.